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10/10 taste.
How do people have unchangeable favourites? My favourites shift every day.
I genuinely couldn't give you a favourite 'movie'
>likes a movie directed by a child rapist
Hard to decide.
This guy's got some taste
Is Evanescence really that bad?
i'm fine with being a pleb who just wants fun
>I pay attention to celebrities personal life
I've never cared about a director's, artists, musician, etc., personal life. As long as they produce a good product, I will watch, listen, read what they have produced.
I'm not in a position to judge or change anything they do. There are proper authorities for that.
Give it to me straight Sup Forums, how much of a faggot am I?
pretty fuken gay
The black mages
KingsGlaive FFXV
Brotherhood ffxv
ELO is good
Interstellar is alright
Spyro is pretty cool
Problem is, you have an anime. So you are a faggot.
k e k
You should Pick a Tecmo bowl game or Daytona USA for your favorite game next time for additional Irony
>not autistic
but you post on Sup Forums
no, its a meme
Black Dynamite is the best
the director being a piece of shit doesn't change the quality of his work
Had trouble deciding for the movie, I have multiple favourites
I'd imagine with an editing job like that that you have a lot of trouble with simple day-to-day activities, not just deciding on movies.
Black Dynamite is my shit.
>tfw Yakuza 5 on PS4 never
Failed normie spotted
>Literally 0 people on my level
I don't watch enough anime to have a well informed favorite.
why not brotherhood?
Pretty decent m8.
Madoka's fine too.
i am ive never met another who favorites Departed. Can we date?
yes. they are that bad. They're shit and if you like them you should feel bad.
k-on is good though.
There is a person alive who will unironically agree with this.
Maybe it was due to watching the original first, but it never blew me away like the original did.
I also thought it started getting a bit silly towards the end with Father trying to become a god and all the other over the top bullshit that kept happening.
Rate me faggots, none of you are on my level, you can't even see me.
I cheated a little on the games but they share a very similar philosophy in design.
His pregnant wife was gutted like a pig.
He probably had some kind of lack of morality after that so he saw no harm in playing cowboys and indians with a 15 yo.
>Dark Souls over SoTN
nigga we gonna fight
Decent taste but you included an anime, so you're disqualified. Get on my level you filthy pleb nigger.
Good taste, user
There is nothing inherently wrong with Japanese animation
>good taste
Yep. Literal high-tier taste gets overlooked in a thread full of faggots who listen to metal and watch anime.
There is nothing with Japanese animation
Uses a website that child porn is posted on
fair enough.
still haven't watched brotherhood
i hate long series
I was never that big on music so I can't say I have a favorite.
if my favorite musician raped and ate babies I might reconsider and look at their work under a new light.
no one is perfect, but that's pretty fucked up what he did. especially when it's something artistic and personal.
doesn't excuse his behavior.
No one likes Korn. Not even people in Bakersfield.
I'm gay in real life but at least I'll never be this much of a faggot
how can people be so consistent with something they like? is that a sign i have no personality?
I'd hang out with you.
No it's probably a sign that I have no taste.
infernal affairs > the departed
No it's a sign that you're not an autist who only focuses on one specific genre that makes them comfy.
>Metal Slug 4
Of all the games. Hell, I don't even remember that one. Now if you say 3 or 6, I'd understand. This shit is burned in my brain.
>favorite anime
You are a part of the problem
Man I watched the first episode of the Votoms and god damn there was some top notch QUALITY
I'm trying to explain it.
Not excuse it. There are far worse pedos than Polanski.
Good taste, user.
Am I pretentious enough?
I always say 4 for two reasons: Nadia, and my best friend's favorite game is 3.
Well you either deal with the QUALITY or you deal with the really bad CGI in the recent OVAs
You've obviously never watched Robot Carnival it's a compilation of stories revolving well, robots, it's incredible, you don't have to like anime to like this.
Here's one of the stories.
I can feel your arrogance from here.
that's so cute
if you look back at his works it's clear he's a little off.
repulsion, rosemary's baby, etc.
all about raping young girls.
it was a long time coming.
whats so bad about anime?
>Emoji filename
Didn't know this was a thing
>Sup Forums
>Complains about anime
No, you are the problem
>the strokes
what's this, some shitty dad rock band?
But user, I have a boyfriend.
Their first two albums are really good, but everything else is absolute garbage.
what is that movie?
Be gentle.
>neo-Sup Forums