And Sup Forums still denies the existence of shills on this board
Why do you even care?
>This is news
No i t's not.
Besides, it was a good game. I enjoyed Shadows of Mordor.
How old is this piece of news? One year? Two?
>it was a good boy
This is the sad true today: big companies aren't paying journalists anymore (unless we consider the truly biggest USA ones), all the money goes to youtubers
Then, they quote the paid youtubers on the cover of their own games
Source: vidya journo here
That game didn't need paid reviews, it was good on its own and now its been cheapened.
how is this new?
and you retards still follow "who's" on youtube
This is all GAMERGATE's fault.
>Source: vidya journo here
Oh shit. Remembering some YouTube review...
>seriously pick this game up
>this is the only game I've 100%
>plat then made anew account so I could plat again
I wish someone would pay me to shill.
>that part where he plays with his chin
>that part where he turns the monitor off and still dodges everything
Never gets old.
you already do it for free
why you think we are getting betas released for 60€
It wasn't good. It was mediocre, but at least it wasn't terrible.
Because people will buy them anyway?
I don't think it was a masterpiece but it was better then what I expected.
Quite sad really because the company had no faith in a game that would have done fine. kinda proves how out of touch most company's are with the shit going on today.
Audible gasp.
It was Arkham Middle Earth
Thing is these guys aren't games journalists or games critics.
They are just youtubers whose words don't end up in metacritic which affects devs bottom lines.
Fuck man, I wish they had put this much effort into the Gauntlet reboot.
I've never seen someone so sarcastic in my life
>Had a blast with the game.
>Replayed it twice.
>100%'d it.
>Took tons of screenshots.
>Game isn't super challenging and the story isn't very good, but it was a wonderful power trip.
>See this shit.
>Retroactively like a perfectly passable game less now because they couldn't just leave well enough alone.
Off the hard drive it goes. Good job you stupid faggots.
>shills deny the existence of shills
No shit.
This is glorious nerd bants.
I don't but it's still annoying to cry about them every time someone wants to talk about a new game.
I wish there were more "power trip" games.
SoM was better at this shit than Prototype.
Exactly why many called from the very beginning that the whole "eceleb" fad would turn out to be the exact same fucking thing as before.
>"b-b-b-buh he's independant!!!! he's paid by views only!!!! he can actually express his own opinion unlike video game journalists who are paid by reviewers!!!!!!
Yeah right.
When does this shit finally becomes bannable and we're done with next-gen shilling?
>When does this shit finally becomes bannable
Get some taste dude. Play a game with good combat and have some standards for the stuff you play, and you'll find yourself playing better games.
Could you fucking BE any more of a child? This is cooties-level obsessive diapershitting.
as always
I think he's talking about OP, bubbo.
Thank God posts on here are always "independant" huh.
>Get some taste
Fuck yourself, faggot.
I literally stated the game wasn't very challenging, but was a fun power trip. That's all the game is. It's a perfectly adequate video game. It's not exceptional. It's not pure shit. It's adequate.
user what the ever-loving fuck are you even going on about? Holy Christ.
There's not too many, but there are.
Infinite Warfare gets shilled quite a bit.
Why would I want to play mediocre derivative games when I could be playing good games? There's no shortage of good games if you aren't afraid of exploring unfamiliar genres and aren't allergic to old games.
How does your own shit, smell?
>only just picking up on this
It was all over the place.
Why are you so hostile? I don't want my fellow Sup Forumsergins playing bad vidya, that's all. Do you want some recommendations or something?
By all means, superior human being.
It's late for the americans, they're getting cranky.
It already is. If you're paid to do a video, according to FTC and ASA regulations, you legally have to disclose it in a visible way that the viewer cannot miss.
Counter-shills are worse though.
At least we talk about video games.
When the fuck has Sup Forums ever denied exsitence of shills, I have yet to see a tread about a new game where nobody were accused of being a shill.
that's a nice word to use in news coverage
Isn't this illegal? You're supposed to disclose sponsored reviews.
I didn't mean to come off as rude, in retrospect saying "Get some taste dude" is an aggressive statement. Here's a bunch of freeware games. Some are hit & miss, most are short, but they're all free. That means someone developed the game from the bottom of their heart and released it out of love. That's cool.
Yes. It's against FTC rules.
Bethesda is the next to be exposed
Fallout 4 and Doom 2016 were shilled hard
i fucking love destiny. he's such a cheerful guy.
According to the FTC filing, they did disclose it, but not clearly enough (e.g. they just put "Thanks WB for the sponsorship" at the end of the video description, which nobody reads anyways)
Would it be illegal to shill on Sup Forums for the same reason?
Should shills be required to disclose their involvement with each post?
This post is sponsored by Electronic Arts.
Wow. Finally some games so simple that my small mind can count the individual pixels. Thank you for those user.
But how am I supposed to see the physical fear in eyes made up entirely of one block?
All this wonderful passive aggression aside, might I posit a theory?
It's possible to enjoy simple power trips like Mordor and other, deeper games as well.
Thoughts on that?
This. I keep getting called a shill for not hating modern games. I might as well be getting paid for it.
You're missing the point
You don't seem to understand, they do it for free.
I don't. This is my full time job.
wishful thinking
This game will always hold a special place in my heart because it was the first game I pirated after I built my budget PC to see how modern games would perform.
it's okay, because they never intended to give those reviews ;;;;v)
I like indie games, but you come across like a faggot that wants to force his opinion onto others
there you have it, there are no shills except those that disclose that they are actually shills. so stop accusing people of being shills you fucks
A power trip, huh? Well there's Dishonored and Sengoku Basara. Maybe Dynasty Warriors but I'm not sure which one to recommend. If you want a power trip, you could just play a good game on easy mode you know. It might not feel as epic knowing you could be playing on a harder setting, but when playing Shadows of Morder, you could be playing a harder game and a better game.
The Cod games get shilled HARD, and I mean actual shills not meme ones
A week or two before the new cods come out threads are spammed to hell and back about it, they continue till a day or 2 after release then all discussion about cod ceases till the next game comes around
Anyone who says there are no shills on Sup Forums is a shill themselves or around newfag who wasn't around for the horrid borderlands/scribblenauts shilling\spam
This is Sup Forums
>Blink Past Everyone: The Game
>Button mash games so simple they make Mordor look complex by comparison.
>Better games.
Mercy user, please. I can't take the stupid anymore.
The sad thing this probably won't even affect him. 13 year olds don't even know what a shill is and most of his other braindead fans won't even care in the slightest.
What about Sengoku Basara and Dynasty Warriors? I mentioned more than one game for a reason. Regardless, I would argue that Dishonored has a depth to it that makes the power trip he desires a lot more engaging. This webm demonstrates some moves that are much more interesting and fun than Shadow of Mordor's Bamham combat. Dishonored has flaws but if you want a power trip that's easy, it recommend it over them.
So what, we should just ban all discussion of the games you don't like?
I think the new CoD looks fucking great, and I really goddamned hope that the hints of open world we've seen turn out to be true. The only thing holding me back from diving in on a pre-order is that we haven't seen the multiplayer yet, which is pretty much the make-or-breaker when it comes to these games.
I mean come on, nigga. This shit looks stylish. My dick gets hard just thinking about all that space debris.
If space combat turns out to be DFM from Ace Combat:AH, I'll be beyond mad.
companies need their ads to declare they're ads or they face hefty fines by the FTC. do you think they'd actually risk that?
I always wonder if this is some legitimate shilling or a very elaborate troll plot to make it look like it's getting shilled.
I wouldn't be surprised knowing how autistic some of the people in this website can be.
I already addressed your button mashers, faggot.
You're webm demonstrates nothing.
What you're webm demonstrates, is a choreographed sequence of events that the person recording it repeated a shitzillion times until they got it to come out that way, through trial and error.
THAT is not a power trip. That is autism. Impressive autism, but autism all the same.
A power trip is walking into a room full of bad guys and fucking their shit up so hard on a whim, that they piss their pants and run; and THAT is the one thing that Mordor does right.
it's already known that bethesda invited youtubers to play snapmap and multiplayer in DOOM, they then made videos about it, obviously they were paid to say nice things, it's no secret
It's an anonymous board so yeah
I liked the game, the movement was so fucking slick and combat felt great.
Only thing I didn't like was that I had all the upgrades I wanted about two-thirds into the game and it was a bit lacking in variety.
Was pretty cool that you could kill Orcs that had killed your friends though.
I don't see how choreography makes it any less impressive. The webm still demonstrates that the game has depth in its mechanics with room for creative gameplay. The webm contains lots of little tricks that can be realistically stringed together in an improvisational manner during unrehearsed gameplay. You can't argue that Dishonored doesn't have leagues more depth and freedom in this regard.
>It was a good boy
There's literally nothing wrong with "shilling" video games.
When you show me a single webm that wasn't rehearsed, I'll be impressed.
And choosing my side of an argument for me, and not point did I even begin to discuss how
>Dishonored doesn't have leagues more depth and freedom in this regard.
I don't care. It's a great game, but I'm not going to spend my entire day lining up a bunch of dumbass A.I. that can't see further than 10 feet in just the right way so that I can feel cool about myself when I murder them for a webm I want to shill on Sup Forums, when I can do the same damned thing in Mordor in 2% of the time, and get the exact same feeling.
Take your autism somewhere else. I'm going to enjoy both games and there's nothing you can do to stop that.
But Mordor is a good game actually.
Nemesis system is awesome and i want to see it in all sandbox games.
In call of duty you can crouch behind the cover and go to take a piss, what's the point?
Wait who is this semen demon and how can i play as her?
Talion was depressed as fuck.
They added her later as a playable character.
She's free, I think, but it's been some months now.
Her gameplay was basically the same except she hit a little harder and had a little less health.
>I'm going to enjoy both games and there's nothing you can do to stop that.
You take one step closer and I'll do it!
I fucking do it! Just try me!
The incendiary bolt that kills the man near the water may be impossible if not planned ahead, but things such as blinking and air strafing into a drop assassination, double adrenaline kill with a gunshot inbetween the two swings, possessing someone between you and an arc pylon to kill that person, and sliding to dodge a sword swing, those are totally doable in normal play if you are familiar with them. What makes you think it's so impossible? Dishonored isn't a hard game. It has nothing on things like Devil May Cry or Quake.
Nemesis was pretty cool until you got the mind control power and then it became a game about a ghost getting his own army of orcs to fuck with Sauron. Also it was made trivial by just how easy it was to kill enemies in that game and I had to go out of my way to either job as hard as I could or simply stop performing executions in the hopes that I would get a rival.
When fucking 10xx videocards became accessible I surely replay this on true glorious master race settings.
Mordor, Witcher 3, Evil Within, maybe I even give a try to ACSyndicate
Really preaching to that "likes call of duty but hates mindlessly simple games" crowd there, sport.
That cunt is the biggest blatent shill of all of them, can't stand that prick.
Why would anyone be upset about a woman killing an orc?
Even before women started demanding they be included in shit, Tolkien had a few here and there that did notable shit in battle.
I seem to recall pic-related being a pretty big deal.
How bad is he?
almost as annoying of a faggot with shit opinions as levelcap
dishonored is not a power trip, because for that kind of satisfaction like in the video you need to WORK. Hard.
It is more of a Skill-trip, if that makes sense.
if snarkiness is all you can respond with, he IS superior.