I challenge Sup Forums to post a video game with a story which is worse than this
I challenge Sup Forums to post a video game with a story which is worse than this
Metzen is a master troll.
Never played Starcraft 2, how bad is the story?
Bioshock Infinite.
Through the power of love and friendship the terran, zerg and protoss work together to destroy an ancient evil
anything he touches. take your pick
Not quite the series to do that with.
Diablo 3
Tales of Symphonia 2
Tales of Zestiria
Tales of the Tempest
Star Ocean 4 and 5
Blizzard has never really written a good story. SC2 is laughably bad. SC/BW got by through its sharp presentation and world, but the narrative is just cookie-cutter Blizzard about corruption and blahblahblah.
plenty of games have a worse story. pic related
It isn't
lol ok
how about this piece of shit
Picking Tales is cheating
Castlevania Lord of Shadows
Castlevania mirror of fates
Castlevania Lord of Shadows 2
I don't even know what happened after half way...
not it isnt. if were going to ban tales from the discussion then how about literally every fighting game ever made?
Guild Wars 2 or Fallout 4.
If you ignore everything after level 25 or so in GW2, then you've got like 5 sick storylines with multiple paths.
I would say HOTS is worse than LOTV.
LOTV at least made you use groups of units and had variety in it's missions. The Arkship was a fun mechanic as well. HOTS was too much like WC3 where the power of your party just revolved around your hero. HOTS is essentially a Kerrigan simulator.
That explains it.
>Guild Wars 2
either version
>The bad guys were just under the house of the fucking main character.
That was bad but pretty funny, there are worse plots.
How? There's a difference between a bad story and an uninspired story.
But weren´t the Zergs the fucking ancient evil?
i can think of games with worse story lines all day
I never played this, but my girlfriend recently played through the first 3, and honestly, Drake is a fucking murderer. How do people like this guy?
very thin line in this case. what about the 180 turn at the end.
No, the Burning Legion and Kiljaeden...I mean....Amon and his hybrid are the ancient evil.
the game is good the story is bad. read the original post you cunt
>people think it's gotten worse
but the story was fun especially the haunted mansion level
You're a fucking retard.
What 180 turn?
While I agree with you that BW was pretty fucking bad, the opening and ending cinematics almost made up for that, kind of.
the monsters at the end
He was born after the game came out, it's not his fault he thinks CoD is the height of storytelling.
You mean the things that breath a little life into the story?
>embrace who we are
>continue to live an illusion
hell yeah
are you kidding?
the "life of the story" should come well before the climax
Thug Hero Party
Starcraft and BW's story wasn't good either, but it was way better than the shitshow of SC2.
makes sense...
It was """"self defense""""
All blizzard games
I was going to post the Telltale Game of Thrones game, but then I remembered this exists
The story of this damn game is atrocious and it literally made me physically sick. I forced myself to finish the game anyway and now I have a burning hatred of everything southeast asian and/or involving radical teens doing radical things
>Entire city gets destroyed
>The trauma caused Symon to retreat into a fantasy
>The existence of mesmers enables this delusion even further
This is the story of a mentally ill man who will never recover nor receive the treatment he needs to regain what he has lost.
It's really hard to top
I really disliked how they turned the Protoss into taller humans with their campaign instead making something out of their flair of unity
Maybe not the worst story overall, but definitely the worst plot twist ever.
Quite. All that "WE SHALL BE FREE WITHOUT THE KHALA" garbage has been done to death already in countless other media, would it be too much to expect for an alien race to actually be, you know, alien, and try a little harder to save what has been the literal centerpoint of their culture for aeons and literally the only thing that saved them from extinction?
Each profession has something called a half-life (not quite the same as half-life of knowledge, but it's a similar concept).
For example, phyics has a half life of four years. Meaning if you were to take four years off, your value to an employer would half and so would your salary.
>We advanced the timeline 300 years from the time period everyone cares about for no reason.
>To compensate for this, we wrote a bunch of new characters, all of which aren't even remotely memorable.
>You guys like that Darth Nihilus guy, right? Well our new character, the SITH EMPEROR, is the same except WAY COOLER.
>That Kreia character was really overrated, so she's just a crazy ghost now who's in love with our AWESOME SITH EMPEROR.
>You know how Darth Revan is essentially a mythological figure at this point, and the comics and games both went to decent lengths to portray the character as faceless? We threw all that out the window, he has a canon face, he's been captured by our awesome SITH EMPEROR (that guy is just so cool!) and he's also a mid-level raid boss.
>Oh, and we got a lot of criticism for not having any gays in our game, since that's the only reason people buy our shit anymore, so we made a gay planet.
It had a story?
It was better, and more importantly, not shoved in your face all the goddamn time. You could easily play the game ignoring most of it.
He's a witty and crafty murderer with great upper body and core strength.
The part where he got all shocked at the Russian dude in 2 for killing his own guy was funny since it was so out of place
Don't forget about satele shan, had to throw in a reference to bastilla in there
>kerrigan is a fucking monster who has no problem getting people killed to suit her goals
>raynor promises her he'll kill her for everything she's done
>kerrigan is a perfect mary sue that raynor is madly in love with
>she turns into a fire god and flies into space with her "people" to fight evil hell demons
I have never played this game but it has a character named Orochi Zilla. Does that speak for the game's story
Had to give her the same voice actor too, so people don't get confused.
Playing a story game to ignore the story. Best story ever!
Starcraft has always been cheesy. Just enjoy it for dumb schlock and you'll be much happier.
completely agree, whatever story the game had was completely ruined in the last chapter by a stupid fucking gimmick
i still cant go back and bring myself to finish it.
There are two basically plot lines running side by side, one is about the main character and Orochi Zilla, and the other is his demon sidekick with no memories. The former is pretty cheesy, the latter is more serious and actually a bit interesting.
Both can be safely ignored if you don't care at all for them, they don't get in the way much.
>story game
starcraft has hella solid gameplay though?!
SC2 story is godawful, but I still played through campaigns, WoL and LotV mission design is pretty neat. HotS is beyond salvation.
jimmy whiteknights to meet a girl, gets friendzoned
jimmy´s hoverhanded grill is now strong independent woman who doesnt need a white man and is slaying alien dog cock in space hotel all the fucking time
and in third sequel you got fucking bionicles drama against many faced god and so privileged strong women they transform into flaming space gods. i dont wanna buy Void fuck that
Halo 5
it was always cheesy but not a love story written by metzen
FO: New Vegas
Story wasn't bad really. Just very simple to set up game modes.
>those missions where the rebels had to "defend the medicine from being stolen" and the security had to "steal the bioweapon from the terrorists"
>it never exactly makes clear who's in the right it's obviously fucking security though, security did NOTHING WRONG.
Agree completely. I was so pissed at 3 for not having any supernatural shit. Hallucinogenic water was a shit twist.
While the story wasn't exactly great, the main characters story arc was fantastic. He enjoyed killing as much as the player did and the characters around him reacted to that.
idk wtf you are talking about. I'm not even sure you've read my post
Please go back to your containment board, thank you.
A complete joke
that the whole sc2 story more or less evolves around jim raynor´s sex life and it´s cringeworthy shit to follow
how does it affect mission design or my point?
He wanted a reply, why did you give it to him? Generosity doesn't belong here.
I wish I had the time, patience and autism to make an artcle explaining in great detail why SC2 has such a nonsensical plot, missed opportunities, garbage characterization and worthless ending, while also shining light on the flaws of the original in other to compare the two games in an unbiased manner.
Or I could just rant about SC2 for an hour... that would work too.
>only Sup Forumstards think trannies are mentally ill
it doesnt, all they have for gameplay is sandbox simulators with couple goals and it got old years ago. it´s just so cheap to play a once upon time video each time a map ends, shift back to menus, repeat and call it a game.
The SC2 books ruin it for me. They are better written than the plot in the games, and the lack of quality in the games or cohesion with the books ruins it for me.