If I haven't played a souls game, which one should I start with?
right now I can only play games on PS4
If I haven't played a souls game, which one should I start with?
If you play Bloodborne first the other Soul's games should be relatively easy.
The ideal way to play the souls series is in release order. There are so many changes throughout the series that get carried over and shit that any other way of playing it is wrong.
For the record, this is my favorite series and I played DaS1 first then went back and played DeS and I still believe this.
Bloodborne is definitely the best for new players. Relatively easy while still having decent gameplay and the world is very interesting after you get past the werewolf bullcrap.
Bloodborne, all the Souls except Demon's are overrated garbage
play bloodborne
. DS1 and Demon's get credit for being different during a different time. DS2 and 3 are trash.
Not really, they play differently.
He will learn to be aggressive in Bloodborne which he will be punsihed for in Souls games.
demons is trash.
bb > ds1 > ds3 > ds2 > des
I dunno, I played Souls games exactly how you said and it was a cakewalk
Release order, skip DaS2
Play them in this order:
you forgot darks 2
Unfortunately I wasn't able to yet.
But I'm trying.
what do you mean by that?
I wish Bloodborne looked like that, god damn it.
I agree with Ideal way is to play in release order, but Bloodborne is the most casual friendly souls game, so that might be a nice starting point.
Demon's is literally the best one you faggot
Estoc = saw cleaver
and I ass rammed all the games like that
Estoc doesn't stun every hit.
either Demon or Darksoul1
Scholar of the First Sin
That's the order I'd play them in. Scholar is really fucking long though, especially if you've never played a Souls game before so you might get burned out before you even get to the other games.
>III before Bloodborne
High dps and then learn to dodge. Ez games
>considers ds2 worth playing
>confused by simple wordplay
can you get more retarded?
Play souls in release order, and save Bloodborne for when you get burnt out on the series, whether that be halfway through the series or 200 hours into DaS3
DeS > DaS > BB ~ DaS II > DaS III
Checkpoints breaking up levels is the worst thing to happen to the Souls series. Git Gud DaSfags
>right now I can only play games on PS4
Then the only game you can play is Das3, considering 2 is absolute garbage, DeS and 1 aren't available on the console and Bloodborne isn't part of the series.
I really liked how DeS and DaS handled their overworlds.
DeS was all hub-based but it was well designed
Everything in DaS was interconnected
I don't know about DaS 2 or 3 but bloodborne feels really disconnected at times.
>bloodborne feels really disconnected at times.
Then you've somehow missed all those 9000 shortcuts everywhere.
Nothing can be worse than DaS2 though
>lava level above mountains