Which game is better?
Blazblue vs Guilty Gear
Not even into fighting games but gg is better by virtue of actually trying to have its own style instead of being generic anime shit
The one without the shitty baitposters. You know full well that this can only result in a pissing contest and you fucking do it anyway.
Shit taste detected.
They're both solid series with a good variety of unique characters/playstyles. And bitchin' music.
The one with the better waifus
I'll vote, but I won't stay because these threads always attract idiots from both sides
tao is love
Which fanbase is worse?
Guilty Gear.
BlazBlue fans are always minding their own business meanwhile GG fags can't stop shitting on BB where ever they go.
Melty Blood?
>Millia deliberately puts Makoto in an S&M bondage knot
Goddamn, Millia's kinky as shit isn't she?
The one with the witch that literally fucks a cat
Or the one with the holy christian hero that fucks a 5 year old
Stop using Sup Forums to base your understanding on fanbases. Sup Forums is loaded with dickriders for Guilty Gear and people like me who actually plays Guilty Gear are more annoyed by it than you are.
Who do you play?
Slayer. Why?
I like Blazblue more.
I like Makoto's underboobs more
Patrician taste detected.
Guilty Gear of course. It's original, BB is a copy. I don't hate BB though, it has some nice characters.
French Bread > Arc System Works
GG has way better designs, style, features, and graphics
BB is a deeper game and for the faggot who really want to get into anime fighters
Both have great soundtracks
French Bread has never created anything original in their career
>BB is a deeper game
Only compared to Xrd. AC+R is deeper than BB. And Xrd is still new, I bet next expansion will introduce a lot of gameplay changes. Remember how barebones Calamity Trigger was?
CT was the best game. Every character was unique. And BB isn't deep unless you consider comeback mechanics deep.
BB has better systems and a more well-rounded execution barrier across all of it's characters (In my opinion.)
Plus it's like the quintessential anime fighting stylistically, every attack is ridiculously over the top and flashy, which I love. GG is too of course but not quite in the same way. Easy choice for me.
Thats what i implied. I wish with Xrd they didnt try to copy the +R frame data and just did their own thing so parts of it didnt look so slow.
They will never add ABA so i will be sad for ever even if im shit with her and overall
They fucking seriously need to do balance patches as well, Pot, Jam, and Ram all need buffs and Jack O needs some fucking balancing for her bullshit dust moves
>BB has better systems
go on
Cant wait to get back into it later today.
CT was about 10x deeper than Xrd lol
Low tier bait.
If they're so good why isnt UNI on PS4
Xrd is literally babby's first anime game.
There's like 3 characters that don't play exactly the same as the others (Venom, Bedman, Eddie) and even them have the same general plan of gorilla mashing moves with +20 block advantage into airtight 50/50 bullshit.
It's a fucking boring game where every match plays exactly the same because there's no variety to be found anywhere.
You've played one millia/eddie/sol/elphelt you've played them all
No kidding I legit don't understand this
Well I understand that fb probably can't even afford the port considering the low sales it expect, but goddamn if it doesn't feel shit to have every meaningfull anime game on one console except the best one
>trying that hard
It's one of the most brutally unfair games out there to the losing side.
>OP could have made a BB thread and had a sensible discussion
>OP could have made a GG thread and had a sensible discussion
>OP instead opted for a BB vs GG thread to ensure maximum amount of shitposting
keep "playing" your dead game bro I'm sure the reason no one fucking likes it is because it's just too deep for them
I'll bite.
-Astrals are a great way to handle finishers, allowing you to combo into your strongest super for maximum flashiness but only allowing it under specific conditions which basically amount to you already being close to winning the match, which is a perfect compromise in my opinion
-The color grab system is great because of how pressure heavy and offense focused the game is. Throws are still strong and you can combo off of them for good damage, but there's a decent amount of time to tech (especially during hitstun) so they aren't free instant resets.
-Directional rolling off of knockdown is great because the corner isn't a 100% instant death trap like in other games, but is still a scary position to be in. It also isn't a free escape either since the opponent will get rewarded for reading the direction of your tech.
>The overdrive system is great, because it not only adds more depth to the management of burst by letting you opt for more offensive power for a short time rather than an escape for when you're in trouble, but also adds entire new unique mechanics to characters when they're activated (though to be fair some are more substantial and creative than others.)
-The drive system is cool because it means every character is going to have something unique and integral to their gameplay that you'll have to learn, adding another layer of depth to the roster (Though I can admit not all drives are great.)
And of course you have other things like rapid cancels and pushblocking, but those aren't really unique to BB obviously. They're still worth mentioning however I feel since they're implemented well. All of BB's systems just resonate with me, and feel I like they were pretty well thought out. Like they wanted to give the players as many options as they could while still keeping the game fun and fluid and minimizing what might be frustrating or unfun in other fighters.
anime is childrens cartoons
Not since CF they buffed Overdrive to the max in more way than one.
Guilty Gear has amazing character designs. I can't think of anything better
That's not really a comeback
It's just that the actual important resource in BB is not your health.
>dead game
It's second most popular fighting game at EVO. While BB isn't even there.
It allows you to comeback with an 80% combo instead of outplaying the opponent with footsies oki or neutral. It's the same thing as X-Factor.
I'm sure that's very important to people that watch games instead of playing them
I'm talking about entrants numbers, dumdum.
Saying that is just admitting you don't understand the game.
Blazblue is a big damage game if you have the resources to blow on it. That combo took 75% meter and an overdrive. Him having those resources to kill means he played that match well, and his opponent failed to take them away from him AND got hit by a slow attack he saw coming from a mile away.
I understand "MUH FOOTSIES" is the latest meme among stream monsters but please try to understand that not all games need to be about poking each other to death with a standing medium kick.
Not the person you replied to, but I don't understand why you mentioned astrals. They aren't that different from GG's instant kills. You can combo into those as well under similar conditions.
Oh god it literally is X Factor isn't it? I didn't give it much thought since I haven't been paying much attention to the new Blazblue, but now that you said it now that's a big issue with me. I absolutely hated X Factor in Marvel and I'm going to hate it here.
Only since Xrd and those fucking stupid wallstick dusts.
In previous GG you couldn't even IK out of a stun.
Can't we just say both games are good and have fappable characters then call it a day before watching porn each roster?
>and those fucking stupid wallstick dusts
There're a lot more routes.
It still works differently enough, for instance in Xrd you gotta telegraph that you're going for it by activating the IK mode, and if you can't land it then you lose all of your meter. The trade off obviously being that you can do it whenever, but I still prefer the way BB handles it.
>watching porn
Here's a list of similarities beween xfactor and overdrive :
- it allows you to get more damage out of a confirm
Here's a list of differences between X factor and overdrive :
- Overdrive doesnt last 15 seconds.
- Overdrive doesn't make your character faste
- Overdrive doesn't make your attacks do more damage
- Overdrive doesn't make you immune to chip damage
- Overdrive activation isn't safe
- Overdrive shares its resource with another one of your important options
>Not watching porn
Sol is the most braindead player so this isn't really impressive. noko plays raven a lot better.
Under the right conditions the activation freezes everything so you can activate it mid combo. Meaning you don't have to activate it in neutral. The conditions are similar to what's required for astrals in BB (opponent low on life, match point, have enough meter). In this regard they are practically the same as astrals.
>it's not a comeback because in this version of Blazblue comebacks happen all the fucking time
CF is garbage and will kill the competitive scene even more than Wizard did for replacing CP with P4AU at Evo the year after Dogura vs Garireo made people actually hype competitive Blazblue again.
Xrd has several characters on the same level of braindead as Sol
The only ones that aren't are like Venom Axel and Pot
It's not really supposed to be impressive as much as it is just funny.
The look on Kazunoko's face at the end is priceless, but elvenshadow's is even better because it's just a look of pure anguish and embarrassment.
If it's something every character can reliably do then that just makes me feel like the IK mode is unnecessary then.
But I see your point. When I played Xrd I almost never saw people reliably comboing into their IK. Haven't picked up Revelator yet sadly, saving my money for KoF14 and praying that it's good.
>its a comeback because he had less health than his opponent
Lol okay
I used to like them both equally, but Blazblue really dropped the ball for me.
Story went belly up stupid even by anime standards and character designs got increasingly garish in a bad way as soon as Makoto dropped. On the gameplay end of things it's gotten more technical and is definitely a respectable and quality fighting game but the ungodly delay between arcade release, JP console release, and american console release fucked a lot of people out of caring since by the time the american console version came out they just announced the new arcade version with like a thousand different changes to combos and mechanics. They seem to be learning from this with Xrd, releasing an early demo for revelator that's basically arcade mode and resisting sweeping balance changes, but blazblue really wore my patience thin about that.
Axel is braindead he has the full screen pokes that lead into full combos.
>mechanic's resource filled by taking punishment
>mechanic allows for combos that confirm into 75%+ damage
That thar is a comeback mechanic
fwiw IK was a good option to force the burst
>If it's something every character can reliably do then that just makes me feel like the IK mode is unnecessary then.
The IK activation is just a relic from the old games that they probably kept around mostly for nostalgia or something. No one ever activates it in neutral unless perhaps they managed to dizzy the opponent and know they won't be able to shake out of it.
>doesn't make your attacks do more damage
>activation isn't safe
Blazcuck doesn't even know his own game.
It really isn't that simple considering the heavy resource management side of this game.
You can't just get your ass beat and hold on to your burst/not use any meter and then win the whole match. With how brutal the combos are in this game, not having burst for the match point is actually a massive weakness.
Everything comes down to how you spend what you got, not just ODing willy nilly for a big dick combo 100% of the time.
>activation isn't safe
This part is true though. There's a reason people activate it mid combo rather than in neutral.
>grab character
>not the definition of braindead
Hey just let me do this motion and take more than half your health
Just because you can't beat him doesn't mean he's braindead.
I can't think of a single character who's overdrive makes his attack do more damage, feel free to correct me. It doesn't do that to most characters tho, it just adds special properties to their normals or make their gimmick unique mechanic more effective.
It's absolutely not safe tho, just has some invulnerability.
It powers up supers and gives many characters stronger combo paths, so it does make your character do more damage technically.
I never denied that, I listed that in the similarities list.
Should've been more specific and said it doesn't make you do more damage per hit.
Never really understood people that got mad at grapplers.
Like did the Sin mashing beak drivers because he got a counterhit really deserve his 50% damage more than the grappler that did his motion because you didn't jump ?
>requires a C starter which is the heaviest slowest thing next to CH and fatal starters
>requires 75 meter
>requires active flow which requires you to press a lot of buttons for a temporary boost
>in a game where pressure is unending, there's tons of fuzzies, crossups and unreactable setups during pressure
he deserved that if he's going to break pressure, IAD back for no good reason and proceed to get hit by 5C raw with 30F+ of Jin running straight at him
all you had to do was block, it wasn't even a punish. shit even if he kept up offensive and got DP'd it wouldn't be much if he tried to lame him out to avoid the CH.
He was obviously baiting a C dp
what you guys mean is OD is invuln (activation is actually 3 frames vulnerability till) but you can't attack straight out of it, you have to wait until the animation finishes and thus your invulnerability. It's like an emergency tech state.
this can lead to mindgames of the opponent hugging you and threatening throw or mashing 2A while you try for something meaty, or simply jumping to avoid the exceed accel (which isn't the goto in comeback situations if you want to take the round since it ends OD, AF isn't that good late in a round).
that doesn't mean don't fucking block at all when the DP doesn't come out
literally half a second to confirm that
Blazblue fans think comeback mechanics makes a game better
I like both, but Guilty Gear will always have a special place in my heart.
Really, BB and GG are very different games.
BB is feels more combo focused, whereas Guilty Gear feels more based around short confirms to knockdown and oki.
One thing I like about Guilty Gear compared to BB though is how the game treats its meter.
You build it quick, assuming you haven't somehow tanked your tension pulse, and you use it for basically everything but burst, from supers, to extending combos with RC, faultless defense, dead angle, blitz, YRC oki shit, YRC neutral shit, and I'm sure there is something I'm forgetting as well.
Back to gamefags forum faggot
>pblade talking shit
come see me in MvC3 kid
Axl is actually hard to use competently, being the only character with a solid defensive keepaway gameplan in Xrd. He doesnt have forcebreaks in this one and has to rely on conditioning and proper spacing of his tools just to get by.
From what I remember of BB, pressure is also very strong.
Xrd fans think a game with YRC can ever be good.
Pot also has some strong defensive options with the flick for the projectiles, the IB into Pot buster or the backdash that invuls for 95% of the time.
I want to like BB but I can't, it just feels really awkward to play with things like the slow as fuck jabs, ground teching and throw rejects.
GG feels faster and more natural to play (+shorter combos) though I'm not sure if I like its throw mechanic either.
Melty is the real best one
>29 posters
>100 votes
gg babies confirmed for linking strawpolls to their discords so they can win a poll on Sup Forums
Frame data for average jabs (and most attacks in general) between the two series are very similar.
Also, BB has the throw reject miss game and greater throw range. Also reacting to green throws isn't always feasible, which usually means you can bait people into being throw reject missed through certain setups.
Ground teching is also something pretty unique in BB, as rolls/delayed tech have a very large window to be punished for a free reset. Most of the time the safest option is to actually tech regularly, and put yourself into the normal oki game instead.
Several things in BB are there precisely BECAUSE they don't want it to be a GG clone. And they should be commended for that. Rolls, Combo Length, Throw Reject, Barrier Meter, Burst Usage, focus on Drives, all end up making BB a very, very different game to play than GG. Some people like it, some people don't.
>No "I like them both button"
It's like this thread was made for shit lfinging
>Xrd is worse than Accent Core+
Why is this allowed? They had a good thing going, really perfected the game they made, and then they fucked it up with Xrd.
I like da brownfu
Because le accessible back-to-the-roots meme.
Yeah, but combos in BB are longer and stronger than they generally are in GG, where combos are usually short and less 'pretty,' if that makes sense, and ending a combo with a super is usually only worth doing if it will win you a round.
On top of that, throws are a LOT harder to tech, and usually don't lead to combos without meter, and GGs 'wake-up-into-some-shit' stuff is far harder to do in BB, thanks to delayed wakeup and tech rolling