game devs that you will never trust again?
Game devs that you will never trust again?
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I will never trust Hideo or Kojima ever again
anybody nintendo
Todd will keep getting my shekels as long as he panders to me. Unlikely, given the current gaming climate.
Still, possible. Fallout 4 had the BoS as a believable Sup Forums faction, but the Railroad was a complete opposite with believable Tumblrinas.
Though what's really funny is while BoS were Sup Forums and could easily conquer the wasteland, the Railroad was Tumblr, dying, and would have been exterminated if not for protagonist.
Shit story otherwise, but gorgeous aesthetics. Why the fuck did Far Harbor lag more on PS4 than Xbone though? Is that some... playability exclusivity shit? It makes no sense since the game plays 100% better on PS4 than Xbone.
tim schafer
>pic unrelated
It isn't a recent thing though. He's been shit for years now.
But years ago the Bullfrog logo was a sign of something great.
probably nintendo.
what's wrong, user?
You mean there are reasons not to trust Todd Howard?
mfw when some people trusted to this fuck in the first place
and this faggot
You have RUINED one of my favorite franchises, you fucking slant.
God, I don't know who I hate more: You or Metzen.
Over the past 12 months I had 2 of my favorite franchises end completely underwhelmingly with all the promises made about the final games broken. Kojima I was half expecting, but Uchikoshi broke my fucking heart.
>but gorgeous aesthetics
Looks like fucking wax, you stormfag.
You're such a tease, Sup Forums.
But you're going to be Skyrim™ Remastered Edition™.
Aren't ya, big boy?
Fuck these incompetent retards.
it looks great in broad daylight
eat that shit up every day if i didn't already have the plat
i'd call them basedthesda if the only evidence for that wasn't just BoS / Railroad / Decent graphics
>story as bad as usual
>DLC is an absolute scam, thank GOD i only paid 30$, what the fuck.
the pre-sequel's season pass was better, and half of it's DLC was fucking characters, the other was an arena with no content, adn the only actual DLC was FUCKING CLAPTRAP'S MIND
But why, user? Don't you want to eat that delicious steak?
I would if it was whole steak.
And the steak was warm.
And the steak didn't get extra tough the stronger my bite is.
have you ever played video games before? Fallout 4 looked out dated when it came out. Also "muh tumblr, muh Sup Forums" doesn't make the game better.
That fat fuck Gabe has been shitting it up for a while
No, look. The actual graphical -QUALITY-, as in technology-wise, optimization wise, was bad.
In terms of aesthetics, though?
When I first saw the screenshots of FO4 I thought it was oversaturated as all fuck. The intro is STILL oversaturated. But I have seen few things as gorgeous as running around in mid-day in bright sun in my Vault Suit. They have the colors for that -just right-.
Kind of like Fast Racing Neo, which used a lot of filters to hide its technical low graphical quality.
>neo-brotherhood supporter
you're a huge fag
Their human purity thing was basically 1:1 with Sup Forums. Danse was a fucking hero.
Also, poorfag.
>basically 1:1 with Sup Forums
go back to Sup Forums
Tell me what series, user. Show me on the doll where he touched you..
Ed "the PC version of MKX is gonna be just as good as the console versions also let's add unlockable gear to Fighting Games" Boon
So the brotherhood is a mixture of Sup Forums and reddit? I don't know why people say they browse Sup Forums as a badge of honor when it's overrun by children.
They died to me long ago but they still manage to disappoint from the grave. Pic related is just one of their unpenteenth fucks up.
>basing your identity on the opinions of a containment board on an Italian cumswapping forum
you sound really fucking underage but I guess that's expected for Sup Forums autists, nevermind the fact that you're defending fallout 4 of of all things
The Human Purity thing comes from them copying heavily from 40k Space Marines, reading Maxson's biography felt like reading the God-Emperor's wikipedia page
Bethesda has the BoS invested in the lives of the wasteland for no fucking reason, it's incredibly jarring seeing a group that you found in a bunker hoarding technology from the rest of the world to keep them safe in Fallout 1 is now flying around in a blimp (which is retardedly flying in the path of artillery fire) trying to purge xenos I mean mutants in Fallout 4
Minutemen is really the only not-retarded faction in the game and that is because it has no fluff behind it.
>implying everyone on Sup Forums isn't going to buy TES6 on release day.
>basing my identity
i don't specifically identify with Sup Forums. otherchan Sup Forums is particularly bad, Sup Forums Sup Forums seems okay. it's generally an easier thing to say than "heavily right-wing views"
Todd is my favorite dev. You can trust him to lie to you. And lies are only troublesome when you dont know you are being lied to.
I'm going to wait a while. I'm not too eager to play it, but I never got to finish it before my laptop broke down and a friend of mine cucked me by buying the actual game for me when I was getting the DLC free via famshare.
Hey faggot. Why'd you make your own thread?
this thread seemed dead
>Sup Forums
How about you go back?
kek, where's your thread now?
it went to thread heaven, user
and where's this thread?
The only reason to play anything TES-related is for the nude mods.
So you are right
>pìrated every Elder Scrolls and Fallout game from 3 and onwards
>only actually bought New Vegas
my nigga
Bethesda took away your ability to fly.
Bethesda took away your ability to teleport.
Bethesda took away your ability to climb.
Bethesda took away your ability to improve your jumping height.
Bethesda took away your ability to improve your running speed.