What the fuck am I doing Sup Forums?

What the fuck am I doing Sup Forums?

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its too late for u...

Your timing could not be worse.

Joining the rest of us poor saps. Get ready for disappointment.

Resubbed a few weeks ago and have seen a ton of new players.


Playing a game you must be somewhat interested in. Don't see a problem. You can always quit any time you want if you don't enjoy it.

Making a mistake, wait for legion or at least the pre patch.
That said levelling in WoD pretty good and so is raiding, shame nothing else is/exists.

Prepatch comes out next week (if they follow tradition with the last 2-3 expansions, releasing the pre-patch on the end of PVP season) so it's a decent time to come back.

OP, have fun, but expect this thread to be full of >wow

Pre patch goes live next week..

Installing WoW it looks like. Pre-patch is next week so don't get to comfortable with the classes.

Attention whoring on an anonymous image board.

>You can always quit any time you want if you don't enjoy it.
I'm mostly planning on levelling. I haven't touched Warlords at all and I want to hit 100 on my characters in time for Legion




Unless of course you have an addictive personality and zero self control.

I just resubbed yesterday, i havent played wow since the beginning cata except for a couple weeks during wod. Big mistake. There is still almost 2 months until legion and a week until prepatch. Only reason im even giving it another shot is because when i came back to wod a friend convinced me to preorder legion for the boost. Fuck.

Hey mate, if you haven't USED THE BOOST TO GET THROUGH yet, you can wait until they release the Class Trials. It's like a try-before-you-buy of a 100 of that class. Gives you a little tutorial and gets you your artifact I think.

Which means if he plays now he'll have a week of playing with the shitty WoD talents.
How is you saying the prepatch goes live in a week a response to me saying wait for the prepatch anyway?

You've got a couple of nights of fun ahead of you then.

Wasting hard drive space and bandwidth.

>How is you saying
Try English and not ebonics.

>Friend goes on 4 week vacation
>he resubs to wow,know he hasn't played for at least two years
>over two weeks in, i still see him playing wow on battle.net

He's probably gonna sudoku when he realizes he wasted his entire vacation like this

I'm not from ameristan in my country we killed our blacks. But I can see how it can be read like that try reading it in a white person's voice.

What the fuck, seriously? No i already used ot because i resubbed to pvp with a friend. I never knew they had that. Thats prettu cool, when do those start? I havent decided what class i wanna do and ha e a hard choice between 5 i might want to do.

Making a mistake.

>I'm not from ameristan in my country we killed our blacks.
Clearly not.

>white person
Try wording it something like "How is what you're saying".

In Legion.


Well, if you spend shekels on a boost in the future or anything, worth looking at. I've had everything at 90+ for ages now so it hasn't meant anything to me but my friends are re-subbing and preordering so I'm trying to do what I can to help them out.

I hope they put that in pre patch. Of the 5 i want to try all bit 2 are at 100 and i should have dk at 100 by prepatch. But i want to try a rogue and dont want to level

>got a rogue to like 35 with raf exp
>decide to use another character to level friend
>get rogue to 45 and boost to 85

Greatest way of skipping leveling

Is legion actually going to be good this time around? I remember everyone talking about how Warlords was going to fix everything, and we all know how that turned out.

Only time will tell.

hopefully RPing with me in goldshire.

I hope so. I like a lot of their changes like the PVP system and the revitalization of dungeons via RoS-like keystones.

I know people dislike the PVP changes 'cause 'muh gear doesn't give me an obvious overwhelming advantage anymore' but I always liked it when it was more rock, paper, scissors instead of uh, an elf and rape.

Except i dont have friends still wanting to play wow or raf. Im not spending more money on this fucking game


but it's nice to dream

If you never played WoW before it's pretty great.
No need to say it, cause you will anyway, but: have fun.

Tell ya what, dude.
I have a code from the movie that'll give you an account with a copy of WoD on it. That should give you a level 90 boost.

Do you want it? If you just make it as a new account and attach it to your same battle.net you can transfer him for 25 bucks to your main account if you like it.

The launch will be successful because its something new after a year of literally nothing.

Legion's overall success and the game's life in general depends solely on if there's actual content patches. Blizzard said they're going to have MoP style patches along with dungeon patches, but we all know how good their word is

There's hope. But Garrison 2.0 electric boogaloo and crazy welfare farm of artifacts will probably ruin it.

anyone know how the pre-release event's gonna work?

if I miss about a week of it will I miss content?

they turned a lot of shit around

but i doubt itll fix some of the damage that WoD caused

im buying legion
but im not even going to bother with demon hunters because it really doesnt appeal to me

Thanks for the offer but ill pass because im adamant in not giving blizzard another cent until its proven legion isnt shit

>pay for retail with gold
>only log in to collect gold from Garrison/AH/farm Cata raids
>spend the rest of my time on Kronos
This is objectively the only way you should be playing WoW at this point in time.

If you still pay a monthly fee for this, please die

Having played both the WoD beta and Legion Beta, (And hating WoD besides raiding) I can safely say that Legion is infinitely better

>87k for tokens in Europe

>tfw disposable income
I'd rather blizz get 15 a month than 20 a month.
Insert pineapple into your lower-middle classhole.

Couldn't imagine. It's so easy to maintain a sub and still make gold while spending minimal time in-game.

> Pay gold to collect gold.


Because it's very easy to collect more gold than it costs to keep up a sub. Unless you're EU.

Warlords was shit because it was literally nothing but promises. It was basically a Kickstarter expansion.

From playing the beta, the content in Legion's base launch is more than WoD had.

I had a 2nd account with the starter Edition on it (all Addons up to cataclysm I believe).
I reactivated it for shits when I was hungover 3 days ago and it says that I have WoD on the account.
Did I get a free upgrade somehow?

Yeah but why stay subbed if all you're doing is getting gold to stay subbed? It's a chicken and egg scenario, if you don't stay subbed you won't need to farm gold to stay subbed.

Its basically to Horde as much easy gold as I can from Garrison missions before they remove them in the Legion prepatch

Im in Burgerland so I can pay for a token with just a single character while the rest get gold

For one, I still enjoy playing the game. Maybe not as much during times like this, but two, because I'm making far more gold in a month than I spend on WoW tokens.

The gold making is minimal effort. I'd rather stay subbed and be able to play if I want to than unsub. If I were losing gold or it were only a wash it would be more questionable, but I have nothing to lose by doing it this way.

You're downloading WoW.

Except your time i guess.

Just still seems like this is something people who don't even like the game anymore are doing for no reason other than habitual addiction to the game while they shit on and complain about the game, or will ditch legion in 2 weeks aside from farming gold for no reason other than they can.

>Except your time i guess.
Which would be a loss if I weren't enjoying the time I spend on the game, but this is not the case.

Assuming you're the dude playing Kronos why not just put more time into that?

>no content
I think the major problem with the game is that people don't understand how content originally had longevity or relevance. You have to pace people through content.

With the game's current setup it wouldn't matter if they had 20 dungeons and 5 raids at an expansions launch, people would still burn through it because of LFR and LFD then complain.
>but those are just LFR shitters
Very likely the LFR casual shitters are the one's complaining about no content.They burn themselves out, the game gives them no motivation to actually raid, then they either quit or get bored

Its the problem that arose in MoP. The game hemorrhages new potential raiders because why bother actually raiding when you can queue up and see the expansions final boss within an hour

Believe or not the Vanilla/TBC setup is more casual friendly because it gives players more reason to actually play the game and get invested.

I'm not, but I do put more time into other games right now. I feel like you're overblowing how much time actually goes into my gold making to maintain a sub.

>Did I get a free upgrade somehow?
Yes, all accounts that had starter or any other expanion got WoD for free, only expansion you need to pay for is Legion if you want to play that

What's the point of resubbing when every autist made shit ton of gold in WoD sitting around in garrison, are they gonna nerf that in legion? Seems like others are in disadvantage

>time playing the game
You seriously overestimate how much time it takes to collect Garrison gold or run cata raids. I can do all that while tabbed out of Kronos

Nah i just got loads of friends who do it, but also spend all their time shitting on it hating the game. See it all the time on Sup Forums too, don't understand the logic.

>don't understand the logic.
And it doesn't sound like you ever will, so I guess it's best to just let it be.

You are installing world of warcraft.

But like, the majority of people who do this seem to hate the game. Why expend literally any effort at all towards something they dislike.

It's 'easy' for me to pick up and squeeze my own shit from the toilet. That doesn't mean i'm gonna do it.

>What's the point of resubbing when every autist made shit ton of gold in WoD sitting around in garrison, are they gonna nerf that in legion? Seems like others are in disadvantage
Only the few who remained subbed have been making gold, a lot of them have been spending gold on tokens. There are also some huge gold sinks coming up in Legion, like the mad merchant.

The markets will be super inflated for early Legion gear and crafting mats, so there's an opportunity to take advantage of WoD's idle rich.

Its almost exclusively for gold. Unless you're on EU, tokens are dirt cheap. You're making more gold by staying subbed with gold.

Gold farming is not playing the game and requires any time/dedication. You log in, click through menu, log out.

This is going away in Legion so people are trying to stockpile as much easy gold as they can for when they actually start playing again.

Best possible reason I can think of is that they're unhappy with WoD, but not necessarily to the point of hating WoW as a whole. Maybe they're excited for Legion, so they continue to make gold while it's still available to benefit them in the long run.

Wouldn't put it past somebody here to blow their negativity out of proportion.

But that's just a guess.

Still seems like these are the people who are going to bitch and moan and ditch legion in a week when farming gold isn't as easy as WoD cry about it being shit garbage for faggots and not play until the next xpac.

What majority?

I hope you're not taking Sup Forums's word on a game again

>farming gold in WoW
>ever hard
As long as you can solo the Cata raids, you will never run out of gold. You get at least 8000 gold just from the cata raids

Going my first attempts at Challenge Modes in 9 hours. Wish me luck, user-senpai.

>WoW died when they removed the social aspect and let everyone raid everything via LFR

You know this is the only reason it sucks today.

The beginning of the end was Dungeon Finder and having it teleport you to the dungeons, and then x-realms

>dalaran again

Will we ever get a new fleshed out city?

the game lacks content now though, let's not pretend because you are a raider you have this imaginary content that makes the game "good".

I myself can't really think about anything to do in WoD before Legion that isn't just preparing to have tons of gold or all characters at 110.

I am glad most of our raid just agree to take a break until pre patch comes out and at keep in touch via social media.

>Tfw in a social guild
>Tfw end up in chatty groups pretty often
>Tfw x-realms / zones keep smaller realms from dying
>Tfw Sup Forums is full of shit

Probably not, Legion +WC movie will deterimine if WoW is in its death throes. If it is then except smaller and smaller expansions with less and less content.

That sounds an awful lot like dynamic queue from League of Legends.

I came to laugh at you

Dungeon Finder has existed since WotLK.

Also, what people seemingly forget is that Warlocks were often wanted so people could force them to go to the dungeon (along with helpers for summoning). Then came the normal meeting stones for summoning without warlocks, again forcing some people to go there while some slack off. People have always been lazy about going to the dungeon because it took fucking ages.

> Believe or not the Vanilla/TBC setup is more casual friendly

I found it to be a much nicer casual experience also. Simply doing a dungeon or group quest felt like i had accomplished something huge inside the game.

But there are so many forms of casual. Blizzard catered the game towards casuals who don't want to work towards anything vs the casuals who lack time commitment.

On nostarius people were generally willing to get to the dungeon UNTIL a warlock joined.

Summons change everything.

>who don't want to work towards anything
This is just blatant bullshit.

dat korea and taiwan

Dont dew it man!

That's proper English. You and Your are both fine, just like him and his are.

This is a vidya board, not /lit/.

If something isn't functional, it's helpful fixing it. The community zoning the content and having nothing to do is supposed to be fixed by them making more content. There's a happy middle area where these meet, but Blizzard doesn't keep up theirs, and it's not obvious if any amount that they *could* keep up would be enough. Whether or not any of Sup Forums of WoW immediately enjoys the idea, making the game more of a sandbox would make it infinitely better, and it's as simple as making consequences to playing (i.e. the gear drop in free roam memes).

It's true though. Forcing socialization was the basis of the game's popularity, whether or not it was realized. It was played because zones were full and finding groups was literally a community for both the newbies and the vets meeting up, not to mention social skill production for those in school (which is a natural interest), to put it lightly.

What is
>wellfare gear that makes previous content obsolete
>cata heroics nerf
>removal of group quests
>free gold from doing nothing
>Free raid gear from above their difficulty once a week

This is a very large demographic of warcraft. The type that want to be able to be on par with everyone else with 2-3 hours of play a week.

Maybe nobody feels like playing the game because it doesn't feel fresh anymore.

god damn

how much is the monthly bill in taiwan and korea anyway?

taking a big shit on the rest of the industry by not trying something else

i fuckin dare u to write ur playtime down

>people still shitting over LFD

>as if there's anything as pretty and gameplay-polished as WoW

Not an argument.

elite truthbomb: lfd should be used only in older content

>shitting on LFD is an actual argument just because

It's literally listed as something that provides a game experience without anything of value to get it.


It's strange to think of games as bits and bytes. Strings of 0s and 1s. Damn this weed is strong. Oh well I'm feeling the buzz well and true alright, tonight.

He's not talking about the word "you", you mouthbreathing shitskin. Only niggers say "how is", so try learning to read next time, Pablo.