Are there any other game characters based off real people?
Are there any other game characters based off real people?
Is she real?
Joosten is pretty. Quiet looked like a horse
>Voice actress
She sounded like shit when she talked, Kojima got her for looks alone
the joost juice caboose is on the loose
Battlefield: Payday Edition's single player characters were also modeled after their VAs. And of course LA Noire.
I love it when games do that too because then I put on a nude mod and what'dya know I'm jacking off to Joosten's tits for $40.
Wrong image.
Her goose is a moose and she seduce my recluse spruce.
Very mature..
How can her eyes be real if shoes aren't feet?
mr robot was in until dawn
It fucked with my brain seeing that game immediately after watching Mr. Robot. The two characters couldn't be more opposite to each other. Now that I'm thinking about it, I should go back and finish Mr. Robot. I lost interest after it started focusing way too much on that executive guy that killed the girl. His whole character arc was boring the shit out of me and they were giving him way too much screen time.
many metal band members were in Brutal Legend which I thought was cool.
Yakuza games
>The two characters couldn't be more opposite to each other.
Yeah, you definitely did not finish Mr. Robot.
Which is the reason 1-3 will never be reissued or rereleased; Capcom can't afford the licensing royalties anymore.
I think I stopped watching like halfway through the first season. Does his character really change that much by the end? That's kind of disappointing if so, the fact that he's so autismal was a pretty big part of what drew me in. It definitely made the show unique.
Why does she support sexualization of women? Does she really like being oppressed?
Do you think she gets self conscious when she sees quiet's massive tits?
She wasn't good enough for her nip husbando, he made her tits bigger
some woman think they have pretty bodies and want to show them off. not all ladies are pissed off landwhales.
she has pretty decent knockers. Quiet's jugs are only slightly bigger.
I lost interest after the "evil corporation that controls everything" was called Evil Corp. Fucking evil corp.
RIP Lemmy
Was voiced by and modeled after former Overkill employee Ulf Andersson
No new lines ever
anyone know what Ulf is up to nowadays?
Brutal Legend is unapologetically one of my favorite games of the 7th gen. Probably Ozzy's best performance in like 30 years too.
Funded an indie studio
>design a character around one of your staff members
>character turns out to be a total piece of shit
>can't kill him off cuz the guy at the studio is a bro IRL
You'd think that'd be enough reason to not make their character an insufferable cunt
Jimmy, Rust, Houston, and Jiro are also modeled after their VA's although in Jimmy's case it makes the most sense.
L4D 1 & 2 survivors.
Don't fucking remind me.
I've found it hard to gauge how big her tits are. In some photos they look massive whereas she looks flat in others.
Yeah but it's explained that it's the main character's perception, not what it actually is. If I remember right, it's just E Corp, which isn't far from shit like Enron or GE
>Quiet looked like a horse
That's an insult to D Horse. Joosten is ugly too, that's why Quiet looks like shit.
I forget his name, but the president in CoD Advanced Warfare looked exactly like the guy that played him.
One of the onimusha games had Jean reno's likeness for the main character
>Is there even much talk of sexism in games? In the Dead Or Alive series women are still depicted as tanned object with big tits.
>I think it's not such a problem. Yes, women are sometimes put down as eye-candy in addition to the male protagonist. To now make gender-neutral games I find a bit overdone. You know, I've used a lot of Tomb Raider played and people complained there that Lara Croft was portrayed unrealistically with her big breasts, but I thought it was just mega cool that a sexy woman was the main character in a game. I've watched more reluctant than I found it demeaning. We can see it better as a power.
Ugly women are vengeful bitches. They hate the world because no one finds them attractive so they go out of their way to make everyone else unhappy like them.
>Kevin Spacey
Fuck thank you. I'm terrible at remembering names. I could only remember Frank Underwood, his characters name from House of Cards.
>but I thought it was just mega cool that a sexy woman was the main character in a game
She's right.
Cute! CUTE!
Amusingly though, she did take a pop off at Dead or Alive during promotion for TPP. I remember threads here slagging her off about it at the time.
When? And what did she say?
l4d I believe
feel like a lot of source games do this.
not sure about freeman's voice actor.
I should really give this game another chance.
Vaas Is real
Literally the protagonist's delusion, not the actual corp's name
Do it. Slight spoilers but you'll see it coming if you play the game.
A name bothered you?Stop wanting to not enjoy things.
After getting a gf with small breasts and seeing how wildly her size can fluctuate depending on her clothes, I can guarantee you that pic is mostly bra.
Someone post Sheva Alomar's VA, literal carbon copy
I still have these, though used copies go for pretty cheap and are easy to find. So many fun memories with the Onimusha series.
I'm not convinced, post your gf‘s tits and maybe I will be