Is it worth the effort to learn how to code video games?

Is it worth the effort to learn how to code video games?

Will it land me a job, or is it just toilet paper like a game design degree?

Learning how to code is always a valuable skill. Even if you don't get into the games industry that way, you'll most likely get a decent job, but a CS degree is definitely more valuable than a game design degree.

All academic degrees have value and all skills have value.

I sure as fuck wouldn't want a producer, designer or planner in my studio who didn't have the critical thinking you acquire from a humanities degree.

Coding is coding. Coding video games is a great motivational way of learning coding and well, there is money in being good at it.

>critical thinking you acquire from a humanities degree.

This is bait right? No one actually believes this.

The idea is you learn how to code and then your job is to code. You might be coding some bank fee algorithm, you might be coding vidyo gaems, the point is you have a multi-functional skill now.

In the companies I've worked at, you clearly see the difference between those with the skills and those without. Without it, you get derivative drivel, unambitious ideas and no awareness of producing said shit.

I'm not saying a degree in humanities make you smart. Most people are retards, no matter the degree. But different educations affords different possibilities.

>video games
haha, good one

Maybe I should also add
>US education

You know History, Law, and all Arts degrees are Humanities, right? It's not just Philosophy majors.

Redpil this user on coding

please don't make this into another "humanities vs technical education" thread

Learning how to code is pretty useful and pays well as long as you are not just another code monkey

I'm not. I have a degree in both (Not that US double major thing, I started over when I finished one of them)

Oh, good for you then.

>humanities degree.
Oh wow hahahaha.
Good bait, every coder in the thread will get a good laugh.

>Learn how to code videogames

Hell no, you don't learn how to code videogames, you first learn how to code and then you code shit like videogames or another application.

so, is worth to code? Yes
is woth to code videogames as a NEET hoping for making the next memetail? Hell no, that isn't gonna happen bro

Being able to code can land you a job where you have to code.
Working on video games isn't worth it. Literally any other field pays better and has better work hours

Not even this. If interested in coding a video game, it's as simple as making a video game. "Learning to code" is a meme with the industry having this much potential.


Degrees in this shit are worthless

Friend was a NEET programmer that just got hired by a big game dev this week.

The dream is real.

Go for a CS degree, coding games is a skill that you will pick up automatically. Degrees focused on game design are absolutely worthless garbage.

so they just generate themselves