Summer Lesson is NEVER EVER coming to the west

Summer Lesson is NEVER EVER coming to the west.

it's better to be safe than sorry

You're the reason we can't have nice games.

Thank goodness. We don't need more games that sexualize women.

Harada-san should just have bamco release it in english in asia and those who want it can import it

It's just DoAX3 again. He doesn't want to sport the localisation costs and this is more justifiable to his honorable samurai ancestors than "I'm fucking cheap and stupid."

It's okay, user. Take on me, I'll be gone in a day or two.

>It's just DOAX3 again
Yep. Fucking SJWs ruining video games again.

Why would I care about pandering weeb game #328

sure, because we actually don't have that kind of climate over here :^)

It's the closest you'll ever come to true love.

Do you hate true love?

This all day every day. It baffles me why japanese companies don't bother with english translations. I know japs can't into english. I know translations cost money. But FUCK they can't cost that much can they? Bunch of amateurs on Sup Forums translate metric tons of comics, VNs and games all year and do it for no compensation. It shouldn't be this hard to pay someone to go legit.

I'm not a weeb and have a girlfriend
Why should I care about pandering weeb game #328? Is there even any gameplay? What even is the game about? Is it a waifu simulator that dropped the pretense of being a video game?

surely I will be able to buy VR waifus on steam, right?

no you don't have to
doesn't mean some loser shouldn't be deprived of this or resort to using an overpriced import site like playasia

what is he even saying?

>Is it a waifu simulator that dropped the pretense of being a video game?
Yes. People expect it to be best waifu simulator that was ever made.

But isn't it gonna be on PC I thought?
It's a non-issue then, if it's good it's gonna get a fan transaltion anyway.

Why would Summer Lesson appeal to me when I'm a sexier woman that this fake bitch?

>true love
you need to go back

As long as they are diverse enough, sure.

Who cares. Games are about gameplay. If she slapped on a red coat and started going devil may cry on some demons I might give a shit.

wait, what? correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the blonde girl for teaching english, and the japanese girl for teaching japanese? if that's true, what's the point of the japanese girl if the game is never being released in the west?

Yeah, you don't care about the video game, so that means nobody should get to play it either.

Good thinking.

If you don't care, why did you post in this thread?
Good job, you got a girlfriend and you're not a weeb, you win at life, why does it bother what the rest of us losers do?

some human beings equate vidya and real life, and see the problems whether it's positive female portrayal or racial diversity in vidya to be real life problems

are they overpriced? I'm seeing ys VIII for 60 bucks. didn't think vita games went that high.

PSVR exclusive.

>those rock textures

why does this look so bad? isn't it just a small island?

No matter then, it's just one VR waifu game.
There will be shitloads of VR waifu games in the future, it's fine if we miss some of the starting ones.

I want to play a comfy game with a waifu on a summery island. fuck, why can't the west have it? just gimme subs and let me import it

>the worst kind of VR
Okay, I don't actually care about this game anymore.

She's cheating on you, user. Probably with a black guy.

who cares, theyre just banking off anti-sjws outrage buying their shitty fanservice games, similar to doa, ppl only bought that shit to spite "sjws"

neckbeard anti-sjws sperg more then sjws

It's more of a, why should I fight for something I don't care about. Or be upset about something I don't care about etc.

>I'm not a weeb and have a girlfriend
I bet you do, tough guy.

you don't. Why the fuck are you here.
is somebody aiming a gun at your head and forcing you to care about this?


No penetration, no purchase.

I'm sick of all these dumb ecchi games. They're just hentai without the bang, and vidya without the "good". I won't fall for your shit again.

Why is anyone on Sup Forums. I came in here to tell you I don't care if this shitty "game" makes it over. My opinion matters and needs to be trumpeted from the mountains.

I want both extremes to die in a fucking fire.
unlike gender, you can lean both sides

>muh anti-sjws


This picture would be 1 gorrilion times better if it was yaranaika face.

Translation: The West doesn't just eat the shit I serve, unlike my countrymen. Why bother?


you dont have to bring your reddit war into every thread, lil sjw

Do you think the human race has diverse individual intellect

why is america a country of cucks?

>caring about weebshit

>muh censorship

>Wahh I cant add a brown waifu but I can put a white girl!

Keep sucking the whiteman's dick, silly Japs.

I just want to justify the Overwatch one by saying Blizz added a pose based on a pinup painting for soldiers to look at in war for their own amusement.

>muh censorship

>In 2015 R. Mika's butt-slap taunt, jiggle physics, and more sexual fighting poses were removed from the game to appease out Matriarchy Overlords.
I disagree with censorship but these images seem painfully self-unaware. People eschew points made against these cases of content removal because its opponents come off like they're a bunch of weak perverts. The way the list is written really doesn't help in that regard.

I imported Migu, DOAX, I will import this.

>Tech demo is not coming out in the West.

And PSVR is going to cost $700-$800 right?

Faggot Sup Forums is about as good at predicting shit as they are at being original.

>its a fucking movie game without even an attempt at gameplay
Jesus its literally okay when Japan does it according to Sup Forums

First, they came for the Weeaboo, and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Weeaboo.

Techincally, the R.Mika one is still in the game. The camera is moved.

>I'm not a weeb and have a girlfriend

is Jamal looking after her while you post here?

Of course. Otaku are among the most gullible consumers. In Japan, they sell Blu-Ray discs of anime by the episode. 40 fucking dollars. They pay as much for an episode that we pay for a season.

>all these triggered weebs giving him (You)s

Good work, user.

>it's okay to censor sexy stuff

Wew lad, you seem to care enough to click in, read the thread, reply to it, and expect a serious comment.

So how about you quit lying you little weeb shit, nobody gives a fuck that you consider your hand a permanent relationship.

Thats because weeb tears are among the most delicious of said tears, pure virgin extract.

>having your girlfriend shitpost for you


Not the guy you're talking to but why would you come to a thread just to tell a bunch of random anons that you don't care about a game? No one gives two fucks if you care or not.

I bought doax to fap though

It's important that you know.

PS4 is region free right? They could just take the lazy route and add english subtitles as an option. That way, anyone who actually wants it can just import.

Star Ocean 5 did it best. Add an inch of fabric to the underwear of a potato, while leaving the sexy character's see through outfit, largely untouched.

You're cancer and a bad troll. Fuck off.

That your a fucking faggot?

>Tracer's pose shitstorm
>Sup Forums actually believes it wasn't directed by Blizzard from very beginning

Hey man this isn't even my best shitpost
Thanks all the same though.

You guys are taking a stand against censorship in the same way I'm taking a stand against whining about irrelevant issues. We're both warriors in our own way.

You're* I normally charge for English lessons so you're welcome.


Okay. I'll just import it like DoAX3.

Why can't jap companies just pretend they don't understand english?

god damn, that shit is Orwellian i wouldn't believe people actually thought this way if i hadn't seen it first hand. Glad they're such a minority.

As do I so ftfy senpai, because next time you will be getting the bill in the mail.

Did you read my post? It wasn't even that long.

I'm not fighting for anything. I'm just letting you know that no one cares about your opinion. But I'm done talking to a retarded troll. Peace.

what good would that do?

I know the end of the ulti is removed, but the butt slap is there. But it's still silly. Didn't exactly boost the sales.

>Glad they're such a minority.
For now.

I want more games to pull this shit

>nobody should want it, they're for perverts
typical puritan


>"its just a game brah"

The fact you felt compelled to type this means you are not hot and very insecure. Hahah get REKT ugly fuk.

Good to see that people are not totally fucked in the head desu.

die please

>it's 2016

Why did you feel compelled to give them a (You)? They clearly didn't earn it for such a low tier post.

so millennial nonwhite female democrats with no college education are the true enemy

thats some pretty shitty dress sense desu.

What quantifiable harm could possibly happen if they did bring it over?