"this bit's kinda boring, so we have time for a few donations..."

>"this bit's kinda boring, so we have time for a few donations..."

Other urls found in this thread:


Hows it feel that doing that they make more money than you do in a month?

greetings from germany

Greetings from Germany!

Let's kick cancer's butt and kill the animals

Feels great. Who would be upset about lots of money being raised for charity?

We have a $1000 donation from Christopher Poole "Greetings from Germany, my wife's son is dying of cancer. Let's kick cancers butt and save those frames and kill those animals!"

>I love you all and what you are doing, oh and , dont forget


Haha, that country is so cucked that their leader doesn't even try to hide it.

did she just refuse to wave her own country's flag?

What's the point of this "greetings from germany"?

>Alright, this part requires an incredibly difficult maneuver to execute. I need to be almost frame-perfect and messing this up can really set us back- and I just did it
>golf clap

Germans are so afraid of being labeled nazis that they actively try to remind everyone that they arent bad people

What did she mean by this?

>1200 women raped by 2000 rapefugees
Fucking Germany.

Thank God ESA soon. Welcome to the land of no donations, funny accents, actually focusing on the game and no trannies.

Well, I'm actually german and don't give a shit whether people think I'm a scumbag. There actually are some people like you described, but most don't really care. Interesting meme though.

>raised for charity
you surely can't be this deep in denial?

>their leader
Merkel is just some gay chancellor

Germany has a president and a prime minister too you know

And are they at least actively trying to stop the flood of immigrants or do they just support whatever Merkel is doing?

Merkel is literally destroying the EU and people are praising her?

No one is praising Merkel. No one outside of politics and media anyway.

We have an Anonymous $1,000 donation...

>clapping intensifies

Has anyone wondered why she's sewing yet?

I bet everyone has been curious this entire time.

I didn't watch all of SGDQ, but I was surprised to see two transgendered people but zero non-whites. there must be some correlation going on here, something hidden in the internet that makes whites turn female

You forgot your meme arrows. Here, I have some extra you can borrow.


We have a $50 anonymous donation, it says: "I lost my virginity to a beautiful woman, and my father to lung cancer. One was awesome and done quick, the other not so much."

Couldn't resist donating once I saw my all-time favorite game being run.

P.S. absolutely destroying my sleep schedule to watch this run XD

We have an Anonymous donation for $5, it says: "I'm not going to pretend everyone in that room didn't fuck my wife."

>$5 donation from Jeb Bush
>Please clap

You might be wondering who the beautiful lady next to me is

No sir I just see a group of guys and one of them's in a dress


That fucker who ran fallout 3, outing his boyfriend as a tranny for no reason.

There was nothing more awkward, nothing more sad.

It's a meme for a reason, same as America and their white guilt
>Please refrain from using the word "blacks," they are actually African Americans

>the Pikmin video is muted with ratings disabled

tip top kek


It's not cringe because of the trans, it's all because that fucktard had to single them out like that. Oh the glare ''she'' gave him the whole time was that of anger.

I was on holiday, what the fuck did I miss?

Why is that?

>Diablo 2 run
>momomomoo fucking ebin cow donations


reminder to sit up straight

dunno about the ratings but the audio was muted because the game had some copyrighted music in it or something and the youtube bot caught it and muted the video

Not that poster, but isn't the charity the speedrunner fan's last bastion of argument about how speedrunning isn't a waste of time?

I actually really like Pikmin and want to watch that now that I hear it's a run. How did they manage to fuck it up? Did another autist start motor-mouthing about how he wants to kill the whole world?

dat ass

>that chicken ass

Trans runner with man voice fucking up constantly and going over estimate

>Twitch chat was put in emote-only mode for the entire run
>people still getting banned left and right

The run itself was actually boring as fuck despite all the fuck ups, but the shenanigans around it were hilarious.

Could it be that you are craving my.... mcnuggies??

shit that's actually pretty funny sounding. Is there anywhere to see the original run? This sounds like it's worth seeing at least once.

>Quick announcement here. We just passed FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!11


when does it start?

Here you go:


Not true, it was left muted on purpose.

I dare you, check every other SGDQ video on YouTube. Not a single copyright claim.
Probably intentional considering the run was a trainwreck and I doubt the runner wants it to be seen / heard.

It starts at 20:50!

I found this


I'm sure someone will make an SGDQ supercut any day now.

It took me a minute to remember where I'd heard this before and then i keked out loud.


twat . tv/gamesdonequick/v/76877760?t=25h06m05s

fucking antispam

everything's a waste of time, user

>Pretend to be a woman
>Don't even try to sound like it

they get to trade their straight white male privilege and join the oppressed in opposing the patriarchy.

minorities dont need to be gay or trans they're already all good-guys because they're not white



>Hey guys, [name] here, my [relative] recently died of [some form of cancer] a few [days/weeks/years] ago, so let's kick cancer's butt! [Save the animals/Kill the animals/save the frames/kill the frames/runner's choice], greetings from Germany
So when are we getting a donation ticker instead of Edobean POYOing?

like all video game-playing, speedrunning is done because it is cool


>instead of having a nickname they use their fake pornstar names, because look at me i have a female name xD

I swear to god trans are the most annoying people.

this was my personal favorite

As much as i would love a donation ticker, you and I both know autistic manchildren would stop spending their NEETbux on GDQ events because it wouldn't be read aloud.

Lol random speedrunners don't make shit.

Did you see the dude wearing hot pants and thigh highs during the TASbot block?

What kills me is twitch memers and people that make SFM porn that bank from Patreon and donations for doing next to nothing.

Probably, how would they pay their designers to redesign the layout every single year?!

>pornstar names
It's true. Every trans uses a pornstar name.


23rd July

I'll allways associate these speedrunning events with Autism Awareness.

What made them stop having them as the charity goal?

It's the literal embodiment of autism, and it seemed like a decent fit. Now they fund doctors without borders which p.much acts like a guerilla terrorist group, with lots of radical extremists that actively help terrorists, p much exclusively.

This is fucking gold. I can't believe I skipped SGDQ this year

funfact, knitler became head organizer of the entire event after that incident. She still is today.

I always assumed they chose it as a metal gear reference

That was rough but also hilarious.

Can you stop

Dat black trauma center speedrunner though

literally a lie idiot

it's cool matty, sumichu, and mike "mono" uyama
stop spouting nonsense about things you know nothing about. knit-chan is staff, but mostly checks badges


it feels like only yesterday this hit Sup Forums for the first time. Still funny as hell.

>tfw wanted to donate
>tranny pandering instead of decent runners, orwelian censorship of twitch chat and no fun allowed house rules
Spent that money on pizza instead. Fuck youuuuuuu Uyama.

It's not a lie you idiot, she LITERALLY is head organizer.

The ones you mention are from the original event

Who's the cheeky fucker who made the donation

>"My wife's kids love watching the runs on my TV"

Literally what the fuck was he doing.


The runner's twitter.

holy fuck

holy shit the music fits so well

That was such a good run. Easily top three.

This is joke right?

Christopher Poole

Check out the guy he mentioned during the run, he's a fucking beast


Did y'all forget about this?

It's a shame Uyama personally gutted and hung that reader as an example to the rest of them.