>it's only $9.99 a month, goy!
>it helps keep servers up!
Hahahaha holy shit. Why would anyone buy a Sony console?
Little Big Planet servers shutting down
Other urls found in this thread:
*in Japan
Shutting down in America too.
That sucks. I had some fun dicking around in servers and maps made by people years ago. Who still plays actively on LBP anyways?
d-delete this
>Why would anyone buy a Sony console?
It has the most games on one platform that I want to play. Why shouldn't I buy the console?
>in japan
so not america
>in japan
What about the US servers?
>article says it will not close servers outside Japan
You're a special kind of retard aren't you?
fucking retard
>says in japan in the fucking link
>not even the official sony site
why do you just outright lie?
why are these threads you keep making not getting deleted?
>Sony has at last confirmed to Eurogamer that the portable game's servers will not close outside of Japan.
>will not close outside of Japan.
>Little Big Planet 3 is so advanced people have made movies using it
Between this and Pokemon GO sonyggers are on maximum suicide watch
i was only posting the source i am not the OP that said in america also that is just a falseflagging faggot
don't shoot the messenger fucking dumbasses
It's only in Japan
I've seen the exact same picture in several threads already with the same post
Don't you have a life?
Isn't avatarfagging against the rules?
>the ps+ fee will help us improve online services
Calling it now the NX will have paid online
There should be a free dlc to lbp3 that adds the story missions of lbp 1 and 2 to the game
10 year olds that just stay in the pods texting
that used to get fucking old so fast when one kid is blaring kidz bop and the second you dont have a human avatar get kicked from the room.
fucking prepubescent normies
If it does, can we finally admit once and for all that paid online is cancer?
>implying that wasn't the funnest aspect of the game
applying stickers to look like a dick and tits and hearing them freak the fuck out was the fucking best
i remember making fully fledged objects that would start fucking non stop and was undestroy-able or fucking PS3 crashers that spawned so much shit it killed the hosts ps3
it was the fucking best
oh man those were the days
We should ban this guy. He's really making me upset. Someone fucking call the janitor right now, he must be stopped.
But user
Wow, that actually sounds like fun. Wish I ran into you in my LBP days
Eh just ignore if you're so upset, he's no big deal
it was, looking back on it makes me wish i picked up LBP3 when it was on sale for 5 bucks
i figured no one played it anymore since it flopped
so how come the Japanese makes the best levels?
Online is NOT okay when Nintendo does it. Remember this bros. Did you all not read the fucking pamphlets I passed out during our last console war seminar?
What are the spookiest levels?
Dedication. For some reason Japanese people try hard at everything. That's all it takes to make a good level in that game, you just have to try hard. Of course, since most of the people who play it are ten years old, you won't see much effort put into any of the levels.
I'm 25 but I can't figure out how to deal with the logic gates. I'm brain dead retarded I admit it.
>So, to clarify, the only LBP games which will shut down are LittleBigPlanet Racing and LBP Portable.
Read the article
aren't they basically dead anyway?
Yeah, it took me a few years before I was finally able to use them to their fullest extent and understand them. They might seem complex, but they basically let you do anything you want once you figure out how they work.
Why does old LBP cause feels like that? I'm just remembering playing through the story mode of the original one now. I must've only been thirteen or fourteen. Holy shit that was so long ago...
What does that emitter emit?
Are the LBP Karting servers still up? I just bought this game for my lil bro's birthday
I think it was a liquid but I don't think it's still in one of my moon levels.
I bought LBP Karting like 3 years ago. it was dead as fuck on arrival.
But can you access the servers today? There are some cool custom levels
Oh damn, name? Halloween levels are my fucking jam.
post your favourite music
It's in the "Team Pick UP" I didn't catcth the title of the level but it's JPN level in LBP2
Search Ghost Mansion
>Literally only Karting and LBP PSP
Who cares?
>getting invested in online games
This is what kills video games. All of them.
I meant favorite LBP music. Sorry.
LBP Vita dude. Collision Course in Jackpot City.
listening to this song during the E3 reveal of LBP3 made me fucking get goosebumps and blush all over
I don't have a Vita so I wouldn't know.
It's a huge shame more people don't. Vita's the second best in the series in my opinion.
2 > Vita > 1 >>>> 3
>they liquidated the wipeout team
sony can suck a cock
shill your levels
Wow such bad timing, I was just about to grab a copy of the second one.
honestly i never played vita but if i labeled it it would be
3 is really great but gets shit on for not being made by media molecule
The last level I ever made before losing access to my PS4. I put way more effort into it than usual, and as a result it got way more plays than I usually get. I'm proud of it.
Thank you
Is it in LBP3?
I think I mistook for this level.
I played both earlier.
call me a dumbass again and see what happens fucker
I know that feel, man. LBP is one of the last games I get nostalgia from.
alright I cant do much other then post this angry dog so punch yourself in the chest reasonably hard
that's from me faggot
Did it bomb that hard in Japan? Without online support this game becomes basically useless
>ywn play LBP when it was relatively new again
>ywn play during its prime when every level felt new and most everyone was trying to create original levels
>ywn join randoms and have a laugh playing, instead of playing with kids who only play "mortal kombat" and meme levels
>ywn get hype for the release of LBP2 again and stay up all night fucking around with new shit
Well, I can only hope dreams has half the life or LBP and LBP2
owww what the fuck man
that fucking hurt
I keked
post yfw Dreams is VR tech demo
I hope it did you fun guy
>Little Big Planet servers shutting down
It was released back in 2008. It had a pretty good run for a 8 year old game. Let it rest.
It's not like servers for Little Big Planet 2 and 3 are closing too.
Shit bad feels, I used to love playing that game as a late teen.
Made some really good levels as well
My fucking nigga this song in the LBP2 trailer got me so fucking hype it was unreal.
Servers aren't going anywhere. There's nothing stopping you from making a shitty bomb survival right now.
Eurocuck Xfag strikes again!