Sony: We did pokemon Go first please notice us !


Other urls found in this thread:


Oh, so now Sony wants to acknowledge the Vita

>Sony always had the better game designers
Now there's a blow to the Nintendo myth if I ever saw one.

Invizimals didn't use GPS tracking though, and required special AR cards, and a camera add on for the PSP.

It was also an actual video game, and was pretty fun.




With a name like that I'm not surprised I've never fucking heard of it.

Nintendo BTFO!
I have only ever heard of Invizimals because gamestop would have a big box copy sitting on the PSP rack for years unsold.

Yea... but those don't look like pokemon at all.

Never heard of it.

>company makes a joke on twitter
>Sup Forums can't recognize this because it's full of low functioning autists

baka desu senpai

t. sonywifesharer

>Sony Europe
>the branch that said Vita = legacy
>trying to use a vita hashtag
I prefer Sony consoles right now not specifically a fanboy though, but those dipshits need to fuck right off. I thought the US was supposed to be the home for idiots, yet shit like this definitely doesn't support that theory.

Wew lad


The tweet made me more mad than anything.

Who cares about any of that shit, just give me a game where I can abduct rare qt idols using augmented reality.

Keep waiting.

Well they did.

As much as their one wasn't even close to being as successful as GO they did it first.

I dont know why people hate on that tweet.

How does Sony like their coffee? Bitter?

Sonycucks like their coffee Black

Nice pic, mind if I save it? Have this in return.


Reminds of Battleborns ''Come at me bro'' tweet targeting Overwatch

this is what SALT looks like


>Nintendo ripping off Sony AGAIN

Nothing unusual I guess

the fuck is an invizimal

the fuck is a pokeman


t. buttblasted sonygger

Jokes are meant to be funny, also OP cut off their salty as fuck reply.

not an argument

Post more like this.
Normally i hated animated shit for cute grills but this is goooood.

Underbreaded Roast


This doesn't come across as pathetic at all.

I actually remember the Invizimals, They did little to zero marketing, put it on the fucking Vita and then ignored it expecting it to take off.

>implying this is a good joke

that guy just wants to be as based as the guy that runs the sonic tweeter, and failing like a total bitch at it

Reminder that people only give a shit about Pokemon Go cause of the name

ITT: Drones shilling their """""game"""""

what's your point

Dude we wuz invizimals and shiet

Battleborn 2.0

So now they use the Vita to promote their shit after saying its "'"Legacy?""" Wow get fucked.

I think his point is that Shitendo only still exist today because of brainless nostalgiafag drones. To them it is completely normal to buy the same 3 games over and over for 30 years.


not an argument

Go back to Europe, you guys are all annoying.

Why is this artist so good?

Yeah, so invisible I didn't know it fucking existed.


Destiny of Spirits was cooler.

>people only give a shit about Pokemon Go cause of the name

It's literally fucking Pokemon. There's nothing in the name that makes people want it, other than the fact that it's fucking Pokemon.


Spoken like a true drone.

You didn't really say anything I couldn't have read in a youtube comments section or on gamefaqs. Besides, I don't think Pokemon GO is anything like their handheld games.


Now if only that shit had monster designs worth a DAMN.

Ain't saying Pokemon is the epitome of monster design when you have a few here and there that aren't exactly great.

Wokada does really really good femdom. That alone makes him great.

This shit's comfy as fuck.

>That E.T reference

Fucking kek.

>eating lunch made Nintendo's stock go up

Yeah, like you said, their game was probably actually fun, like a video game.

LITERALLY literally who?

It's nice that Sony's bothering to market the one game that clearly did it first and yet, barely no one gives a shit about due to its abysmal monster design.

It's even funnier when you think about how Sony just literally abandoned the actual hardware that shit's in.

>Even once


Haha, true enough.

Is anyone kind of annoyed at all the normies on fb pretending to like vidya? So many girls pretending to be hyped for pokemon go, shit, girls weren't even really into pokemon back in the day, they only started liking it half ironically in their teens.

i dont have that lense on when im interacting with other pokemon go people, no matter how obvious it is they hardly touch any game. part of a fb group with over 100 members, half are 20-30s the other are all types of normies. were throwing a party across from the police station, all the cops come over and play with us.

Sorry about what ?

You made this thread yesterday, Eurofag Xcuck.