What's the best game you've played this year?
Doesn't have to be out this year, just have played it.
For me, it's a cross between God Hand and Bloodborne but I'm kind of liking God Hand better.
What's the best game you've played this year?
Other urls found in this thread:
Toss up between DaS3, Doom and Bloodborne.
Probably BB because of Old Hunters.
That's an odd quote if it's from god hand. Should have been Am I a god or a devil. There is no comparison between the echelon of a god and demon.
do you mean that I played for the first time or just played this year?
Played for the first time, unless everything new was super shit.
>liking any game more than BB
Here we go
played the whole series recently starting with BB and man my first character has fucked up stats when I came back to it
>level 110
>no stats over 40
>all evenly distributed
but to answer OP's question it's probably DaS1
If I were to rank all the games I've beaten for the first time this year:
2)Dark Souls III
4)Binary Domain
5)Super Mario 3D World
6)Street Fighter V
7)Resident Evil 4
8)Dying Light: The Following
9)Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
10)Rocket League
11)Wario World
12)Killer Instinct[2013]
13)The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine
14)Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
15)Grand Theft Auto III
16)Batman: Arkham Knight
17)Call of Duty: Ghosts
18)WWE 2K16
19)Dragon Age: Inquisition
20)Metal Slug 7
21)Bridge Constructor
22)War of the Monsters
>Binary Domain
My fucking nigga. This game is just too good. I hope we get a next Gen one with better gameplay. The guys already have Yakuza's gameplay perfected.
Dark Souls
I always replay it every once in a while
2016 doesn't really have any good games yet
Rhythm Heaven Megamix.
Was waitin forever for it to be localized in rhe US and immediately downloaded when it was stealth-released at e3 a while back.
I bought it on a whim when it was 3 dollars after seeing people talk about it here occasionally.
Turned out to be one of the best 3rd person shooters I've ever played.
It's probably my favorite video game story ever. It only really suffered from samey gameplay (even though it was still so much fun), and hit or miss bosses. Gorilla boss was amazing though, every single time.
You can tell who is a pcuck if they say anything that isn't bloodborne
Yakuza 5, though the Haruka section went on far too long, still fantastic.
Or they maybe played it last year? Keep that shit out of here.
Stay mad pcuck
You can tell almost always who is a shitposter if they say bb is anything less than perfect
Looks like only 3 people here aren't pcucks
How do you beat Rocket League?
On that note I could say that some matches in Dota have been real quality fun but considering what normally goes on the experience is far far past terrible.
Best games I've played this year are Bloodborne, DaS3, Stick of Truth and DoomRL.
Going probably add Odins Sphere on the list today if other Vanillaware games are any indication.
But I'm OP, I love Bloodborne.
everybody loves Bloodborne
Not people who dislike it.
you mean tsunderes
So shitposters and pcucks? They don't count user
>How do you beat Rocket League?
There's a season mode, mate.
BB > DaS > Nioh demo > DaS 3 > DeS > DaS 2 > Salt and Sanctuary > Not playing videogames > Lords of the Fallen
Holy fuck. At least if it came out on pc this shitposting would stop. It's one of my favourite games of all time but this is insane.
On topic: EDF4.1 is fucking godlike. Salt and Sanctuary is really good. The Red Solstice is really good as well.
I beat BB last year or it would be on there.
We aren't the on /lgbt/ now so it is hard to find any.
>came out on pc
>shitposting would stop
This. I don't even care if it goes PC.IK just wish the pcucks would stop being little bitches about it
>nioh demo
>before very good video games
This meme has gone too far
Das = Bb > des
Rest are Chinese knock off bootlegs so aren't eligible for rankings
What is wrong with you.
Yeah I guess not. Plus we'd have to listen to them whine like they did when they got DS1.
I would wager in 80% of all shitposting the gold face spammer hasn't even played the game.
Shovel knight
Hotline Miami
Yeah but they are still deriving enjoyment out of it.
Maybe the game is in their soul?
>Sonyggers still wishing this hard
Nobody even fuckng remembers that game, user. You will have to live with your buyers remorse. Samefag
>The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine
>At 13
"Opinions" immediately discarded.
The community is alive and well. You can still find tons of people to play with. Maybe if you weren't a desperate PC shit and could afford a PS4 you could play with us, even though you are a massive cunt.
I haven't been playing very many games that came out this year, I've mostly played older ones so far. My rankings for the games that I played for the first time this year:
1. Riven
2. Abe's Oddysee
3. Syberia 1
4. Syberia 2
5. ASA
6. The Void
7. Subnautica
8. Layers of Fear
The second half of this year is when all the games that I'm waiting for come out, like Obduction, Dishonored 2, and Syberia 3.
Every game above it has better gameplay, which is the part I value most.
>PvP was dead even before the DLC
>5% of PS4 owners bought Bowelborne
Can't change reality, sonygger
That's like saying the only games alive on PC are hearthstone LoL Dota and CS-GO.
If you can find people to play with it's still alive.
Haha you tell him, poorfag couldn't even afford a $400 PS4 so he had to settle for a $800 PC haha
Gotta be Pokemon SMD, favorite game in a long time.
Those aren't the only ones, but they're ridiculously popular. Still, I don't get the comparison - PS4 was extremely succesful, yet barely anyone played BB. Witcher is one of the best-selling and highest-rated PS games, and it's a multiplat
Most of my casual gamer friends are terrified of the souls series because of the difficulty meme. I saw a guy on facebook asking if it was worth buying and if he'd be able to beat the first boss and someone people were saying it was too hard to be fun.
The witcher has difficulty settings and is more plot driven so it's an easy sell.
Dark Souls 1.
Tried to play on release but the controls were frustrating and I had low fps. Now I powered through the controls, except can't do menu shit in combat, as well as I have a better PC.
Its one of my top games now, absolutely fantastic.
Odin Sphere. I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to a bunch of other games. This is being a good year for me.
BB is a one-gimmick-game too, you are faster than almost any enemy by default, just keep dodging in proper directions and either abuse gun-parry or weapon with good reach. BB is nowhere near as unforgiving as Dark Souls
I find dark souls easier. Everything is so slow you have ages to make a decision and a shield to hide behind until you have the enemy's pattern down.
Only if u play STR build, and even then it works mostly on basic enemies