Why are you still awake?
Why are you still awake?
Reinstalling OS and waiting for window updates to install.
I sleep at 6 and wake up at 2.
Been trying to fall asleep for 4 hours but it's not happening so I guess I'll just stay up now. There aren't many things more annoying than not being able to fall asleep even though you're tired.
Because I work third shift.
because my internal clock is permanently set to keep me up at this time. it takes weeks to set it straight but the moment I stay up later than I should it's back to making pudding at 4am.
Because it's 10am.
Me and my gf stay up pretty late, watching videos and fucking around.
What're y'all currently playing? I just picked up my RDR game save from 2011, gonna try and finish it either tomorrow or Wednesday. I feel really bad that I never finished it.
About to go to work, then play some sunrise vidya.
>Why are you still awake?
Waiting to see if a reviewer will do a review of my game
pic related
I wish I knew how to draw
this is the best I can do.
Trying to pull furry ass on omegle so I can nut and sleep
>Living in Europe.
Because it's 10am here and I'm going to work soon.
Fucked sleep schedule makes me not even tired
Marathoning what of The Flash is on Netflix
Because I'm working the midnight shift
Big brother doesn't take a break watching over this town
was playing FTL but a thunderstorm knocked out power, can't be bothered to see if my game is still there
I wish I still had a gf, but only six more months until my self imposed blackout of trying to contact her shes on steam
That's right mr.frogposter.
How's that been working out for you?
I'm at work.
Why don't you just move along?
At least im not an actual frog like you.
Close user, so close. I have to tell you that your a good person and I like these threads.
I took a 7 hour """nap""" at 2:30. I'll probably take another one soon, I just don't feel like doing anything, so I've been constantly tired.
It's okay user, go to bed.
You should invest in a generator, just set it up next to your rig. Ignore the fumes.
I skipped work yesterday and have work now in three hours. I am playing Chinese cartoon porn games because fuck work
I'm at work
I'm cooking dinner at 1:18 AM. Cooking some Jambalaya
I started drawing at 2pm, I didnt realize so much time passed when I finished, it was worth it though I actually like this one
Calm down Steve, remember your heart condition.
You going to post the pic?
I gotta get up at 3 to leave for Boston but I can't fall asleep.
My ex-girlfriend had a psychotic breakdown and blew up my phone with 13 calls, 50 texts and countless messages on Facebook.
With shrimp?
>is another "nightmares keep me awake episode"
So you're still up, trying to calm her down?
I hope you get something for your troubles, user.
It's 10 AM so a perfectly valid hour to be awake.
Traffic cams?
That sounds cute for a little while.
Trying to get skyrim to work on my new computer. Fuck this shitty addicting game.
Played pokemon go. I wanted to check on the gym next door since I had control of it, and found an evee outside. Wandered around town for about an hour to find some more evees, which was fruitful.
Now that I'm comfy, I'm gonna go fap then go to sleep.
No, it basically enables her instead of her actually going out to get her mental health in check, her family knows and they refuse to believe its her (they actually blame me)
It fucking sucks, never date someone with severe depression ever. I got fucking bamboozled and found out months later.
>furry ass
Like, a guy with a hairy butt, or an actual girl in a fursuit?
Because i've lost control of my life
jk, got some errands to do
A guy with a hairy butt in a fursuit.
Well, I'm been in a similar situation. To some extent.
What are her ways of coping in general? Does she write morning pages or see a psychologist? Or get our for some walks?
Switching from Windows 10 to Linux now because it knows I pirated my copy and this reminder is impossible to remove from the screen. I hate it.
Yea, also supposed to be watching for crime. The cameras are all on major roads in town, so it rarely catches anything actually happening.
A guy with a smooth butt that acts cute
It's 6:30pm. Waiting for my roommates to come home drunk then leave again so I can cook.
Dear lord.
Playing vidya with my tranny gf.
It took years of boring women to realize that the best partner is one with a dick. I'm finally free of vapid whores and casual grils I have nothing in common with.
Summer is real
Trying out Xenoverse
please dont, you will never be able to play video games ever again
Mfw when taking hormones
She walks but she refuses to see a psychologist and has been on the same dosage of medication for about a year without seeing a psychiatrist
Yeah that'd be a pretty dumb spot for a stabbing. What's the most rousing you've seen?
Because I'm drunk as fuck and procrastinating watching mob psycho 100
browsing Sup Forums makes me feel comfortable
>tranny gf not a short term thing
They age horribly.
Just finished Dying light, overall a fun game but holy balls the QTE with Rais was such a let-down and the shitty open ending with Crane.
Because it's fucking 6 PM you cunt, there's a thing called timezones you dumbass amerilards are too busy to learn.
How is that show? My friend keeps pestering me to watch it but I always blow it off or forget about it.
I only really play old shit on dosbox now, I don't think it'll be a big loss.
Just go
For the most part it's nothing. Ironically, there was a stabbing once. There's been a bunch of fatal accidents, including one a couple days ago. This one road in particular sees a lot of action since it's 25 mph speed limit and people regularly do 40+ on it.
Other than that, I just show up and collect monies.
My driving instructor hasn't sent me the code I need to book a lesson on the website, and he hasn't responded to my email or my message. Normally that wouldn't be be big deal, but if I can't get a driving lesson before Wednesday (where next driving class is) I'll have to wait for 2 weeks before continuing
And before you scream about age, friendly reminder that you need to be 18 to take a drivers license in Denmark
Because sleep deprivation is my favorite drug.
redpill me on michael from vsauce. why do people keep posting those fucked up youtube edits? I recently discovered vsause and I like it.
>tfw after 24 hours being awake drugs feel so much better
not nearly as good as when you first wake up tho.
Well I hope the situation improves.
I filled a couple books by writing three pages each morning when I was depressed.
A lot of repetition, but it got the worst stuff out of the way so I could leave the house in the mornings.
Most of the help came from a psychologist who helped me realize how negative my thought patterns were, though.
That, and exercising in the morning. Maybe you go on jogs with her, if that thought isn't too disgusting.
just waiting until I run out of rent money then I'm gonna kill myself
>why do people keep posting those fucked up youtube edits?
Its a meme, you dip.
Because the longer I'm awake the more alert I am.
You could get a job user.
Did anyone ever get completely obliterated by a truck? I was at a spot once where a girl I later found out I'd known was in chunks all over the road.
Work the graveyard shift.
Probably gonna be up for another 7-8 hours
Why postpone the enevitable?
Can I ask why you're choosing to stay with her(I assume)? Do you think she'll get better? Are you too afraid she/her family will freak out if you dump her?
I'm not good at anything and I didn't finish my degree so there's nothing for me here
good question
You don't have to be good at anything to go places. What you need is a sufficiently great desire to drive you.
Most wealthy people aren't particularly skilled, handsome, or smart. They just wanted what they have bad enough.
Do that thing you always wanted to do, if you're just killing yourself anyway.
Stayed up playing Extraction Point, then I played some Perseus Mandate.
How is it this time of year?
Nothing like anything in rekt threads that I've seen. There was one where the cops described it as the worst they've seen, but it happened too far away from one of the cameras to actually see.
Most of the time with these you just see a bit of blood and a dude lying on the ground. Later on you hear he died on the way/at the hospital.
So usually a quite good time on the job. Cool.
He said "ex", you fucking doughnut.
Anyway, I'm always up for chocolate pudding because of work. Didn't catch more than a wink last night, as crippling depression and a case of the shits teamed up and kicked my ass into the morning. My life no longer has direction or purpose, so I look forward to once again smothering myself in video games to escape the hollow coldness of my own trivial existence.
I drank too much. Now I can't go to sleep I'm not hungry enough to eat. All I can do is drink water and feel like shit until I pass out.
Because if I go to sleep in my king-size bed, it's just going to remind me that I haven't had anybody to share it with in my entire life
Depressed little shits.
Different user.
"Shame" is the factor here. I use quotes because I think the nuances of shame and guilt, as well as their neurological basis, are a little glossed-over in normal parlance. I used to wonder the same thing -- "if you're going to kill yourself anyway, why not go crazy?"
But if you really think about it, there are certain things that most people care about, even though hypothetically they wouldn't be around to experience it. A common fear even among "normal" individuals, for instance, is that no one will mourn their death or attend their funeral.
There is a certain dignity in realizing/accepting your "worthlessness." When you get to that point it feels as if that shred of dignity, no matter how small or inconsequential, is precious -- the only thing you have left. Going out on some foolhardy errand that will likely fail not only relinquishes that dignity but also presents the chance for further humiliation.
A doughnut am I.
I only barely skimmed the original comment because I followed the comment chain backwards
Was graveyard shift the wrong term?
I just work during the night
No, it applies. Guess that user took you literally or something.
I'm having fun with it, not the greatest thing in the world but it's pretty enjoyable.
This is why
I woke up at 9 pm.
I fucked up my rigth foot, crash it against a computer case, and the pain don't let me sleep.