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Which one lets me defeat the demons?
Strength builds are usually more fun. Fight me
Depends on the game, most games gives very few fucks about dexterity.
DEX so that I can fuck STRfag's gfs retarded.
Griffith wouldn't have lasted ONE night being a sacrifice. Not that he isn't strong but DEX weapons are just shit. The only way Guts is able to survive is because he's a STR fag.
are the berserk movies worth watching after seeing the 1997 TV series?
This is actually what happens with Orangutans. There's either orangutans that are small enough and fast enough to get away with raping female organutans or ones bigger than everyone else and can just claim what they want.
But Guts is STR and DEX.
Guts is BOTH str and dex
The real question is talented Mormon, or useless nigger?
STR slays the demon
DEX are the real demons.................
Why do physical characters get to choose between str or dex but magical characters only get int?
Why isn't there INT or xxx?
And don't fucking say charisma... Maybe wisdom if we are going traditional dnd.
wow .......... really makes you think ......
If you've seen the tv series, you've basically seen the movies. It's just a copy paste into 2 hour segments rather than 20 minutes at a time. Nothing worth watching IMO.
>want to try all playstyles
>can't stand being slow
>never able to see STR playthroughs to the end
>always wind up playing DEX
STR is objectively correct. DEX is better than STR if the DEX guy never makes a mistake, but it's impossible to never make any mistakes.
That's why Guts beats Griffith.
If anything Nintendo is Guts and Sony is Griffith these days.
He's STR and CON. His speed literally just comes from his insane strength, not from light weight or dexterity.
From that prospective the hoop looks taller than it really is. It's short af.
Guts beat Griffith because he was straight better than him
You are what your weapon is. The dragonslayer is all STR baby.
sounds about right
Dotonborirobo obviously.
even though it clearly reads JEHOVA'S WITNESSES. Mkay
STR = Alpha with Zeus aesthetics who swings massive fucking two-handers while skull fucking all living things in his way. That's also nearly invincible since STR adds more hp usually.
DEX = sneaky faggot Jew, stealing from others enjoying the cucking the STR alphas give em.
I don't trust niggers, even the smart ones who can use computers.
And here we see the low IQ of STRfags showing itself in full force. Note the baseless delusion and juvenile language full of swearing and memes, because the STRfag is incapable of independent or original thoughts.
Guts won the duel because his plot sword never breaks like everyone else's does. Griffith is superior.
well said brother well said
ahhhh you must be an INT dick sucking fag who needs "mana" to survive
high INT low WIS casters
See how even when confronted with the information, the STRfag is still completely incapable of saying anything original and just compulsively insulting others. Like an ape in a zoo that's learned to imitate human actions.
INT because "directly next to the enemies" is not the place I want my usual glass cannon character to be.
INT+CHA everyday. Just fucking hit shit really hard from really far away.
t. INT cuck
Griffith is PC, dude
>Implying Steam isn't Falconia
>A seemingly perfect utopia created by Valve to gather all the gamers in one place so they can monopolize the market and then fuck them later
This. He's all but WIS and CHA
Okay okay, but seriously, I just saw the first two episodes of that shitty anime, so does guts get a massive power up early in the manga, or is that anime very different from the manga?
I saw Sup Forums discussions where guts was put on the level of luffy, star platinum, and even saitama, but he literally got tired out from fighting some primped knights, and then stabbed himself in the neck on some chick's outstretched sword. I can't believe this shit
Yes, yes.
But would you fuck Griffith?
Griffith did nothing wrong, daily reminder.
>STRfags can't even get off a boat
That's really fucking retarded. Why the fuck do they do that?
He should just be a guy who runs really fast and maybe he can perceive the world in slow motion.
There's no fucking need to basically make him God.
>Faggy little saber can't take a direct hit from a sword the size of a small tree
Who would have thought?
What happens when Griffith sacrifices everyone?
He is already super strong. He sustained a serious injury because he let his emotions get the best of him when the possessed little girl was trying to stab him. He also has to fight for his life every night because he's cursed and night spirits haunt him constantly. He was at like 25% power when he took on those knights and he passed out while he was trying to kill the bitch.
This new anime doesn't start at the beginning, it starts after the first major arc. Earlier in the story, Guts kills literally 100 soldiers by himself.
>Meanwhile, DEXfags are backstabbing filth
I'll take my boat, thank you.
is it worth reading berserk as souls fan? i know the guy who did a lot of work on the souls lore is a huge fan, but it seems really long
power level shitposting should be an automatic ban
it's really long, but it's really good. It definitely has a certain feel to it that most people end up loving after a while.
The coolest and strongest and smartest character is always PC.
Skull Knight is PC.
That just proves STR is better. Guts has the strength to wield an unbreakable hulking metal slab, Griffith is a pussy who has to wield a fragile babbyblade
Flash's speed is different every story. Sometimes he's like what you said, other times hes overpowered as fuck
read it if you enjoy dark fantasy.
Weapons with superior range proving throughout history that DEX and STR fags have it all wrong.
STR wins 9 times out of 10. As someone said DEX would work if the guy never made any mistakes, but that's not how actual fights go. The bigger stronger dude is likely to win by sheer strength and endurance.
In the manga he gets captured by the fagknights immediately after fighting a demon apostle that flew around at Mach 2, barely lived through the fight, got covered in rotting baby guts, and lit a forest fire
They didn't show this part in the anime so instead he somehow got injured while fighting the 10 skeletons that he absolutely destroyed
But yes he does get a pretty strong powerup later on
Just read the fucking manga
you mean dex/int or quality
guts is more quality than strength with how fast and precise he swings his big sword
Griffith got his Good End. Good for him.
Fuck wrong picture
no spearfags allowed
>DEXfags get slapped
The anime cut the very height of Guts being stressed out and he was injured severely. It doesn't even make sense how Farnese took him out in the anime but it makes perfect sense in the manga.
>DEXfag with DEX so high the very laws of causality state that he can avoid everything
>Gets shitslapped by a fucking INTfag of all things
Oh I am laffin
Quality > Strength > Dexterity
>Jehovas Witnesses
>Still calls them Mormons
Boy I can wait for summer to end
What weap should I use for my next DS PVP build?
That new anime is a disgrace
a dagger
Is STR dude slow as all fuck who telegraphs every movement they make and never feints?
Is DEX dude running around in predictable patterns and generally behaving like a little turd?
>DEX + CHA fags
Holy shit this is awful. this is worse the fucking Dragon Ball Super
It kind of makes me happy that nothing measures up to the manga.
Being a Berserk fan is suffering.
Best boy can do no wrong.
I just fucking hate how they didn't at least start after Rosine was defeated and he said his goodbye to that little girl. The anime's intro would have been perfect if they covered at least Guts walking through the forest dismissing the first appearance of his inner demon while being absolutely covered in blood.
Guts was pretty much about to die before Puck showed up which would have been a good introduction to that character too. And it would have made episode 2's fight actually make sense.
It could be worse user
You could be seeing it in motion
>two different stats
This always pisses me off
Is he STR or DEX ?
Why can't they just ask Madhouse to make Berserk? HxH 2011 was a god-tier continuation under Madhouse.
So what's the best way to read Berserk? Is there some PDF with all the pages or should I just buy the mangas? How many are there, anyway?
>star platinum, and even saitama
Guts is tough but, he's not THAT tough. He's determination and will is definitely godlike tho
Mangasee is a great site for Berserk.
you're talking about traitors that sell their soul for demon powers. That's quite different