Is it finally happening?

Is it finally happening?

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Will they do it justice or just make another lazy serious sam clone like they did for Doom and Shadow Warrior?

What happening?
Bastardization of another classic FPS?

I wonder what the hell Kaiser is doing now with his port.

Wait... what's that smell?

hey fuck you shadow warrior was good

I'm not believing until I see footage or something, Jace Hall has pulled the same hyping Blood source code shit up far too many times.

>I've never played any of these games

source code never

>shadow warrior was good
You're very easily impressed. It's just another serious sam "Lock the doors and spawn waves and waves of enemies" deal. It's the second laziest way to make an FPS next to call of duty.

>Designer of the original game ruining it

It happened before.
No one is infallible.

Is it the source code?

Source port or fuck off

Not interested in more cheap cash ins of beloved IPs

I'm not holding my breath. None of the old great games has had a good remake. Most likely they will just shit all over what made blood great, use kickstarter and early access and once the initial cashflow dries up call it a day.

If it's not a sourceport I'm not interested.

I hope they're implying a source port.

>do the math
Are they trying to sell me Blood on the Jaguar?

John Carmack doesn't design games, he designs engines.

Holy fuck

Please happen

Crossing fingers, but awaiting inevitable dissappointment

I would prefer a Serious Sam clone. Fuck Buildengine shooters and their keyhunt bullshit. They can keep the levels, but oh dear god, enough with the keys, it's the reason I never finished blood. This isn't System Shock.


I mean I'd just settle for a non-DOSbox version of Blood. God, DOSbox fucking sucks.

But "keyhunts" (man you make it sound like pixel hunting, they're giant and glow) is what incentivized exploration of the levels over Serious Sam's empty, braindead bullshit.

>incentivized exploration
If you ever played SS you would know that the series has more secrets per level than you can count on one hand. On higher difficulties they are pretty much mandatory, because you can get endgame weapons early on. The exploration in Serious Sam is optional and you are rewarded for doing so. In older shooters exploration is necessary in order to progress, which is not my idea of what an fps should be. That doesn't mean I don't like to think and explore, I love System Shock and Deus Ex, but if I'm playing a dumb shooter with no real story about some undead edgelord with a pitchfork I don't want to spend up to 5 minutes every level to search every nook and cranny of keys.

Aw shit brace for disappointment

What the fuck is Jace doing? Doesn't he have some shit esports team to run?

I'm popping a boner already, but I know it'll never be the same. I mean shit, they already fucked up years ago with Blood 2.

You can charge TNT to throw it further? Learn something new every day.

Is there a reason why in every webm I see of this game, the player is constantly crouching?


More blood 2 less blood 1 please.

Because cultists will rape your face if you don't.

Helps avoiding cultist fire as they're pretty dangerous hitscan enemies

Can they just not shoot down or something?

you guys are literally never happy. they could make a sequel just as good as the original and you'd whine it was too similar to it.

it's impossible to do any of these old series right, no matter what.

Cause it makes you a smaller target? I thought that would be obvious.

Places you at knee height so you're at the perfect level to give combat blowjobs.

Why does he crouch everywhere, i never got that

I live


I can only hope they bring back those quality cutscenes


couldn't get it running right.

Single best FPS weapon ever conceived

>they could make a sequel just as good as the original and you'd whine it was too similar to it
Rise of the Triad was a literal 1:1 remake and it was well received... after the launch problems were smoothed out, anyway.

Otherwise it doesn't happen. You're just saying it'll happen because people complain it's too different, and since they're all different you're confusing constant complaining with complaining about every possible facet.

My afro-american brother

> they could make a sequel just as good as the original and you'd whine it was too similar to it.

Not possible, no developer has made a sequel of a classic FPS game that was close to the original. all anyone wants at this point is the source code just so no one is forced to use dosbox to play Blood

>it was well received... after the launch problems were smoothed out, anyway
>69% all-time positive reviews on Steam, "mixed"
>65% recent positive reviews on Steam, "mixed"

Sweeping the tommygun around was boss

Well received as in you can recommend it on Sup Forums without getting reamed, bad launch problems have marred the game's score.

I'm kinda amazed there's no indie fps with basic low poly levels and 2d enemies like that.

but blood sucks

There's been a couple, like Bunker Punks and Gun Godz, but unless you've got your finger on the pulse the indie market is too saturated to keep track of nowadays.

Yeah. Or even sort of early 3D games like Quake and Half-Life, which would probably be even easier to do.

Well, there probably are a few, but none that are actually sort of good.

In the Kingdom

Interesting, never heard of em. Gonna check it out.

better than doom.

so what game do you like then?

no, user. you simply can't be satisfied. because even you don't know what you want.


Well I mean I can't vouch for Bunker Punks, but Gun Godz is a neat little freeware game that nobody played. Nice soundtrack, too.

Why the fuck does this guy jump and crouch everywhere? Is it a like a twitch or something.

It's a bunch of hitscan AI enemies. Does he think he's dodging aim and bullets?

your taste sucks

There are many examples.

I don't understand why they don't just licence the build engine to make a game instead of trying to imitate the old games with unity or whatever
well at least there is the bombshell prequel

such fps are much harder to make than typical shitty modern indie games, you actually have to have good level and enemy design.

Shadow Warrior had some of the worst guns and most obnoxious upgrades I've ever seen in a game.

the hitscan enemies will absolutely mulch you if you're standing, and crouching I believe makes them pause for a moment.

Nigga he's a code monkey, not game designer


haven't seen an opinion this retarded in quite a while m8, and thats saying something as i post on Sup Forums lmao

Wonder if Kaiser's still working on Blood EX

Did you even play the original?

What if they hired Kaiser? I mean hey, that could happen, he got hired for Strife port he's done.


Jace Hall was the main guy and CEO of Monilith and worked on BLOOD. He's been trying for years to get a source code release. THIS IS FINALLY FUCKING HAPPENING.

Says who? Atari are kikes, WB are kikes, licenses are expensive as shit and Hall, as you said, has been trying this for years.

That would be pretty cool, I hope he does more port, he seems pretty good at it

>blood source code
it's gonna be a remake

because the person playing is shit and needs to use an exploit to beat the game

user why did you post that did you want me to mad

Why do people want source code?

To get a proper source port instead of having to use Dosbox.

So Devolver release a non-DOSBOX build of the game similar to Megaton Edition for Duke or Shadow Warrior Redux

And after that they might do a reboot like Shadow Warrior

Okay. They can't do this without source code? The 'remake' thing.

So we either get a source port where we can run the game natively on Windows (e.g. ZDoom, Chocolate Doom etc) without requiring all the fiddling about in DOSbox or a good windows port with all the bells and whistles

No, Blood uses Build engine but it's a heavily modified version of it. The best thing that could have been made without source code has already been made. It's an EDuke32 total conversion called BloodCM and it's exactly as you'd expect with how limited tools are.

However Kaiser, a guy with terminal autism who's already reverse engineered Strife, Doom 64 and Powerslave is trying to do the same with Blood but it has to be kept secret to not get C&D.

>Wolf TNO was good
>new Doom is good
>waaah they will le murder muh FPS :(

kill yourselves

Good job, now you've triggered the fun police.


It's okay user, im mad about that image too

>new Doom is good
Now how am i supposed to know whether it's good when it has Denuvo? All i got is opinions and paid reviews by people who don't play video games but write about them regardless

The elitists and purists in Doomworld likes it.
Sup Forums likes it for the most part.
People in general have been saying that it's the second coming of Doom.

Sounds like you're just too poor to buy it and cry about how you can't pirate it.

It's just Painkiller with brutal memes.
For newfags, it's le return of classic FPS.
For actual oldfags it's just another soulless attempt by bethesda.

there is a demo, but i dont believe in the 2nd coming of doom

How is nu doom anything like serious sam

Pardon for not buying stuff on an impulse without testing it myself first. I'm such scum

I used to be a doomguy like you but then...

There's a demo

>it's Serious Sam
>no, it's Painkiller
>no, it's Clive Barker's Undying
>no, it actually is Lovely Planet
Will you fucks just stick to just one shit comparison?

Since when?

Fuck I need to go back and play this again

I think it got released during E3.