"It's popular, so it's bad"

>"It's popular, so it's bad"
- Sup Forums, 2016

>A walking simulator MMO with no gameplay

>"It's popular, so it's good"
- some faggot on Sup Forums, 2016

>haha I see you've pointed out the flaws in this game but you've forgotten that this game is popular so I can just accuse you of being contrarian


It's not a game. Go to /vp/ if you wish to discuss this mobile app.

what is this game about? what do you do? is there battling other trainers? is there breeding?

It's bad because the core "gameplay" is weak and the progression is incredibly tedious.





No breeding, No Trading, Watered down 'Gym' Battles. No Pokecenters.

I guess its not a sim as it makes you literally walk. you got me user

Right now it's kind of dull

The battles are boring and you can't do things like battle your friends or trade

It's a neat little app but nothing I'd go crazy over at its current state

It keeps it basic which is exactly what AR needed. How are you supposed to introduce a concept that's new to the vast majority of people and have complicated rules? This is basically hunter gatherer shit, if you're not a shut in you already know how to do everything Pokemon Go asks you to do, all you have to learn is how to flick a Pokeball. That's why it's good and that's why it's popular

Hell I got a kick out of just walking out into my backyard every 20 minutes once I learned where the spawn point was. It's like going for a smoke.

>its bad yet its popular, perfect!

>"it's popular, so it can't possibly be bad!! I swear!"
- neo-Sup Forums 201X

>walking with no gameplay


>walking in real life is pointless

>"It stinks, and I don't like it"
- Jim Norton 2002

>staring at your phone while walking outside
fucking kill yourself, moron

Sonyggers are on suicide watch


No, it's bad because the gameplay is near-nonexistent. The biggest problem is that the battle system is just mashing the screen instead of regular Pokemon. I really don't understand how anyone could enjoy it currently. Hopefully they make it a bit deeper.

That's Sup Forums since forever

Doesn't need to. That's how people walk into traffic.

>you can criticize anything popular as long it's not Nintendo related

t. Sup Forums 2016


Alright, since my country can't play the game yet, can someone answer me how the game works?

Do you just
>Go around to find pokemon
>Throw pokeballs until you catch it
>Walk around to level up the pokemon
>Use said trained pokemon to take over a gym
>And there's no skills, no battle. Just a number representing your "attack"
>If your "attack" is higher, you win the gym"
>That's all for the whole "game"

Is this about right?

The problem is that it isn't fun.

People keep breaking into my property
I am running out of holes to dig

Yeah basically. There are still type advantages but that's about it. Big piece of shit.

I dont need a program to tell me where I can and cant walk. I can play actual games while walking if I must be a sperg

Holy shit we're actually defending mobile trash now

Thanks for caring enough to respond :o)

>How are you supposed to introduce a concept that's new to the vast majority of people and have complicated rules?

Seeing how the game caters to genwunners and RBY was deeper than this mess, I'd say it would be easy to make the app somewhat fun. Instead it is a dull buggy mess.

It's bad because it's dumbed down, gimped, and otherwise lazy. That it is so popular in spite of these things is annoying.







Oh for sure, it's bad
But I'm trying to keep the suicides away let me catch my pokes

There is literally nothing to it. It's essentially a social app and nothing more.

Wait until the other gens come around and I'm sure that it'll lose most of its popularity due to many of its audience being genwunners. I can guarantee.

did this really need an acronym? also why is the first thing to pop up when this is googled is Urban Dictionary?

No proper stats

No proper evolving and XP and leveling

No proper movesets

No proper battles

No trading

It's LITERALLY just simpler Ingress with a pokémon skin. Walk to places, capture the place, and toss balls at random GPS markers.

If they actually had all that shit from normal pokémon games and kept the map stuff it would be good, but as it stands currently, it's shit

To point this out,
this same gameplay was already out before, and it never gotten so popular.
It's proven that the gameplay is not the reason people play it at all.

People are hyping this shit because it's the flavour of the month.

What a bunch of sheeps.

GPS in the mountains is shit, so I can't even play it when I go for a walk. Ebin

The Pokemon battle system ain't that complex - especially in gen 1. I was able to figure out how to play when I was like 5.

The good thing about Pokemon is that you don't have to understand the nuances of the battle system to play, but you get more out of it if you do. This game has absolutely 0 depth and doesn't offer any enjoyment past the initial novelty of having low poly Pokemon in your backyard.

Hell, a Pokemon snap sequel with the same tech would have been better.

it's literally an extremely gimped version of pokemon with only the original 150 and a pay2win aspect

it's fucking garbage, just go buy a real pokemon game and stop falling for this normie meme game

>pokemon will become the app that controls the world population

Based japan

Or maybe because it has pokemon in the name

on a phone

and its free.

A woman found a dead body because of that game.

To be fair, that's what digimon games have always been and there are retards who swear by those.

Maybe, but the experience was already there.

I've met several people through it already, and the park in my city literally had hundreds of people in it hunting pokemon. It was on the local news and everything. This app has been a city wide event here, it's crazy.

It's crazy too because it is blowing everyone else away. So many people talking about it. We went to get some food today and the guys at the counter just started talking about it, saying "have you heard of pokemon go" totally unsolicited. And you can see people are kind of excited about everyone randomly feeling that it is appropriate to talk to each other and make friends in public.

This is what triggers me. that brand name alone is enough to carry a game to the top of the charts

I enjoy this game and am having fun playing it. Good excuse to get outside.

That story made literally no sense.

How retarded would you have to be to think a dead body is a Pokemon?

>"it was on the news, so it's good"
normies 2016

>walking simulator
>no gameplay
>implying it's not fun

damn literally everything in this post is backwards


Nintendrones and for the record they are not human

Damn all of a sudden people on Sup Forums care about the strenuous exercise known as Walking From House To The Nearest McDonalds. Crazy shit man! But hell, i dont want to be on the wrong side of history.

>ITT it's bad to be a "normie"

when did /r9k/ move into Sup Forums?

Its a piece of shit watered down normie game for fucks sakes. Its not even a video game, its just garbage. I'm on the heavier side (350lb) so why the fuck would I enjoy this shit? Take your stupid phone walking game shit to /vp/ and fuck yourself, thanks,

You're the one that's retarded. Have you even played the game?

>you would rather play this mobile travesty than a real pokemon game

fucking shameful, why are you even on Sup Forums

Why do you care about charts? Do you usually agree with the majorities choices for most popular games?

It's popular because you can walk around and pretend to catch pokemon in the real world with AR, that's all

God damn Pokemon GO is an assblasted sonygger magnet

Funny isn't it

Is anyone getting tired of le jaded gamers? I'm not saying you have to be naive or anything, it's just annoying when you're having a discussion and someone just say "Who cares, all games are shit nowadays anyway." It doesn't really add anything to the conversation, and most of the time people are just trying to brag about being cynical. I don't understand why people spend all day on Sup Forums just chiming in how much they hate modern video games. Wouldn't it make more sense to stay in /vr/?

You guys know how combat in this game works, right?

When you're battling enemy Pokemon in the gyms, there's a yellow flash a bit before the enemy Pokemon attacks. When the screen flashes yellow, swipe to the left or right. You'll dodge their attacks.

When it says they're using their special ability, just keep dodging. I haven't been hit by a special move yet.

Wait for the yellow. Dodge. Hit them with basic attack 1-3 times until you see yellow. Dodge. Repeat.

Hold down on your Pokemon to use your special move. EZ PZ.

I just soloed an entire gym with one Pokemon using this tip. 4/5 of them were higher level than me. Including a Jolteon (I had Vaporeon) 300+ levels than me. I'm having a grand time ass blasting those red faggots out of all the local gyms.


if it catered to autistic shits like you it would not be nearly as popular as it is

my girlfriend is video game retarded and even she can have fun with it


That the capitalist machine has failed.

Pokemon Shuffle is on phones too, but no one went apeshit for that.

The only console I have is a PS4 and Pokemon Go is the only game I have played since it came out.

the community is better

not a joke

>Wouldn't it make more sense to stay in /vr/?

No, because how can I be upset about video games that are good

I want to be an empty husk of a man who hates everything, and luckily modern video games resonate perfectly for that exact mindset so yes, pokemon go is fucking garbage mobile trash and you're a casual for enjoying it

pokemon pinball is a more worth your time than this shit

NEETs are insanely furious and salty because norm MacDonald's have cucked them out of video games

This has been Sup Forums's motto since day 1.
Sup Forums always has and will be contrarian just for the sake of it for better or worse.

So what is the official Sup Forums team again?

I like modern games though, this one's just shit.

The salt is apocalyptic. It is as if the oceans evaporated.

I've had tons of fun with it. Actually met people through it. People on the street are feeling more bold to just talk to you. Our grocery store has a stop, and it had a small crowd gathering around it dropping lures. They were getting food from the cafe and shooting the shit. It's nice. Even hearing stories about people just getting together and going after gyms. Some guys were talking about how they got in a car with some dudes who drove by on the way to a gym. Didn't get mugged or anything, just having fun.

You walk around outside finding pokemon. When you find one, there is no battling or lowering health. It's literally aim a pokeball and hit it, with a chance for the pokeball to fail.

Once you have captured pokemon you "battle" gyms which are fought by clicking your screen as fast as possible while swiping left and right to dodge opponent attacks that are barely registered.

>downtown has a street with thee stops all next to each other
>dozens of people all hanging out
>lure mods constantly on the stops
>have a fucking blast

game is seriously underrated on this board, autists on Sup Forums should get out more

Its not really a walking simulator if you have to actually walk

it's fun too, you mad?

This game will be dead by the end of the month and the only people still playing it are the ones who already enjoy mobile crap like candy crush

Mark my words, you will rarely see any pokemon go threads here very soon

It requires no skill and I'm fucking sick of hearing everyone talk about it. Fight me bitch.

Considering I'm going to California in a few days, I'll download it to be part of the craze before it dies off.

But yeah, from what I've seen I'll likely get bored of it and delete it for the memory.

Can you faggots stop posting Pokemon Go shit in Sup Forums? It isn't fucking Sup Forums related and you literally have a fucking containment board for your autist shit right next to the broniefaggots.

Take your shitty threads to any of these boards
Thank you, fuck you, bye autists.

My phone is too outdated to even get Pokemon GO

Are you literally retarded?
It's a game that let's you pretend you are actually finding Pokemon in the real world, how are people fucking surprised it's doing well?

Mindlessly hating shit doesn't make any of you any less of a sheep btw

You posted a picture of Pokemon go but this statement is true of literally every popular game from Mario to Chrono Trigger to The Witcher 3 to Pokemon Go.

You like that Redgrin Grumble reference?

>Play Pokemon GO in Central Park
>Almost everyone is playing
>Talking to people I never would have otherwise
>Social anxiety melting away

If you need a videogame to make you go outside and talk to people you might need some help

It's sad that your social skills need help from a smartphone game.
I guess it's a good game for neckbeards.

I can add you on steam if you're feeling that lonely.

>Social anxiety melting away
then your "social anxiety" isn't real

Hes a special snowflake user, he has anxiety attacks while doing normal day things, and posts about it on tumbler. TRIGGER WARNING

Social anxiety is all in your head whether its real or not. I dont see how a placebo effect cant help elevate it

Holy shit you normie

pretty much
its a fun watered down ds pokemon game that you can take with you on the go so you wont look like a total beta faggot who has a ds with him at all times
if youre a normie who goes on walks itll definitely make it more entertaining