I reckon the game will amount to that for some people. Meditative, certainly...

I reckon the game will amount to that for some people. Meditative, certainly, but I think for some people it'll come to point to spiritual thoughts.

You have the power to roam the universe, you have untold number of planets to set down on, and you know that there's just so much you'll miss out on through the sheer fact of the size of the universe. It's a digital simulacrum of the universe we are in, but it'll make the point about the real one's size just as handily: we're not even a mote of dust in the scale of things, and the sum of all human knowledge can not make most of creation available to us.

We're locked into cosmic quarantine, until some superior species arrives, or we stumble onto another paradigm shift, scientifically.

There'll be moments where I just stop and think, looking out into the vastness of simulated space.

Other urls found in this thread:


I bet the gameplay is so fucking boring that you won't want to go to the other planets and just go to the ones where you know there's shit to do.

That's what can potentially go wrong, what the fuck am I doing in this huge generated world/

Spore 2.0

why don't you just go outside and look into the vastness of real space, you turd. this post is almost as bad as the game.

What makes you think that?

I mean with our level of technology currently we're just not gonna get to that level of detail with procedural generation.
I mean eventually you'll see it all so to speak.

everyone keeps saying this game will be like minecraft. IT'S NOTHING LIKE MINECRAFT. there is no multiplayer. you don't build anything.

It's a game that's advertises to be something huge with "infinite" this and "infinite" that but no real substance or incentive to keep playing or doing all these "infinite" things.

AKA Spore 2.0

I see how you might think that. But you have to keep in mind that unlike spore, they have people that actually know what they are doing


>they have people that actually know what they are doing

Showing very little of the game to "keep people from being spoiled" doesn't seem like a good way to sell the game.

Them showing so little of this "infinite" world space and it's features is literally the only reason I'm not buying this game.

I don't have high hopes, but it could make a good comfy simulator.

It's gotten to a point where I can't tell if these constant threads are false flags or not

>wow people are talking about a game
Discussions been dead for this for months and months eat my shorts

this literally looks like Spore hype.

>they have people that actually know what they are doing

You mean apart from having the fucking grandfather of the simulation genre making the game.

I have no doubt the game will be fun for a little while. But it's gonna get really boring really fast. Procedural generation has never been a good substitute for actual content.

>western developers

You will never want to explore more after a certain point because you'll realize that everything's the same shit just color swapped.

Gotta love the ironic shilling campaign space Minecraft is getting.
Not gonna pay $60 for a procedurally generated smelly turd.

We talked a lot about this internally. The idea is to false shitpost all over this game. But do it in such an obvious and stupid way that will it actually fail and get the comments to defend the titel. Thus making them like it unconsciously.

How do you like it so far?

Try adding something to do in your game instead.

>its a comparison to spore episode

spore crashed because it made material promises which were later walked back by EA.

that isn't what's happening here.

the game releases in less than a month. its no surprise that people are starting to talk about it. especially given that there hasn't been anything notable released since May.

So.. Are there missions? Quests? Objectives? Varied equipment?

I feel like the developer hasn't given us a reason to do any of these things. I guess I'm just older now and it's harder for me to just have fun in a sandbox, but I need some sort of reason or incentive to keep progressing.

not much has been said except that the overall objective will be to reach the center of the galaxy.

as for equipment, there different configurations to your main tool to get, and spaceships are procedurally generated as well.

>overall objective will be to reach the center of the galaxy

okay now i understand the spore comparisons

>each planet only has one environment, one temperature, one colour

I like the fact that things are shrouded in "mystery." But after awhile "it's a mystery" starts to sound like "There's nothing."

>missions? Quests? Objectives?

whats the difference? Anyway game has a story and quests yes. You can join fractions, do missions for them

Is shilling an efficient market strategy? I've Always wondered

i don't know man. The videos from may kinda show a lot


Ok, so what can you actually do? You fly to different planets, walk around and look at flora and fauna. Is there more to it? Do the space police still roll up on you if you kill an animal on an uncharted planet?

I will watch this later. I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not but I will find out. Thank you.

That's the engine limitation. If they did more biomes per planet they will spawn randomly and look ugly. You can't make polar caps on a north pole just because engine doesn't know where the fuck it is.

Um, the whole point of code is to make the game doing something very specific. You can most definitely specify where an area of a planet generates a certain terrain type if you're a professional coder.

That's not engine limitation, that's laziness.

no I'm not sarcastic. They said they didn't want to spoil anything from the story so you wont see much about that. But there will be one.

Hell everyone was fine with freespace 2 and its randomly generated missions and simple trade.

NMS has that plus the exploration part, crafting, a level up system and survival mechanics. That's pretty much all i need

I'm not an expert on this, but that has something to do with voxel engine limitations. You can't just do a spherical planet if you use voxels apparently. You make a cube planet and then apply some transformations to make it looks like a sphere ingame. There are several ways to do this with different drawbacks.

Sounds like an excuse to me

I played elite dangerous for 300 hours single player. Im sure this game will do fine.

300 hours of elite? What did you? Dock ten times?

I like the infinite exploration idea but I'm realy sceptical about it. A million different planets will probably translate into 15 or so different ones, with slightly different sky colours and miniscule differences in wildlife and so on resulting in a million 'different' planets.

I also really don't like the graphical style.

How the fuck are they supposed to show that I mean really how?

Maybe jump around to random planets?
The game is coming out in a fucking month, and we barely saw anything about the game.
How can people be excited for this shit? It smells so fishy I'm suprised cats didn't swarm the dev team yet.
It's like there's nothing to show

Are you seriously spamming the same kind of post every threads?

Same to you, fuckface.

Not even that cunt.

I just got here, but I'd swear I saw the exact kind of post in some previous NMS threads

Someone posted a montage of planets, taken from a gameplay video. Half of them had different colored earth grass.
>it would take 5billion years to explore all of these cheap permutations of generic colored earths

Dont worry guys, mods will fix it.

Kill yourself, shill.

The planets are so close together you wont even care.

I agree. I think the game will allow people to see the world in a Nu way.

you gonna talk about tech behind the game at conferences?

They've done that in multiple vids.

But they already did that.


Kill urself, non shill.

>It's like there's nothing to show
This. It feels too much like i'm being asked to pay $60 for a roulette on a handful of Legos and all the possible ways I can put them together

Again how the fuck do you show this game it's not like anything else out there and you can't just "Show infinite generation" and you can replicate how someone is going to feel while playing the game.

People are still playing MGSV and Battleborn, so I'm sure it will something to someone, no matter what.

just play Normans sky and get it over with.


show something worth playing the game for? It literally looks like 12 piece each for sky, grass, water, animal A, etc available in every HEX color. You can't fool people with false variety

Show more videos with something INTERESTING. If you refuse to show more videos proving that the game isn't just .hack level stage generation then you dont deserve my money because it's looking like this game isn't for me just from the lack of anything hype shown

ok then fuck off back to overwatch already

>show something worth playing the game for?
They did already, guess you either didn't watch or just ain't interested in it.

Yeah, it must pretty weird to realize that not everything is made to cater to you, but that's what being a teenager's about.

nice counterpoint, m8

is the Dev team literally here or are you all microworkers?

It must feel nice to live in an alternate reality when everyone disgreeing with you is paid to do so and not just actually thinking you're being retarded.

nice counterpoint, m8

>Thoses controls

I can't even get the ship to go forward, fuck you Norman.

It look like a dumbed down Elite Dangerous, which is quite an exploit.

okay, let your bosses know that pets would be a good idea, They'll want some of these when this game starts to sink like a stone. Displacer Beast kittens is a good start

I'm just going to play 2hrs and refund if i don't like the game.

There's a lot of retards who think this will be the next OG elite//minecraft/whatever autistic series gets them hard.

They refuse to even acknowledge the possibility that they're gonna get fucked, and will defend this shit game with every waking hour until they get their hands on it and realize that there's no multiplayer, no building, no construction of anything, really, and every planet has dinosaurs. Some planets will have dinosaurs with 3 eyes. Some will have dinos with 3 legs.

No, it is a surprise people are starting to talk about it because there is nothing to talk about.

thanks doc

it'll never cease to amaze me how you can gain a following on fucking nothing. Why are standards so low?

900mb of game,1.2GB of textures, 4GB of music.

i garuntee this is it, every video of that guy being interviewed he looks fucking bi-polar schizo like he can't handle lying about the game because its going to bomb because of how little content there is in the game.

I just want the game to come out so I can tell my co-worker to shut the fuck up about it. When has procedural generated content ever been good?

>There's a lot of retards who think this will be the next OG elite//minecraft/whatever autistic series gets them hard.
Where? There's none on Sup Forums, and subreddit/steam forums are always choke full with overhype.

nice counterpoint, m8

>That's the engine limitation.

kek, no just laziness.

>If they did more biomes per planet they will spawn randomly and look ugly.

they already look fucking ugly

game looks like some cartoony PS2 game and the game doesnt even have grass shadows or good draw distance let alone some AA

>space game
>doesnt have good draw distance

you fucking what? I could forgive the rest of that shit but how do you not have appropriate draw distance in a game about exploring?

Explain this shit devs/interns. I KNOW you're still in here

its true
i just looked up gameplay yesterday

big ass ships were drawn further away

but smaller ones were only drawn like 50 meters from you, they just appeared out of nowhere
same goes for meteors and shit

even ED has better draw distance and it also looks way better

>but smaller ones were only drawn like 50 meters from you, they just appeared out of nowhere
>same goes for meteors and shit

I had enough of this nonsense in Black Desert. There had better be a slider or input to fix that shit

yeah but what can you do?
like can you mine for shit? enslave monsters?
no multiplayer?

That one racing game was procedurally generated. Although, they put much more effort into it too. They mixed it with predefined assets and it came out pretty good for a racing game.

I believe that game was called FUEL.

How much disk space will this require?

Dont forget the part where you can name planets after your balls

>There's a lot of retards who think this will be the next OG elite//minecraft/whatever autistic series gets them hard.

Yeah, that's what people like you thought, which is why you are this mad. Meanwhile, the people arguing with you are the ones that actually payed attention to what was said in interviews and presentation, and entertained no illusions that it was a "you can do everything" simulator. Cry harder.

Your face when you will pirate day one so cuck nu-males faggot cant steal your money and buy their strap-ons and spoil their wifes sons


when it was announced it was coming to consoles i lost all hope

if it was build for PC hardware it may have had a shot, but not anymore
such a shame

Your face when not even going to bother pirating it and just here to harass the marketing team for shitting up the bard

>only one biome per planet
>Every single thing on the planet resets when you leave and come back
>Billions and billions of randomly generated things which will probably get old fast
>No multiplayer
>Mining, but you can't build a base or ship with the resources you get
>Developer is as vague as can be about everything

Think I'll pass on this one. The only good thing is the delicious tears from people who think they'll be able to co-op this because the dev uses extremely ambiguous wording, like saying everyone is in the same universe.

>they have people who actually know what they are doing
>a bunch of no-name indie jags know what they're doing better than Will Wright

If you were baiting, good job, because you sure got me mad.

Spore was really fun though

learn complex alien languages, user

by learn I mean fetch quest until the text changes

Post one.

>that babyfaced fuccboi on the thumbnail


it's a lesbian

>Co-op you have the potential but you would have to get to the center of the galaxy.

didnt the devs say that even if you could see another player, you wont be able to interact with them?

Even if it just had base/ship building that would make a huge difference.

its going to be worse than ED

ED at least has realistic portrayal and that makes it super comfy to just fly around and look around in your ship

ED at least has that, its still a boring piece of shit but it has that at least

You can kill them thats about it.

There's no co-op

In one interview someone asked if him and a friend were at the same spot on the same planet at the same time, would they see each other? The dev replied with a no. The steam page doesn't have a multiplayer tag either, only singleplayer.