Am I the only one who isn't fucking addicted to Pokémon Go? I got it at launch and it's ok I guess...

Am I the only one who isn't fucking addicted to Pokémon Go? I got it at launch and it's ok I guess. I've been giving it a chance all week and I finally figured out why I don't like it:

Your personal enjoyment of the game is largely determined by factors outside of your control, such as
>where you live
>if you have friends who play
>having the time during daylight hours to actually grind a decent team

Maybe it's just my experience but nobody at my job plays it, so I can't go catch stuff on our lunch breaks and my friends who do play live far away from me, meaning I can only play with them on the weekends. Thus, they've all pulled far ahead of me in terms of player level and average CP of their Pokémon.

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So I'm curious but is there evolutions? Can you find starters?

It's a social game. You don't have to like it. Normies and schoolchildren like it because they go on hunts around town with their friends.

Whole thing sounds autistic

And possibly dangerous

Yes, you are literally the only person.

Stay strong, friend. The world will need your strength in the coming years, when they launch phase two.

Yes and yes. Evolutions require you to catch a ridiculous number of the same Pokemon, and starters are fairly rare.

You can find starters. Evolutions happen, in a totally different system, using Pokemon-specific "Candy" - so basically, catching a bunch of Pidgey's will give you enough Pidgey-candy to evolve a Pidgey, or a Pidgeotto. Evolving rare pokemon gets hard.

Yes and yes

Yes you can evolve and yes you can find starters. Your first catch will always be one of the three starters and then the others can be in the wild or in eggs. I don't know if it's because I'm in the midwest, but the only fire Pokemon I've gotten so far is a Charmander that came out of an egg and I caught Bulbasaur in the wild. Squirtle was my starter I picked so I have all three, but evolving them will be hard as shit considering how rare they seem to be.

I'm a normie, but find it's very fun to go alone as well - at the corner of my block, over the last hour, there were about ~30 people who came and went because of lures. And someone found a Magnemite, and many of us went over and caught it.

It's "social" and I learned a couple people's names, but most people in that group of 30 were coming solo, with the occasional couple or small group. Mostly the conversation is people laughing and going "this is so ridiculous" or talking about Pokemon.

I caught two venusaurs from my house the other day.
It seems like I catch more Pokemon just logging on every now and then rather then walking

Don't care to try it.
I want to lay around inside taking it easy whenever I have free time, why would I play a video game that forces me to go outside?

So the Pokemon aren't randomly generated per device, but an actual thing that anyone can capture? I've been trying to talk my gf into playing with me but I wasn't sure how it worked.

Weird, where I live Growlithes are pretty common.

Just a note: you can also start with Pikachu - just walk away from your starters 4 times (on the 5th, Pikachu will join).

For what it's worth, I've caught 2 Pikachus (on top of my starter Pikachu) but no other starters - but the normal starters can be gotten from 2.0 km eggs, so hopefully upon hatching enough I'll get some.

It just seems too autistic to me to walk around with your phone out playing pokemon in the literal middle of the street.

Good thing this thing really picked up and is now on the news and everything because otherwise you'd look literally retarded if everyone and their mom didn't know about it now

Yes! When someone finds a pokemon, (for some amount of time), anyone can go to that place to get that pokemon.

The only exception is when you use an item called Incense, which gives you extra chances of finding Pokemon, but doesn't help others.

So people put down Lures, which attract pokemon, and the whole group around the lure will see the same new pokemon at the same time. For the most part - i was just in a group where a newer player didn't see 2 of them - not sure if leveling, or if his internet was bad.

I give it another week before people start getting tired of the enormous time commitment and start uninstalling

I don't like it because I don't want to get mugged

Not really, since most people walk around holding their phones out anyways. It's always hard to tell (when looking for other players around a lure) if they're playing, or just snapchatting / twittering / texting.

I'm actually fucking infuriated by Pokemon GO.
It shows how fucking simple it is to goad idiots into wasting cash on a gutted version of another game.

Just fuckin' depresses me.

I live in the Midwest, which is why I assume all I get a swarms of bug, grass, and normal Pokemon. I have caught a few water mons (I caught a Magikarp in the middle of my work parking lot, which was bizzarre), but electric and fire don't seem to exist in Kansas. Maybe I need to level up since I'm only 8.

Is it only the classic 150 Pokémon for now?

Played it for an hour, felt like a weirdo wandering around playing a kids game even though everyone else is doing it. It's also shallow as fuck, so I don't see the appeal.

>Get beat in a battle
>Cry to the police after the victor rightfully takes half your money

You knew what you were getting into when you became a trainer.

If they're typing they're not playing pokemon.

Snapchat or whatever is harder to tell but since pokemon is the fad this month it's a fair bet.

Really? I caught a bulbasaur while I was taking a shit.

>People call playing this thing autistic
>Everyone and their mother is playing it

I don't think so user

Shallow phone games are what people want user. Its mindless enough for the masses to latch on to and since everyone is playing it, it gives more of a reason for people to join the conversation and play it.

I think leveling is part of it, but I'm not sure. It's clear they aren't using all 150 from the game yet.

There are three geographic types used in the game - desert, grass, and water. All locations are one of those three. But within each, you have areas where certain pokemon are more common.

I'm guessing rarer pokemon are generally congregated in areas with more pokestops around. This really hurts rural players, but even then you can probably get a lot of good stuff by understanding how the "pokemon nearby" feature works and using it (not saying you don't use it - but I just learned that as you walk, it reorders, and the top ones are closest to you).

>People aren't going out with their friends to catch Pokemon together, meeting new people along the way and potentially making new friends

It's free, I'm not complaining. It also gamifies long walks, and I had a few lovely ones so far. You lot are taking this a bit too seriously.

Not being lucky enough to live/work near a pokestop is probably the biggest factor keeping me from enjoying it. GF works right next to one and can spin the thing all day and is sitting on a few hundred balls. Meanwhile I have to drive on my lunch to get a handful and am constantly close to 0. Honestly, the best compromise would have been to have pokeballs doled out in certain amounts daily and not provide XP at pokestops because players who have a geographic advantage like that already have 1000+ CP mons dominating gyms.

Is there anyone who is actually addicted to Pokemon Go? It doesn't seem like the type of game that is possible to become addicted to.

On an iPhone, it's very hard to tell typing to tapping. Pokeball motions + AR camera wackiness are the only ways I can tell they're playing without seeing their screen.

>wasting cash
it's free you fucking moron

>Don't spend cash
>Walk around town with friends talking and catching Pokemon
>Walk around alone and get some exercise while potentially meeting new people
Seems to work fine if you're not the type to buy items anyways

>mfw some guy made a video of him asking random people if they were playing
>He met a ton of asian girls playing the game
I know what I must do

>yfw you still haven't downloaded it because you're not a retard who falls for memefads

>going outside and enjoying yourself is autistic

Yeah, I'm jelly of the people who work at a Pokestop. I have a decent number on my route to and from work, but I'm still usually pretty close to zero so I've been running away/avoiding catching Pokemon, which is lost XP.

>tfw neighborhood is super fucking quiet and you look like an absolute creep walking around alone unless its to walk your dog.

I genuinely don't understand the Pokeball toss mechanic. Using the same motion and release point, the balls seems really fucking erratic. Sometimes it goes past them, other times it falls short. I'm not 100% certain about the circles. I know the color indicates difficulty but fuck if I know if I'm supposed to toss it when it's full or small.

I seriously doubt anyone cares if you're out for a walk. Cmon man.

I like it because me and my girlfriend go on nice walks together and catch some pokemon.

Playing it obsessively is bad, but it's a good excuse to get outside.

user, just run around screaming the name of the Pokemon you're trying to catch. What's the worst that could happen?

I got sucker punched in the same vein as this webbum. At least they didn't steal anything.

You have to toss it when the circle is small.

If you hit the pokemon, you catch them.

If you hit inside your green/yellow circle, you get a bonus. If the green circle is big, it's +10 (Nice). If it's medium, it's +50 (Great). If it's small, it's +100 (Excellent).

After a day of playing, I've gotten a lot better at throwing. Turn off AR Mode as a first step. Way easier.

its for normals and genwunners if your not either one you wont like it

Kek. All the tresspassing caused by this game is astounding.

Can you even get a Zapdos yet? My buddy claims to have found one but couldn't catch it. Also heard a rumor that if you don't catch one of the three starters after a while a pikachu will appear.

Tomorrow I'm probably gonna hear you can find a Mew if you put your phone under a truck.

Fucking savages.


>Also heard a rumor that if you don't catch one of the three starters after a while a pikachu will appear.

That's true. Walk around a bit instead of catching one of the three

Eventually Pikachu will appear

I went downtown and there was about 25 people all hanging out in this spot socializing. People of all ages. It was the least autistic thing I've seen.

If anything staying indoors all day on Sup Forums is more autistic.

Does this really suprise you? Niggers have been polar bear hunting for over a decade now.

They need to go back.

Will I get beaten up for playing that?

I don't want to use The Force to defend myself like some kind of a faggot.

Yes, that's a legit self defense mechanism in Finland. You just do the "Talk to the Hand" pose and say "no!".

Mostly works, unless if the attacker is drunk, then you might be a bear.

>Catching something you can catch normally
>Picking a useless starter where theres literally none to catch and level up

A shocking number of people become obsessed with games where you collect things.

You can catch all the starters normally

I've caught 3 bulbasaur and I don't leave my house aside from work

>going outside is now autistic
I'm glad
Now I can stay at home all day without ever seeing anyone besides immediate family and not feel autistic

Who else is a massive Pokefag that isn't bothering with it? I've had two people ask about why I of all people aren't bothering with it and considering my social circle size, that means the equvilent of a normal person getting badgered around the clock about it.

It's worth it man. I was annoyed for a few days but now I love it. Pretty incredible game.

Not even worth it with how low the original starter is and its nothing compared to the 30 or so geodudes that i can use to make a strong Golem.

Been playing Pokémon since day 1 and still don't like Go

They should put shiny or rare pokemon in national parks and mountain peaks. National park attendance is declining anyways so it should be a good idea to encourage some people to check it out.

Genwunner=/= starting with gen 1.

Fake you idiot, look at the related stories. Joke website.

>normalizing hallucinations

not massive but i've consistently played all of the mainline games except for b&w and i still pick up the spinoffs when i can. not bothering because everyone and her mother is playing it and i'm a contrarian so by my very nature i can never like it

Things I hate:
>you can't really train Pokemon outside of gyms
>you need at least 15 of the same Pokemon for one to evolve
>AR doesn't work on my phone so I can't take wacky photos
>everyone is talking about it too much
>joining red, blue, or yellow team really doesn't mean anything
>kids outside my house catching Pokemon, making noise and stealing my oranges
>it's addictive even though I'm not really doing anything at all

Things I like:
>it's addictive even though I'm not really doing anything at all
>seeing groups of people on their phones on a street corner
>it's a new simple conversation topic
>black dudes in line behind me at Taco Bell were taking over the Taco Bell gym

I still can't tell if I'm having fun doing playing this game.

>Taco Bell gym


Agree with all of this.

gives me something to do whilst working out an hour a day, so it's okay I guess.

But the game is so obviously rigged towards wanting you to buy pokeballs it's not even funny.

>nothing but fucking zubats everywhere
>if you dont live in a city, enjoy walking 10 miles to the nearest pokestop for 3-4 pokeballs
>zubats are the hardest to catch and the most common
>fly around and dodge pokeballs

it's just so barebones I dont really care to play it that much, the fad will be dead in a fortnight

Stay strong. You are literally surrounded by shills right now. The game is awful, and purely a meme. To make matters worse it essentially was created to have google spy on you even more.

This sums it up perfectly
>Taco bell gym


>tfw live in the suburbs and a pokestop is right down the road

Can we all agree that the weather system in this game is retarded?

>Go to nearby community college with tons of pokespots I walk / jog between
>catch lots of pokemon
>planning to stay there for another hour at least to grind up my level
>Suddenly it starts pouring rain, forced to leave and end my game for the day

Can Nintendo hurry up and fix this shit or change it? Aesthetic rain is nice, but forcing me to stop is retarded.

>Need to catch nearly 100 magikarp to get a gyrados

Kek I love how the second a Nintendo game encourages going outside, Sup Forumsirgins suddenly think that they're normies and not social rejects

Lucky. I have a minimum 5 minute drive/15 minute walk to the nearest pokestop, which happens to have the busiest carpark in my town just in front of it.

No one is forcing you to stop, faggot. I walked around for an hour and a half in the rain last night because I'm not a fucking pussy.



Lucky, I only get Sandshrews here. I have an army of 20 Sandshrews already.

Pokemon Go is the least autistic thing you could do right now. I almost forces you to go outside, walk around, and engage with other people to get the most out of it. I spent 3 hours walking around with people I never even knew at the local campus, finding pokemon and battling gyms on Saturday. Then I spent another few hours getting out of the house, doing errands I rarely would do on a Sunday because of Pokemon Go. It doesn't require you to hold the phone in your face either, you can walk normally till your phone vibrates then pick it up and figure out if it's a pokecenter or pokemon that needs catching.



It's better if you're not on it all day.

You're supposed to just whip out your phone every now and then, not walk around like a dickhead looking for things.

Have you tried talking to people?

6/10 you almost made me write an angry responce.

>Worked all weekend
>Day off tomorrow
>Gonna catch pokemon and ride my bike all day

Fuck yeah

Pokemon Go is just a stepping stone for Google to further their hold on the world. They've mapped the outside world, time to map the inside.

>having the time during daylight hours to actually grind a decent team
I agree with some of your points to a degree, but I actually prefer playing at night because it's fucking 110F with 46% humidity outside.

Well some guy got struck by some random pikachu's thunder due to the 100% accuracy in rain and got 1 shot, so I didn't want to take my chances.
I will admit the loot system is nice though because I got all his pokemon.

Except the eggs need you to keep the app open for them to hatch

>play it extensively since it released
>found nothing but zubats, caterpies and pidgys
>highest pokemon is a golbat with lke 306cp
>my nearest gym 20 kms away has an 1800 flareon

how the fuck do these cunts find so many eevees, what the fuck

If you run away from the starters enough a Pikachu will actually be a forth option. You have to do it like 3~4 times, though. I didn't know when I started but watch a friend do it.

>TFW I'll never get the burrito badge