What is the worst """""AAA""""" game you have ever played?
What is the worst """""AAA""""" game you have ever played?
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Fuck Brink
Assassin's Creed Unity.
Back when I was still retarded with games I trusted one review as opposed to searching for more than one. 7/10 they said, good story they said.
You just want an excuse to keep posting this Ramsay episode
Show me a good 'za Sup Forums
What was wrong with Brink?
Stages were too consolized (small)?
7/10 with games is like 3/10 in movies.
The first tomb raider remake. Fuck I wish steam refunds were a thing back then. Didn't even make it an hour in before I uninstalled. What a pile of shit.
Other than that, Armored Core 5; Only console game I actually went through the trouble of going back to the store to get a refund on. Permanently put me off from gook games; Especially 'From Software'. What a complete, unadulterated pile of shit. How could anyone that took any remote pride in their work let that hot garbage go out the gate with their names on it?
>That picture
I've been on this board every night for nearly a month. I notice your persistence in starting Gordon Ramsey threads. Kitchen Nightmares is pretty dope.
To be fair, there are several great episodes.
Let's start off hot and heavy.
what's wrong with the pizza
It's a tv meme, I only created the half finished transparent cutout
I disagree with you.
Watch Dogs
Can't even remember the last AAA game I played.
Such is the life of a hipster.
>this thread again
14 minutes in is where the shit hits the fan
Came here to post this. Tied might be the first Homefront.
Source on the episode?
I want to know what's wrong with that goddamn pizza already.
how long until reddit and Sup Forums infect Sup Forums with the 'za meme
Resident Evil: Operation Racoon City
Guns felt like ass and stages were unbalanced as fuck.
Five posts above yours, champ.
Fallout 4
COD : Ghosts
Shadows of Mordor
This restaurant's still open.
there's nothing to make fun of about this, icing just has a lot of fucking butter in it
The Witcher 3
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Don't know why the series wasn't canned after this blunder.
Halo 3. Havent played any other Halo so they could be better or worse
>The first tomb raider remake. Fuck I wish steam refunds were a thing back then. Didn't even make it an hour in before I uninstalled. What a pile of shit.
Do you mean the remake of the first game? Or the reboot?
aw yus, thanks for cleansing my soul of the previous webms
Mass Effect 3.
When you take into account that most of the "good stuff" (graphics, engine, gameplay, etc) were all barely changed from 2 along with the enormous budget you realize how truly shitty it is.
Any defense of it is pointless. It's the worst.
>Muh multiplayer
90% of the campaign was complete and utter trite shit that did not display your choices. The devs straight-up lied. The ending was insulting. Atrocious DLC policies. I don't give a shit about multiplayer in Mass Effect.
>dry mixing
Any za is good za. Undercooked, overcooked... either way, it's still a za, and that's a damn good thing.
I thought it was a ck meme.
How can you have such a supreme lack of taste?
gta IV
anyone who likes it is a big poophead.
a lot of them are
Is that some Pittsburgh?
That looks motherfucking delicious.
that's how you make icing
it's not chili without beans.
GTAIV has the Carmageadon mod which makes it the best Freeroam GTA
>This restaurant's still open.
arent they all? i dont remember any episode where any restaurant actually closed afterwards. if anything they just got more popular.
did any restaurant for that matter ever improve or listened to Ramsey's advice?
The UK version?
I don't know about the UK version but most of the US ones are closed.
>no flamethrower
Bioshock infinite
I even payed for the rapture dlc because I just wanted to play in rapture again, was disappointed.
>tfw you can't get a good 'za in straya
Why am I even alive?
ja/ck/ is, but the ramsey pizza came from Sup Forums
Most businesses in these types of shows are usually too far gone to survive even after the show helps them out.
either version.
Assassin's Creed 2
I loved the first one. I loved the mystery. 2 was so hollywood and cringey and just overall a huge shit show. Everyone tells me it's the best AC. I just don't see it. There were some nice gameplay tweaks but holy shit, that story, those characters, that execution. I don't even care about story in games that much. It was all just such a hollow, sterile package of retarded B-movie bullshit I couldn't handle it. Not to mention DaVinci's character was completely butchered. Ezio is easily one of the lamest video game characters ever.
Amy's Baking Company did eventually go out of business, but it was long after it was on the show. Though they claim to have "moved on to bigger and better things."
It wouldn't surprise if the meat was cold in the middle on those burgers. Fucking amazing, this man's inability to cook with heat.
As a fan of cooking "authentic" I still cook my chili with beans because I need that fiber mang
that waiter girl is very qt
that's how I like my chicken. nice and bloody.
nice pasta
>movement speed is that of a slug
>jumping is too floaty to be used in combat
>spend more time hugging walls than killing aliens
>most of the weapons cant hit the front side of a barn
>Sniper aliens that can 1 shot and are more numerous than regular enemies
>the few that can are rare and short on ammo in a game where most enemies are bullet sponges
I wanted to like it
Fuck I want pizza now
Did you make this webm of the waitress from 34m10s? If so thank you very much.
Oh fuck why
51 of 77 restaurants have closed
25 are still open
2 have moved
1 restaurant sold
is this nigga afraid of high temperatures while cooking
Sincerely hope you can't be this retarded
I used to eat a giant block of cheddar cheese dipped in cream cheese as a kid.
suicide bomber detected
Played Evolve two days ago since it became F2P. That game fucking sucks.
It sounds more like you're describing unskilled gameplay, friend!
Post food porn to counter these shit webms
T. Charlie Kelly
restaurants close all the damn time.
maybe if they weren't ludicrously expensive they'd get more business.
hell, denny's is overpriced. the more casual places you bus yourself are infinitely better.
The chocolate and sugar overpower the mayo flavor, and it makes the cake really moist. Mayo in reality is just oil, eggs, and vinegar mixed together.
this is not ok
The problem is he used mayo and eggs. you use mayo, or you use eggs. It's not a pick both.