Full price game

>full price game
>a step down from new vegas in every single conceivable way
>1 hour long

How do bethesdrones defend this shit?


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idk OP, Sup Forums is full of shills paid by todd

>>a step down from new vegas in every single conceivable way
t. Obsidiot

Fallout 3 was better. Because unlike Fallout 4, Fallout 3 was an RPG.

But can you say why you are calling them an Obsidiot besides wounded fan boy pride and product loyalty?


Fallout 4 is shit but you're a faggot.


Not comparable, also not an argument.

Why are they not comparable? They're both any% speedruns that uses sequence breaks and glitches to run through the game. Give me your reasons why it's okay to judge Fallout 4's length based off an any% speedrun whilst it's unfair to judge New Vegas' length off an any% speedrun.

Honestly anyone on Sup Forums that talks about NV will probably be called obsidishit or something along those lines.
These constant New Vegas threads need to move to /vg/

New Vegas is an RPG with tonnes of interesting side content where you can make actual choices.

4 is an FPS where every quest is the exact same.

Yeah that's good and all but in the OP you've clearly stated that Fallout 4 is 1 hour long based off an any% speedrun which is someone going out of their way to deliberately run through a game as quickly as possible whilst claiming it's unfair to judge New Vegas' game length based off the same criteria that you've posted in the OP.

They can't because /fog/ is literally a buffscale and friends club. Nothing but furshit, avatarposting, tripposting, and unbridled support of an unemployed man who makes sex dungeon mods. They rarely if ever talk about the previous games, it's all FO4 waifuing.

Same reason people shill NV while it's a step down from Fallout 1-2.

Did you forget you were on Sup Forums? If you expected any better, you're retarded.

Generals go to /vg/.
The fact the /fog/ general is shit doesn't excuse spamming Sup Forums with new vegas threads.

What about a New Vegas general?

Still not an argument.

It is Bethesdrones, can't argue with these faggots Let them eat shit and play those buggy 1 hr downgraded shit games,

Care to actually rebut the argument instead of just posting the same inane comment?


It has better action and shooting gameplay, vanilla graphics, engine, and settlement building.

That's literally it, but those four are so big that Bethesda marketed Fallout 4 exclusively with it.

I love you too user who is having a giggle

>im playing on very easy and if you have a problem with that go watch another charity that happens once a year.

What an arrogant cunt.

I'll give you everything else but the hour long speedrun.


Be fair, nigga. A speedrun is not a good way to judge a game's length. You can beat Dragon's Dogma in 15 minutes too (45 if counting the loading screens, seriously) with some well placed port crystals.


>1 hour long
>tfw I didn't even check and I knew exactly what it was

There's a reason DD's total shit.

>loading screen longer than the game

im not a 'gamer' or very smart bt ive been playing them most of my life i liked new vegas i could play it for hours when i bought fallout four i played to level 20 and got bored. in new vegas your interacting with the world and shaping it to your personality i was evil so everyone hated me when i was good they liked me factions would attack find a new place was cool. in new vegas it just feels like a sand box with a gate no matter what its gone go one way

So what games are good?

Says you, your first post in /fog/ is you spewing about how good is nv and how bad is fo4. I get you user, if you cant afford fo4 so just wait till someone reply your post about nv if you do post in /vg/.

See you there.

A game called Body Harvest. I doubt you've heard of it. You see, I happen to prefer quality products.

I unironically love Fallout 4.

I haven't played NV yet, installing it even as I type this, but all of the Sup Forums shitposting is making me reconsider. Wondering if I should cancel this install and mark off the game as the contrarian's choice.

NV is ok.
It's a buggy incomplete game that's worth a couple playthroughs but that's about it.

>my friend bought it at release
>played it for a month or less
What's the point of buying it then?

>a step down from new vegas in every single conceivable way
Not true.
Fallout 4 had better combat, graphics, and handled power armor better.
That being said fallout new vegas is still a better rpg then fallout 4.

>14 minutes long

Shit game


The sad thing is probably doesn't even understand what made Body Harvest great. It's a shit game filled with bugs (both literally and technically), but it was made by Rockstar in the 90s. Body Harvest wound up being the technical foundation for what would later become the 3D GTA series. Every 3D GTA built off its predecessor. GTA III built off Body Harvest.

I'm sorry for actually getting you to respond seriously to my shitpost. And yeah that sounds like one of those "foundation" games in that the game itself isn't the best game but is instrumental in laying down the foundations for the future.

shitty game

Why would anyone buy Borderlands: Fallout edition?
It's a legitimately horrible game, and it's not even an RPG.
It's a smelly and rotten turd.

Isn't Morrorwind like 9 minutes long and everyone but neo/v/ praises it here

>a step down from new vegas in every single conceivable way
Looks better
Plays better
Gunplay is finally enjoyable
World is really nice to roam about
STALKER lite atmosphere

It's not an RPG anymore sadly. But it does a load of things way better than NV.

>anyone talking about NV gets shit on
Nah, it's always Fallout 3 fans because technically it's an inferior game who get shit on, and then they get mad and shit on NV fans eventhough they think the game is okay

I don't really get people who expected anything from Fallout 4. It was obviously always gonna be ARPG

Mediocre platform for mods.

>New Vegas was only 15 and a half minutes long

Wow, I'm glad they added a lot more content in 4; extending the playtime from 15 minutes to an hour is pretty impressive.

>STALKER lite atmosphere
Also the world wasn't nice to roam around since F04 was an action RPG, so instead of exploring you were always, always fighting

Is there anything more autistic than speedrunning?

You're right, Fallout 4 had too much fighting and not enough shitty guitar. Seriously though, I'd love to see a Fallout game with Stalker atmosphere and enemies; stumbling upon a nest of Bloodsuckers at level 5 with a 10mm pistol would be great.

You're always fighting in STALKER too.
And no, I won't take it back.

After installing a mod that amplifies damage by 5, this game becomes actually pretty fun.
Some areas became surprisingly tactical, and the cover shooting mechanics are pretty alright.

Only problem I have with it is that grenades kill in one hit, and nearly every enemy group has at least one.

>people surprised you can speed run through an open world RPG on Very Easy in an hour when the whole point is to create and explore.
>if it was on a higher difficulty it would require time to make your character stronger before you can progress

I don't understand how this is shocking.

I wasn't referring to STALKER with my later statement. Also you're not always fighting. Sometimes you're looting areas with no enemies and collecting artifacts. Like 99% of the time in FO4 the devs go "looting and exploring this house is kinda boring. If nothing else, atleast add a couple of bugs in here"

u wot m8
this game is so bad