>new console about to be sold
>fucking fantastic new Zelda game
>Pokemon mother fucking GO
Were where you when the king took back his throne?
>new console about to be sold
>fucking fantastic new Zelda game
>Pokemon mother fucking GO
Were where you when the king took back his throne?
Watching E3 six years ago.
I know it's b8, but the failure of the WiiU and the huge success of PokemonGO is gonna make Nintendo a fucking mobile game centered company, and fuck that.
Watching Sonyggers bombarding each Nintendo thread with their butthurt replies because their console sucks
The 3DS was a failure and launch and still hasn't caught up to any of Nintendo's other handhelds sales wise.
I don't think Nintendo is dum enough to believe Pokemon Go succeed because it was a mobile game. It succeeded because it was a Pokemon Trainer simulator.
While out-selling every other gaming platform and being the biggest success this gen by a mile. Cry some more.
The problem is the problem Nintendo has always had: By relying on their core IPs so much, they're relying on what's left of those fanbases. They can't afford to take risks, and if this fails, it might just be the final nail in the coffin.
>Console with no actual real details announced other than it probably existing
>A LoZ game with mechanics ripped from other games that will probably be decent, but remains to be seen
>A shallow mobile version of Pokemon that just has you dick around neighborhoods for hours
I'd hardly consider this taking back any throne. The Wii U was still a massive let down that took a long time to even get going to a small extent. The NX and future games may bring them back into the business, but for now their games and products have been of variable quality. I would be happy to see them return to form, but early footage of a LoZ game, a still hidden console, and a mobile version of Pokemon don't make for that.
Amiibos and Pokemon Go.
Fuck Nintendo. They don't make amazing games anymore, it's all about earning money now. Creating addictive but shitty things. I hope Nintendo dies.
I dont really associate Pokemon with Nintendo
I've been a Nintendofag since the NES days, but if it takes mobile cancer like Pokemon GO to get them noticed by the mainstream again, then I'd rather that they just die.
Nothing good will come from this.
PS4 is selling at a faster rate than the 3DS ever has.
You got to wonder what's up with these pictures.
Is it staged? If not, do these fat fucks know they're being photographed? Does it occur to them just how cringey they look?
The drooling retards that now own a PS4 were not burdened by the necessity of games. Most people waited a year or two to get a 3DS because that was an issue to them.
I somewhat doubt someone was just doing that for no reason. I'd bet someone saw the statue and thought, "Hey, this could make a goofy photo people would like."
Don't over think shit.
And Pokemon GO has a bigger number of installs than the money Sony has
Cry more, betacuckboi
People waited on the 3DS because it was too expensive for a shitty gimmick. Sales picked up almost immediately following the discount.
>he doesn't realize the ps4 sold 40 million in 2.5 years when the peepeeS took 4 years to sell that much
People waited on the 3DS because it launched with few games. Sales picked up almost immediately following the release of high-profile quality titles like Monster Hunter 3U.
>A LoZ game with mechanics ripped from other games that will probably be decent, but remains to be seen
>but remains to be seen
There's 10's of hours of straight up gameplay from the first area of the game. Would you prefer a CG trailer similar to what PoGo had? or would you like a 100 hour "demo" version available on your console of choice?
>fucking fantastic new Zelda game
You niggers are blown away by everything, shit was charming but still boring like every open world non-GTA game.
I'm enjoying Pokemon GO though
Nintendo would be king again if they stopped making such fucking terrible decisions.
Not him but I'm willing to give this Zelda a look. You really can't say they're not trying anything new at least.
Too little too late I think. It would have been welcome back when I was into Zelda, but it's like they can't decide if they want combat or exploration or puzzles/dungeons. Pick one and do it well, don't quarter ass it all
>but still boring like every open world non-GTA game.
>open world games are boring
>except GTA
you must've been holding your ejaculate for hours before writing that, because that's alot of edge.
>terrible decisions
>launch app that L I T E R A L L Y nets them BILLIONS in a single day
I seriously hope this is bait
how bout you fucking kill yourself false flagging SONYGGER?
Sick of seeing you little shits prance around acting like "muh true Nintendo fan" like fucking fuck off already. You think you're soooooooo sneaky, going "well I'm a real Nintendo fan and I think this thing they did wasnt that great"
We see right through your dumb stupod bullshit. You're nothing but a false flagger. A Nintendo fan isn't so quick to abandon their gaming choice. So fuck off and quit thinking your subtle.
u really want nintendo change to mobile games company?
>Were where you when
I would prefer to actually play the game and see how it is past the first area of the game before calling it a success. Is it so crazy to want the game to come out before calling it fantastic? It looks good, that doesn't mean it is good.
>fucking fantastic new Zelda game
Kek. Literally looks like a shitty ps2-tier indie game.
Nobody gives a shit about it you stupid toddler.
>launched a console that got rid of all their 7th gen earnings
>killed all their other first party franchises
If Nintendo was actually smart they'd be marketing a Pokemon MMO as an NX exclusive and not some mobile shit.
BTFO that pony hahaha
Stale pasta
Holy shit is this pasta? This is next gen levels of cringe holy christ you're fucking pathetic bro.
One less sonygger on the board now
None of which I give a fuck about. The console will just be another $300 cashsink as I give no shits about either specs or gimmicks, not a big fan of Zelda or open world, and Go is shit in its current state and it's unlikely they'll do what they need to to make me like it.
But I've been fine with them the past few years so maybe I'm just crazy.
I don't get it, Pokemon Go is awful. It's like they took a great idea and can't build a game around it. Actually they just re-skinned an existing app.
*High fives* well done nintenbro.
>looks like a shitty ps2-tier indie game.
Prove it.
BTFO hahahshshhahaaahaa
Nintendofans will literally slurp up shit if the brand name is on it.
Shit he went nuclear and BTFO that guy
>those rock pop ins
>the fucking CLIFF pop in
Sup Forums is a Nintendo board. Don't like it? You're free to kill yourself.
>If Nintendo was actually smart they'd be marketing a Pokemon MMO as an NX exclusive and not some mobile shit.
>make a game that would cost god knows how many millions to develop and maintain
>will probably only sell a couple million like the mainline games
>make a cheap mobile game, low development cost
>maintains itself and produces billions on profit
Thank god you're not in charge of anything regarding making profit.
Wow, it's incredible how evident you are an idiot
Utterly BTFO
>Sup Forums
This, Nintendo manchildren sent them a very clear message that they're willing to pay for SHIT if it has the right name on it. Thats why they gave up making quality games a long time ago. Nintendo is literally a meme at this point but that doesnt stop the neckbeards from crimg posting.
>that draw distance
Buying those sweet, sweet Amiibos.
Splatoon and Mario Maker were the dawn of the new Nintendo age, this is just the rest of the world playing catch up.
>Sonyggers completely and utterly BTFO
BTFO like a madman
Damn son.
More like watching Nintendicksuckers strawman le sonygger boogeyman as the entire board laughs at them as usual.
>new underpowered gimmick console about to be another flop
>Japanese Skyrim that looks like it's from 2013 coming to Wii U
>Pokemon GO - a game made by Niantic and TPC - not Nintendo
>Praying to a childrens character statue in public
I genuinely think Nintendo fans are actually fucked in the head.
Absolutely BTFO
Epic win *fistbumps*
>that looks like it's from 2013
You're being too kind.
>The NX will have some sort of atrocious gimmick yet again
Is it too much to ask for a normal console from Nintendo?
Utterly and completely BTFO
>Sex genie completely BTFO and crying salty tears on his fat body
>I genuinely think Nintendo fans are actually fucked in the head.
This so fucking bad. They're like the bronies of gaming. Pretty sad t bh
Kill yourself cunt
Here he goes with the brony discrimination hahahaha
>shit was charming but still boring like every open world non-GTA game.
>I'm enjoying Pokemon GO though
Telling you to kill yourself wouldn't be enough
>Too innovative
Anally conquered by the big strong Nintendo fan once again
>new console about to be sold
It could be shit like the last console.
>fucking fantastic new Zelda game
We don't know that yet. It could be shit. Stop being a blind retarded fanboy
>Pokemon mother fucking GO
Geocaching with pokemon stamped on it. It sold well, thank god because nintendo would have probably commited sudoku if it didn't. fangays should actually be worried by this. Nintendo may see this as a sign that mobile gaming is the future and, like the wii, think they can continuously reinvent the wheel and people will flock to it (Wii U, anyone?). Also, no effort was put into this 'game' which may also tell nintendo to stop trying so hard because retards like (you) will pay for that shit instead of decent regular games, pokemon or not.
What console got rid of 7th gen earnings?
Because the Wii U is making profit
fuck off
When you want to fuck imaginary underage horses, people won't take you seriously and consider putting you in a mental ward where you belong.
Well over 60% of people on Sup Forums are bronies
Btfo like a madman.
>Nintoddlers happy that their children's company is going to become a mobile developer.
Just when you thought these manchild autists couldnt embarrass themselves any further
>Muh mature shows for mature adults such as myself
Please fuck off and die already.
Completely BTFO
The horses aren't underaged though retard. Projecting much?
>a thread on nintendo
>b-b-b-but sony!!
Top kek are you this assblasted by the godstation 4?
>Muh feelings!
beastiality pedos. Jesus Christ just off yourself. You'll get more attention that way instead of this embarrassment of a fetish.
Haha he got owned epically
Do you ever wonder why it's so easy to get on your knees and bow?
>literally stopped making single person aa and aaa experiences after the gamecube besides mario and zelda
>literally no exclusives coming out until 2017
>pokemon go is mobile cash shop trash
why do people defend this shit? Why are people brand loyal shills? What do they get out of it
Completely destroyed
I think nogamestation is still a more fitting name.
Unless you like weeb games that is, which is a perfectly fine thing to do mind you.
Ohh im sorry. You're just a horse fucker. Sorry, you just keep wanting to fuck a horse. An imaginary horse with the voice of a little girl. It's cool bro, my bad.
damn thats some subtle b8
I was at home playing Kiria's game on my Nintendo Wii U home console
Who are these Nintendo retards and why do they keep posting? You know these are men in their late 20s early 30s spamming BTFO BTFO SONYGGER. A low point in my life and for all humanity.