Is persona 3/4 the modern Final Fantasy games we wanted but never got?

Is persona 3/4 the modern Final Fantasy games we wanted but never got?


They're very different

Are you retarded?

No, they're very different games.

Persona 3 isn't particularly well designed, either.

What does that even mean? Anyway, Digital Devil Saga is Atlus' "We want the Final Fantasy audience" game.

Bravely Default is the most like a classic FF game.

you know... turn based, good characters, something that's been lacking every FF game after 9?

>good characters

>after 9?

9 was shit. Makes sense that some retard who thinks Persona is similar to FF would like it.

Had a few bad ones, but mostly good ones.

oh so I'm just talking to FFX - FF13 millennials, good to know!

FF games are always different while P3/4 are carbon copies of eachother

came here to post this, learn about the series a bit personafags, geeze

>muh nostalgia
neck yourself

>6-9baby trying to act like the mature one

3/4 is basically FF 7 8 and 9.

You know, the highest rated and better FF games?

t. underage cuck

should I just spam in the shitpost threads? anything video game related is downright heresy

I fail to see how besides the obvious like you play as characters and navigate menus
The themes, settings, battle systems, characters, and moods are all completely different

t. 20 year old pretending to be 10 years older

Why would you compare Persona to Final Fantasy?

They're very different thematically, gameplaywise, and appeal to different people. At best, you can say they're both great for people interested in casual JRPGs.

Persona as a whole is pretty inferior to Final Fantasy overall, but it's not really a fair comparison when Persona has 2 bad games, 2 good games, and 1 great game, whereas Final Fantasy has tons of great games and bad games alike.

How? FF7 8 and 9 are all very different while P3 and P4 are more different in their cover art than in game.

FF was never a shitty dating sim with tacked on RPG combat so no.

>starts a blatant bait thread
>complains about shitposting

> Persona has 2 bad games, 2 good games, and 1 great game
Whew boy here we go

>turn based
Guess that means FF 1,2,3 and 10 are the only ones worth playing

and you wonder why FF is shit now. because of people like you.

god I can't wait to shitpost in the FFXV 6/10 review threads

>its not the same!
>despite being very much the same

You mean Lost Odyssey.

I hope you arent trying to say nuPersona is the direction that FF should go towards

>I can't wait to shitpost
Sounds about right.

yeah gay boi open world is the right direction am i rite?

IX and I are the best FF games made. Go cry in a FFXV thread or a FF13 waifu thread

>yeah gay boi open world is the right direction am i rite?

I'll take gay boi in open world over gay boi in tartarus.

I don't know what's going on in this thread but FF games are pretty much identical with minor tweaks between each. They're fun but when you buy a FF game you expect more of the same.

>I'll take gay boi in open world over gay boi in tartarus

oh boy. my bad user I didn't know you were that fucked up.

It's gonna be one of those threads.

>IS and EP is a bad game
Nothing wrong with that, it's true. You can say the characters are charming and the plot is ridiculous but the gameplay is a turd.
>P1 and P3 are good games
Flawed but good. SMT lite for P1 while P3 introduced social links, had some good characters, and far more tolerable gameplay than the duology of 2. Best music overall too.
>Persona 4 is a great game
You can complain it got casualized, but some of the elements of P3 were experimental or just tedious to deal with. Sleep was ass, having an oversized party with some members that you never even use or die was awful, and there's less stress of dealing with bosses and having more control over your pace in the game when you have set days instead of deadlines for "certain events"

>I don't know what's going on in this thread but FF games are pretty much identical with minor tweaks between each.

Minor tweaks like entirely different gameplay, setting and dungeon design.

>Innocent Sin is a bad game
>Persona 1 is a good game
>4 is a great game

Feel free to refute my opinion then instead of shitposting with an image.

Persona 1 is the only good Persona game

What is that thing in the sky? And why does it want me to play the game?

I'm a sucker for things like that.

9 was the best and you're an idiot.

The Final Fantasies never got above decent even in their best work. [desu that 5/6 for me]

Atlus does what Squaredon't.

t. nostalgiacuck

>calling someone nostalgic for a game released in 2000

Persona 3 is the modern Evangelion. Think about it.

The only FF game I completed was FF7 and for the most part it was meh. Main story is boring, but the side character stories were good. I never got to finish 8 because my game got fucked at the end of the first disc, but I was enjoying that game a lot more than 7.

That would be Devil Survivor 2.

Typical atluscuck playing waifu sims. I bet you love Clannad.

You mean you can't be nostalgic for a 16 year old game made to pander to nostalgiafags of that time?

I rarely ever get a chance to talk about Devil Suv2, I just want to say Record Breaker's ending is one of the best endings I've seen in my life.

I still dont know why the Fatlus meme was created when Xseed is worse when it comes to localizing weebshit. hell half of the image macros talk about or depict Disgaea

It was pretty generic SMT I thought. Constant Strife or Wipe the slate clean

Yeah, but god damn I love no dialog montages of how everyone was doing, and that final shot with Saiduq was just so perfect. I guess I liked it a lot because it reminds me of the OOT ending.

Sorry, probably the wrong thread to post this, but which SMT game has the most cyberpunk elements to it? Platform is not a problem, I'm just not very familiar with the games and I really want to try one out with some themes I'm somewhat familiar with and enjoy greatly.

SMT 2 and 4

Soul Hackers

More like pokemon games.

No. All SMT games are just edgy grimdark garbage. They share nothing in common aesthetically with Final Fantasy. FF has constantly come up with fresh ideas, SMT just redoes the same angels and demons (but with eviiiiiil angels how novel) over and over again with no interesting story or location ideas because the locations don't ever change either. It's basically always a Japanese town

Lame shitty series


Is change always good?
There's a lot of heated talk between ATB, turn based, action, etc. Ontop of that, FF II and VIII proved being different doesn't mean being better.