Is PSO the greatest Sci-Fi JRPG of all time?

Is PSO the greatest Sci-Fi JRPG of all time?

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I still play it from time to time on Ephinea server.

I can't find anything like it and it was incredibly ahead for its time. The only thing that doesn't hold up compared to titles today is the lobby/chat system and the combat. I say yes.

I haven't played any PS games past the first four. But being an actual Sci-Fi JRPG puts it up there I would think.


Top Tier
Phantasy Star Online
Star Ocean 1 & 2
Phantasy Star Portable 2 + Infinity
Xenosaga 1 & 3
Infinite Space

Mid Tier
Phantasy Star Online 2
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Phantasy Star 1-3
Phantasy Star Zero
Megaman X: Command Mission

Low Tier
Star Ocean 3 and 5
Phantasy Star Universe
Xenosaga 2

I liked Star Ocean more but PS and PSO are really great. Even PSU but never pso2 that game is fucking trash.

>Xenosaga above Xenogears

That's just based on what happens with the second disk

No, PSU is

The lobby system was amazing and the combat is still better than WoW and clones even if it's clunky.

is local co-op as good of an experience as online supposedly is/was?

>no phantasy star 4

I'm tired of this meme. The game isnt engaging or challenging in any way, its a blessing that the second disc has no gameplay


I've never played the game but I think the twist is a really cool idea
I feel like I'm in the minority here

The twist would be fine if the story was written worth a shit. But this is tri-ace. The same game has this song playing in a fight immediately after some attempt at an emotional scene where the main character's father is killed.

Never played rogue galaxy

While I agree but much better systems and combat released over the years making a lot of stuff smoother and more enjoyable.

Is monster hunter like pso? Never played MH but want to get MHG

I personally enjoy both.

I haven't played a PSO outside of the Gamecube PSO Episodes 1 and 2 though.

I kind of wish the combat in PSO was similar to the combat in Monster Hunter Generations.

Strange Journey holds that honour

Monster Hunter is an improvement over the PSO formula when it comes to bosses and combat, but it's still more of its own thing than straight up PSO gameplay.

And monsters have stats so overly bloated, it feels like fighting a MPA boss from PSO2 alone.

And PSU is an improvement to pso and mh

Really dislike how the female hucasts in the new pso look too human.

>no PSO:ep3
step it up senpai

pso2 is the shit.

wow hotta whatta look at this ship2 shitter right here

Keep this shit in the general

bitch i was on ship 8. stopped playing. i moved for the oppertunity to actually TALK to people, and ive met a fuckton of english players, ship 2....i thought itd be as bad as Sup Forums, its nowhere near as bad as sperglords an bitches made it out to be. at least IM chill as fuck and just wanna smoke , drink, and fuck monsters up with ENGLISH players.

that said, i had friends in italy, australia, greece, ect. on ship 8. they left, i moved.

PLUS, the ffXIV odin battle is fucking LEGIT. very fun.

Nice fucking toaster.

You either have never been to B-20/B-001, or are personally the reason why the western community is so cancerous.

Uhhh PSO isn't a JRPG, it's an online console hack 'n slash. Sonic Team even admitted Diablo was an influence on the game's development.

Wanna meet up? always cool to make new bros on s2

yes, thatd be chill actually, ill ignore these other rude (block 20 esq- i think?) posters, my game name is "deathsyth22000", char name is "chronox9000", yea lets meet up, whats yo ingame name btw?

i actually just need to install my radeon HD 7970, my case screws are stripped though, so i cant move my harddrive for the beast.

>or are personally the reason why the western community is so cancerous.
I think you hit the nail right on the fucking head there.

PSO is one of those games that I regret going back and playing after all these years. I first played it when it came out for the Dreamcast and I had very fond memories of an immersive and detailed world with a comfy sound track. Its one of those games that you remember as having way better graphics than it actually did. My memories would have put the graphics on PS3 levels at least but now my memories are forever tainted because I went back and replayed it a year ago. The graphics were absolute dog shit compared to current gen, and the world was way more linear than I remembered.

What a terrible mistake I made.

You do realize that most of the people on ship 2 are there because we've been there for the past four years, right? Before the range ban I had several classes at the level cap. When the ban ended I wasn't going to migrate just because of some retarded eops on the ship.

my characters name is まゆ子

What block?

nice, i played ship 8 for 1 1/2 years up till half through ep 2. cpu got fucking stolen so i quit for 2 years. just got back and decided to move ships since ship 8 is MOSTLY japanese, some nice, some who judge and kick ya instantly.

at least ship 2 is chill, i aint met any real asses on thur

nice ill get on now then! hmm, block 11? it is always packed tho, but damni got premium for like 5 mo days!

b11 full senpai, wanna try 12?

fo sho, rollin out!

May i join you guys?

Does PSO have an OP equivalent to Ghostwalker?

You joker.

I think the twist is okay and think the 4D world is interesting.

>Infinite Space
More people should play this game.

pso2 should have been better

It has better controls. That's literally the only improvement. No, not even the graphics, the PSU visual style is shit. SHIT!

There was never a ban. Your ISP was just too shit to get the new routes.

They did ban China, but I don't think that has ever been lifted.

yeah for sure, we at b20, whats your sn?

Oh yeah Southeast Asia do have a genuine IP ban thanks to their shitty chopjob English version of the game coming out.

PSO2 should have fucking gotten released in the West like they said it would.


PSO2 in the west would have been more cancer than Ship 2 and less fun due to P2W

2016 and they still haven't localized PSO2.
The most never ever game on the market.

I fucking hate Sega for leaving so many of its IPs dead in the water except for Sonic, this and Yakuza.

lol ur not even good at this game, I remember constantly keeping your ass alive

PSO music>>>all

Who are you even?
Also please give example

And Miku I guess.
Fuck they even bought Atlus but still let others publish their games. What the fuck, Sega?

They're like Capcom but slightly more endearing.

What is this meme and why do people keep repeating it? You can easily look up Youtube videos or download the albums to see how much truth there is to it.


I'm fuckin' with him. He's quite the opposite.

>tfw I haven't played this in 2 months
>I had friends there

I need to go back