ITT: Obscure and atmospheric Slav games that aren't Stalker, Pathologic, Void, Outcry, or Cryostasis
ITT: Obscure and atmospheric Slav games that aren't Stalker, Pathologic, Void, Outcry, or Cryostasis
Other urls found in this thread:
7,62 High Calibre
Brigade E5: New Jagged Union
Post more slav
I heard that 35MM and Phobos 1953 were meh. Any Ruskies to confirm?
Boiling Point is pretty comfy, though it's not about slavic regions
There was that one space game that Sup Forums was into several years ago. Can't remember the name, I never actually played it. Maybe not atmospheric though.
General, picrelated
King's Bounty
Space Rangers 1, 2 (2d space sim)
Parkan (space sim RTS?)
Paradise Cracked (X-Com like)
Death to spies
Majesty 2
Blietzkrieg aka Sudden Strike
>no metro
The Precursors is also very obscure and ambitious in design
Ah, that's the one I was talking about. Is it actually any good?
>7,62 High Calibre
This. No other game conveys the atmosphere of pure fucking dread that every soldier experiences while fighting in a dense urban environment, where death can come literally from every corner and direction at any time.
It's also one of the game that conveys the total chaos that ensues in a large-scale, nighttime firefight. That single convoy ambush mission is better designed than pretty much most "tactical" games out there.
>Death to spies
Didn't know that was slav. Gr8 game
the fucking stroller makes this image
ok you got me, maybe the first one but it's pretty mainstream now.
>still no 2035 translation out
western spies who squat on toe instead of heel
This game is surprisingly decent. Pretty run of the mill action RPG.
Tip: sprint through the tutorial. Just get to the end. Nothing else matters.
Anton main here.
It's like you don't even play slav games for fun.
do slavs actually dress like this in 2016
is it how most dudes dress or is this just a specific group of dudes like uk soccer hooligans or LA cholo gangbangers?
HoMMV isn't exactly obscure. Even Sup Forums stopped trying to deny it's a great game.
Is the Silent Storm series obscure enough? They're definitely hidden gems. Hammer & Sickle is more on the obscure side and shit too.
I've had knee problems since I was 12 so I probably would not make it in slavic squatting countries
even literature people say 2035 is decent book not scii-fi schlock but actual /lit/, so have hopes my man
I never managed to get that game to work but remember peoples having fun when it was the flavor of the month.
i'm so sad studio died, they'd be in dosh up their noses these days with cheaper tech to use and much smaller dev time for engine etc.
this was informative and funny in a slavic meme manner
These games are obscure as fuck to the general gamer populace, but are considered very well known masterpieces among the squad-based tactical turn-based gaming community.
Why would people just squat in a group like that? That's not even comfortable, and I doubt it has any health benefits.
>slav shit
Fuck off you human roaches
yeah 2034 was wtf worthy and I thought the author had lost it. but he said in a interview that he wanted to do a "Arty book" whihc would explain the huge shift in tone.
Good to hear 2035 is good
Why do people ask this? It's comfy as fuck, there's nothing wrong with tracksuits. Everybody wears them.
no, it's spacesim -fps first one was amazing for it's time
second was meh, try it, you can land on planets, trade, space stations etc. but everyone is a robot and you are only human
I think i still have cd somewhere
I love this video. It shows the unforgivable nature of the game perfectly:
Loved Silent Storm up until they got into the sci-fi shit. I had a mod that removed all that but I can't find it anymore.
come on
nobody wears them like slavs do
first game was better
it's like fc2 to fc3 transition with these two
planets looked like this, year 2004(?)
I've seen 4-5 people in tracksuits in the past 6 years. I haven't seen a squatting slav in almost a decade.
Are there any notable upcoming Russian or slav games in general?
>I never managed to get that game to work
Really? I don't think I had to troubleshoot anything, I just mounted and burned the .iso like I would have with any pirated game in the optical storage age.
I remember these games being hyped to hell by local gaming press when they were in development, then they were released and turned out to be utter shit
Unlike them, FireStarter was actually very good
I also collect slav games on steam, just for fun I guess
Yes but Sublustrum (Outcry) is bretty good
tarkov, but even I don't see future in it too ambitious design clusterfuck
everyone in mmo/f2p/mobile these days - economy is shit so constant revenue flow is more predictable than developing for 3-4 years risking it all
Nice but no Cryostasis or original Last Light?
>too ambitious design clusterfuck
You can literally describe pretty much every good slav game like that. You don't play these kind of games for the balance or polish, they' re like Obsidian games in this regard: potential rough-cut diamonds or utter shitpiles.
I remember .exe being skeptical about all of those.
cryostasis is know enough
which last light? metro? everyone knows about it
>or slav games in general?
Well there's Scorn
A shooter/adventure/whatever game made by Serbian weirdos.
If it doesn't feature newborn porn or some kind of pregnancy and abortion imagery I call bullshit.
X-Blades is Slav?
Yeah, applying the english patch was a pain. Plus i was still on vista when i tried to play.
meant the non-redux version that you can't buy on steam anymore
Vladimir a best
Yeah, same guys who made War Thunder. Gaijin studios or whatever. They also made Blades of Time.
Because hating slav gamedev and gaming press was their entire shtick, wasn't it?
I started buying games on steam couple of years ago, and I don't want to shell out a shitton of money for a game that isn't even optimized to run decently on modern hardware.
As for Last Light, I waited for a better deal because I didn't like either novels or the first game all that much.
Yeah, and when you think about it, so is Blades of Time. Gotta add it to the list.
No chairs?
But I think it actually is healthy, by stretching the achilles tendon and the back.
>was their entire shtick
no, they loved silent storm, space rangers, star wolves, blitzkrieg , kings bounty etc etc
they were objective enough
Not a single mention of You Are Empty.
The most batshit insane game I have ever forced myself all the way through to the end.
I liked 35mm, it has that Stalker movie vibe.
Hard Truck 2: King of the Road.
Shit's CULT here in Russia.
cryostasis runs fine, it ran fine on 560ti it runs fine on modern cards
You'd probably see more if you ever left the house.
Дaльнoбoйщики 2
damn that game, ETS2 "stole" so much from it
I remember actually being interested and hyped for it back in 2006.
If you have what it takes, eve online
cs 1.6
Is it true that Ice Pick Lodge games are actually vaguely popular in slavland?
EVE is Icelandic.
>be vladimir hanging around with pyotr
>a sergey comes near
>fucking have to book it
when can pyotrs get the arms deal update so we can share guns?
I stand corrected. It's just that I suddenly remembered all the shit they've given certain games.
I stand corrected once again, seems there is a multicore patch. Man, am I out of the loop. Still, it's off the steam market and "resellers" wants 25 to 120 bucks for a key, so I think I'll live without it.
There is a rather big Slav community of players. so perhaps it fits OP's search.
What do you mean exactly? Their games are popular enough to be known and recognized by the majority of Russian gamers, though that popularity slowly came over the company over the years, not with a single game.
Pathologic won a whole bunch of GOTY awards there, so I'd assume so.
Pathologic remake comrade
I'm glad
Thanks for the heads up, I'll definitely get that.
Jesus Christ. If that pig actually survived that, this picture might be one of the funniest things I've seen.
Here's a funny thing I remember from when Pathologic came out - one of the major Russian gaming magazines (if not the biggest and most popular one), Igromania, gave Pathologic a score of like 4/10. The game just came out, but there was already a fanbase which raised an outcry because of that score. Despite that, the magazine defended their score all those years, and changed it to 8/10 in a sort of retrospective review only after the kickstarter of the remake.
Fun fact: they named Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy their GOTY that year.
So it's like the slav version of God Hand?
Metro was made by Ukrainians, they are no slavs.
Yeah, I remember that, used to read every issue at that time. What a shitshow that was if I think about it.
That's some Giger shit right here.
You're fucking retarded mate.
>love slav video games, books, language and history
>save up for a holiday to russia
>Igromania, gave Pathologic a score of like 4/10
Because no one hate russian like a russian.
Ukrainians are literally Russians, who wish their failed state of a country was Russia.
It sounds weird at first, but it's 100% true.
Artyom sounds based as fuck