I don't get it
His art still looks this bad?
lol ebin :DDDDddd
It's funny because he's a robot that can turn into an actual tank, and thus misconstrued the usage of the term, and she was unable to come up with a response, since technically he did what was asked.
Or something, I dunno. I've never played the game, I just looked up the character.
>telling others players how to play
do people really do this?, that must be anoying af like, I bought the fucking game, Im playing with my favorite characters.
if you look closely you can see tracer opening a door in the first panel, talking to someone in white on the second panel, asking for directions in the third panel, and sadly looking at her finger which is laying down in the forth panel.
>tracer on defense
I found this rather funny
it works in some maps
Oh now I get it
That's the problem with games like these. You get superautists who go into a rage when the team isn't optimal, or when another player isn't as skilled or experienced as they are.
There's even a competitive mode now for them, but they still act like babies even outside of it. It'd be hilarious if they weren't so obnoxious.
Loli or trap?
amazing how he still gets by when his comic relies on fanservice as a crutch
stop posting jinx
finish it homo
i need to know how this saga concludes
You take a guess
Don't sexualize the little sister!
It's a male.
The rest is explicit
>I bought the game so I'm entitled to be a retard
McFucking kill yourself , my man.
I can't not read it as Jake's voice
thats a little boy
Don't gender assign
It's a loli (male)
I don't have any good comics so I'll just post this shitty one.
that's the god damned point
>Big boys games
you don't gender assign
I'm pretty sure the term you are looking for it "shota"
I feel gross that I know this
Why did that make me laugh, god damn it.
but on that map one bastion could do the work of three hanzos combined (and then some)
why would you not be telling the hanzos to change
Welcome to the post-DOTA world of deliberately unbalancing classes into a rock-paper-scissors dynamic!
What would once have been deemed an inexcusable failure is now fucking done on purpose! You can lose because someone else on your team isn't the right class! Fucking hooray!
there are shotas
and there are loli (male)
how fucking stupid do you actually have to be to not tell the difference
christ man did you filter this image through facebook before you posted it here
The only thing scarier than that sun is the future of that series
god damn it
I will not
and now I'm so happy I have no idea what you're saying
What future?
Wow he draws arms now?
ahh yes three weeb samurai archers on a defense mission that are raging that "their team sux someone should fucking tank/heal" episode.
I just finished a game where 3 genjis' answer to being slammed by a sniper, was to remain as genji, and throw ninja stars at her until maybe she died.
The future it had after DS2 I mean
Why the fuck would you round up from 26?
Shit joke, would've worked fine with 28.
I remember I joined a pub room in MH4U once. There was this guy doing arena quests with his friend. I think it's the one where you have to kill two Tigrexes at the same time.
I'd never done it before, so I was just trying to kill them. Literally after a single failure, he started ranting to his friend in the lobby about how he hates people who don't know what they're doing and that he actually feels like killing somebody. He would occasionally apologize to me and say it's not my fault and that it's just in his nature to fly off the rails, then he went back to complaining.
I just left because he sounded like a huge autistic edgelord.
if by draws you mean does everything possible to make them out of view, yes
But I thought RPGs don't have a back blast area. Rocket launchers, that one disposable tank killer thingy sure, but not RPGs.
That was made before Redd but yes he's back to drawing arms
I always read this a thousand times. Such a nice feeling.
What game are they talking about?
how does he get his sword out?
He said he rounded up, that is what rounding up is
It doesn't making make a difference what number it rounds up by
The statement "rounding up" has no rule on what number it should start by
Spot the retard who doesn't understand filenames.
Never tried LSD. Is it fun?
Aren't RPGs rocket launchers? Since they're rocket-propelled grenades?
>Here are your 50 sheep
>But there's only 1
>I rounded up
this one
I was taught that if its higher than 5, you round it up to the next 10 or whatever the number your looking for.
It still holds up.
First, that joke is actually even funnier
Second, yes, roundUpToFifty(1) = 50.
Did Cap-tan ever speak about this guy having used his art wholesale?
I laughed at this with my mouth and diaphragm
And you're welcome to do that.
But when there's 3 of you on a team and you refuse to change because "Muh mainz" You look like a cunt. Changing heroes is part of the game.
Isn't this from his porn comic?
I don't get it.
_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______.
I haven't seen this shit for fucking years. Probably not since 2008 when I first got here.
>completely change the rounding to fit your own ideals
Good one user
Is the last word horse or unicorn?
I want to suck some penises?
>It doesn't making make a difference what number it rounds up by
Follow the conversation before chiming in, idiot.
Why does he even have a sword?
Doesn't he have Beam ability?
Actually if it's
The problem is that you "It's just a game bro" people don't stick to just quickplay. You find those retards in competitive just as much as you find meta whores in quickplay.
it's crazy how old some of the comics that are still in regular circulation are
i wonder if it's a recent development or people were looking at shit from like 1994 when Sup Forums started
Shouldn't you only round when it's a decimal anyways? Why round whole numbers?
Artist source?
>someone tells me to change characters
>have to stay as that character all game just to piss them off
I hate it when they make me do this to teach them a lesson, you can't just boss people around and always expect results
>Get out of here S.T.A.L.K.E.R
i shamefully fapped to most of the stuff i found on sadpanda by him
i hate getting boners for western cartoons
I've never played Overwatch, and I don't play games like it, so I'm not one of those people, sorry. I've just listened to autists whine about the game since the Beta.
Then if it doesn't make a difference why did you even post in the first place?
Rounding is just for convenience ain't it? A math teacher of mine was super anal about this shit and wouldn't go off his rocker if people rounded, he hated decimals too.
bloodsuckers are made for loving
He didn't say he rounded the number. He said he rounded up. He specified up.
Holy shit, you must be pretending
>I bought the fucking game, Im playing with my favorite characters.
Wow guess you shouldn't have bought a multiplayer game because you're a piece of shit because you are ruining the game and preventing your teammates from having fun by intentionally throwing the game.
Kill yourself you fucking retard
And I was wrong it does have a back blast area.