Two fucking genjis on your team

>two fucking genjis on your team
Sometimes you just KNOW when you're gonna lose a match

>three genjis
this team always wins

>someone on your team picks genji or hanzo
just fuck my game up

>One of the Genji's is good
Over in 2 minutes.

>Genji and a Hanzo instalocked
>yfw they're actually good and wreck shit on the other team

I'll let you know when I get on that fucking team. Because I've literally never had a good genji player on my own team.

which makes me all the saltier when I get rekt by a genji

>Team has 2 Genji's
>Brace for defeat
>Mfw enemy team happened to have 2 Bastions

We take both points in under a minute, shit was hype.

>your team locks 4 winstons and jumps past the enemy team to camp their spawn
>none of the enemy team ever dies
fuck you dankmemes

>two Hanzos
>some idiot picks Widowmaker

this desu
had a great game earlier this week, we went full on animu on their ass with the other genji

did you know the game banns you from having a team made up of genji because its japanese warrior code to fight your oponent fairly

>insta-lock Hanzo on attack
>team gets pissed at me and loses their shit
>ignore them and keep it
>lucky headshots everywhere just firing arrows into the fray
>reaper on the enemy team just straight rage quits because his face just kept being in the way of my tree trunks
>enemy team loses all morale and we win
>"Report this Hanzo"

>fight fairly
>ninja specializing in sneaking up behind enemy lines and raping squishies before dashing the fuck out

You were clearly hacking.

>these 2 genji-retards will keep picking genjis to the end of their lifes because of that match

>on attack
I swear I lose everytime I have a sniper on attack.

>enemy team has 2 winstons and a hog
>"why would i play reaper? genji can kill backline better"

I've been doing extremely well as Hanzo lately. I wouldn't play him in competetive unless absolutely necessary, but he's not as bad as people make him out to be. It's just that he and Genji attract shitters.

Last game I played the other team had two Genjis. We were hold a point and they would try to get over the wall and ambush us. After the third attempt or so we just put bastion there to wait for them. Over and over again we just killed them. They must have attempted the same fucking thing and died at least 12 times.

That's how a lot of Genji players are I've noticed. They are people who did something with him once and it worked. It's all they know so they try it relentlessly and fail. They never try anything new. Most Genjis are predictable as fuck. Good Genjis are a fucking nightmare though. Good thing they are rarely good.

No. I was just playing Hanzo.

>enter game
>someone picks rein
>someone else picks zarya
>the rein switches away from tank
>zarya never applies shields properly and can't kill anyone

Happens to me way too often. I know zaryas can melt faces when used properly but I'm yet to see any pub who does.

>four offense heroes on defense
>two snipers maybe three on attack
This happens way too often

>Neither Genji reflected Bastion to death
holy shit

Always exceptions to the rules. Two widowmakers, if they're both GOOD, will be fucking impossible to actually approach and will terrorize the entire game until you go double winston to counter them

Happened the other week.
>Two genji's pop on team
>Roll my eyes and just mutter fuck under my breath. Play Zarya and just spam balls and shield.
>Fucking steam roll Point A
>30 seconds later fucking Steam Roll Point B. Ult up and just throw it at B Objective and then UGO IMA FUCKING FAGGOT IRA WAZOOO
>Team kill
>WTF did I just witness?!
>POTG Genji
>Look at name

>team has two players that auto lock genji
>third player chooses genji
>and another
>and another
>"haha all genji let's do this xD"
>other team quits after the caught on to our bullshit

I found out that this is actually a viable strategy to win games. A lot of the people who play competitive overwatch get angry really easily. Half the enemy team quit one time because we had 2 bastions one time. There's always that one sad player that sticks to the game that gets constantly spawn killed. After a while that gets a little depressing

>There's always that one sad player that sticks to the game that gets constantly spawn killed
Those guys are the true heroes

I kind of hate it more when I have two genjis on our team and we win. Because then they'll just keep fucking doing it over and over again because there's no way it could be a fluke, or the fact that the rest of the team carried. NO NO WAY IT MUST BE THE TWO FUCKING GENJIS LET'S JUST USE GENJIS FOREVER NOW

>two players insta-lock genji or hanzo
>immediately switch to the same character as them

This is the ultimate rage inducer and you should try it if you want to have a laugh when forced to play with shitty teammates.

whenever I try that every other team mate goes "oh lol let's all be genjis xd hella epic" and it doesn't work and we lose and I hate everything.

I need to stop getting mad at videogames.

>3 bastions, a symmetra and a torbjorn
[/spoiler]>On KOTH[/spoiler]

They tried. We would shoot once and they would reflect while we stopped shooting and then get slaughtered. It was actually pretty impressive how bad they were.

>Playing Defense on King's Row
>Pick Toblerone because why not
>We lose pretty badly
>Somehow managed to get played of the game
>It's just me using my gun to fire at nearby distracted foes, getting 3 kills
>Didn't even have my turret out


King's Row is heavily in favor of the defend team. I fucking hate it when I'm in the attack team and have to breach that goddamn chokepoint. I know I'm in a world of pain if the other team has a Tob and Symmetra.

>5 tracer and a nig
>Enemy team starts talking shit
>They all go winston
>Win round 1 6 tracers against 6 winston
>round 2 starts
>enemy team blablabla fucking cheese no skills
>we go 6 roadrog
>they go 6 reapers
>they all leave before nomination votes

I had a game earlier today of 6 Genjis vs a well rounded team. It was fucking chaos. Deflecting a Hanzo shitter's arrow right back at them for a headshot 3 times in a row is one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in a multiplayer game.

I was in a game with such shitty players all around that I got potg with Mercy by res 2 teammates and shooting a nearly dead Reaper with my airsoft.

I hate that map in general.
Even on defend, it's a chore to play.

>Route 66
>2 instalock mei
>mfw why not
>6 meis
>Turned midwest into northpole
>wins without the payload reaching the first checkpoint.
POTG = mei

It's pretty fun playing as Zenyatta and somehow managing to clear the entire chokepoint solo. I have no clue how I managed.

I think I may have played against you in that match. It was a fucking slaughter.

Genji and hanzo are perfectly capable of contributing to a team but the people who play them are always the worst.

>muh ninja, muh lonewarrior
always go off on there own and then whine when no one heals them

>four reinforcements coming to an objective while it's getting cap'd
>nearby hanzo literally has to sit on it for three seconds and we're there
>just stays on his perch trying to snipe

zenyatta has really high dps and a "press e to make the target die faster" button

Herostacking shouldn't be allowed. I mean it's obvious that the game was never meant to be played like that.
2 max, or even no stacking at all.

Oh if only you knew how true that is

A talented sniper on attack is a great asset, though. Really helps when someone can get rid of defending snipers, torburrets, and nail that annoying Mercy.

>2x genjis on the enemy team
>they keep killing me - the healer - together
>my team just keeps watching me die
>"user, NEED HEALING!"

not against three gorillas. probably not even against one gorilla.

I know that. They refuse to put sound on too.

>He still think Winston counter Widow

Ahaha yeah maybe, what part exactly? The moment where you jump into the air and makes yourself a big red target who can't actually change its direction much? Or the moment where you poke your electric gun at them until they hook themselves somewhere and wait for them to jump at you so they can get a nice headshot mid-air?

>have a reinhardt on team
>keeps his shield up and advances to the objective
>as soon as people start shooting at him he takes his shield down and tries to run at them
>everyone on my team dies because we were actually using the shield
Seriously why do people do that? He has a shield for a reason and they choose literally the worst possible time to drop it. If you're a tank then you don't need to worry too much about getting kills, just do the bare minimum required to draw fire away from your team mates. It's really not hard.

They try to be offensive win rein. Which is no bad idea but you need to know when to be offensive.

when you hear 10 year olds and memespam in the microphone you dont wanna put it on

What bugs me more is when I'm playing rein and everyone is still too scared to stand next to the fucking payload despite my shield always being up. I've had to brute force several games because no one else would move the goddamn payload

As soon as there's 3 of one hero selected you must pick the same one, it's an unwritten rule

>pick genji because I have 100 hours played with him
>team flames me immediately
>game proceeds, I constantly distract 2 or three players of the other team, rest of my team practically has to win 5v3 for us to do well
> I don't get many kills because I'm distracting stuff like roadhog, winston that tries to chase me etc.
>my team cant win 5v3 and gets fucked in the ass
>"genji you suck you barely got any kills, I got 3 golds kill yourself!"

fuck all of you shit eating mongoloids. there's a reason I have 60% win rate with genji. from time to time I will grief and do intentionally nothing when my team starts flaming me because some shitters just don't deserve getting carried.

>not even 3 golds
yeah sure guy

You make me sad I enjoy Genji.

This. They don't seem to realise that the shield actually DOES something. It literally blocks everything except insta-kills and has 2000 HP. If it's only one or two enemies that are attacking it then they can just stand behind it take them out without having to fucking move.

1 Reinhardt and 5 Torbjorns when moving the payload is also acceptable.

congrats on being one of the no brain iq 50 shitters who thinks getting golds is a requirement for carrying, or even worse, getting golds means you're good.

>cuckwatch thread

>two Symmetras on my team

eternal reminder

Is Genji the most hated hero on Sup Forums?

I FUCKING love nanalan

>enter game
>pick Zarya
>teammates pick flankers and snipers exclusively
>pick someone else and resign myself to a lost match

>two Symmetra's on the defending team

>shooting through her thighgap
What does this webm proof?

get a load of this scrub

>play 'competitive'
>people still pick

It's because of her cavernous gape from all the dickings she takes from old men. there's so much space in there that a bullet loses all it's momentum before it actually crosses all that space and hits something.

>being so bad you can't win as Dva

consider suicide


I have secret information about Overwatch and Idk if I should say it or not


lol like that kind of precision is possible in overwatch

everyone is simply a blob the size of a house with shitty tickrate

Say it you blood muffin.

bikini summer skins when, nigger said this summer.

Not this
Something is coming later today


can you please post the full image of the image on the right-middle, thanks bb.

>See a Mercy that knows when to switch beams pocketing a 76 or Pharah that actually knows how to aim on the enemy team

>bikini summer skins when

They did? please don't play with me

> I don't get many kills because I'm distracting stuff like roadhog, winston that tries to chase me etc.
Genji mains are really that retarded that they dont switch even when the enemy team counter picks genji

Happens way too often to me. And then I watch "epic plays" on YouTube where the guy isn't even aiming or lining the sights up to the players yet lands everything as a headshot.

>Not this
dont care then desu.
they never said its bikinis but summer skins.

>Hanzo or Genji on our team
>Can't get kills
>Waste their ults
>Never waits for the team and die by running in at 6 niggas

>Hanzo or Genji on the other team
>Genji knows when to go in
>Knows when to use dash strike and deflect at critical moments
>Will use ult to kill key targets
>Can actually aim

>they never said its bikinis but summer skins.
fuck me

This one?

>enter game
>someone picks lucio
>i pick mercy
>that awkward moment of pause
>lucio switches away from lucio
>awkward pause again
>dude we need dps

Screen shot this

July 12, Something new is coming

thats when you know you have shitters, lucio+mercy completely rekts shit on payload.

>>four offense heroes on defense

Has better success rate than
>four defense heroes on defense

>Dorado comp defense
>guy picks Genji
>can't do shit with him
>never sticks with other team mates, always trying to get the other team from behind
>after minutes of suffering, we get to overtime
>guy finally changes his pick
>picks Hanzo

I'm a weeb but holy fucking shit, why the hell weebs feel like they NEED to play the most animu character

You mean today?

yea ty bb.

Yeah, it's not much of a heads up honestly

They would never ever release something like skimpy outfits for OW

>Seagull is the top OW streamer
>He picks the most cancerous heroes if played by shitters
>Every shitter now thinks he's Seagull 2.0 and only picks Hanzo and Genji
End it all