Is there a way to hide programs on your 3DS menu? I'm going on a road trip soon and I don't want my friends to find Senran Kagura Burst.
Is there a way to hide programs on your 3DS menu...
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you can make folders. just like hiding your porn, try put folders in folders. not sure if it works, but worth a try.
First of all, kill yourself normie fag.
Second, you can make folders, so hide it in there.
Put them in a folder and put that folder in the far corner of the home menu.
Stop being such an insecure bitch.
They already think you're a creepy faggot for having a 3DS anyway.
Delete it you stupid fuck and backup the save file. Or do nothing, it literally doesn't matter unless you are an autist about it when they see it.
Game already thought of this for you, the icon changes to a hawk icon after your first play session.
if you were cool about it you´d let others play it too and have a good time. why you´d have something in ur engine that you´re embarrased about?
anime is shit btw
Underage b&
First you could try not purchasing mass-produced over-priced weebtrash.
I'll name it something inconspicuous, like
"aabbbf2." That's the ticket.
Yeah I noticed that. Pretty neat.
>user what's this aabbbf2 folder for AAAAAAAAAH
>why you´d have something in ur engine that you´re embarrased about?
I'm not OP, but I'd do the exact same thing.
Even if I knew for a fact that the only people who are ever going to find out wouldn't care in the slightest what games I play, I would still be anxious and embarrassed.
Please recommend me some games that are lovingly assembled by hand and sold at a fair price
what is this? it looks fun. there is also am animu?
but senran has a picture of a crow as it's icon
It's a beat-em up with cute grlz with visual novel elements in between. Oh, and you lose your clothes a lot. Gameplay is kind of braindead. I only played it once so far.
>hidding your love for boobs
You are a special kind of faggot, huh?
I bought it and it's pretty bland
no variation in enemies whatsoever and there aren't that many titty ninjas
oh and I hope you enjoy reading
cool. i ll watxh the animu. tge anumation and action looks great.
i don't see any reason why you should hide the game from your 3DS desu fammi.
Fortunately the story is good with many unexpected feels along the way.
The anime cuts a lot of the character development that you'll only find in the game.
Shit OP my old friend came to my house to visit after a year in the army.
I introduced him to my Renka dakimakura and then asked him if he wanted to play the game.
It's not his kind of thing, but he was completely cool with it anyway.
I don't know what you're worrying about, at worst people will think you like tits.
>everybody likes boobs!
>room full of big-tittied anime girls, titty mouse pad, anime vidya
>user, you have a problem...
> no variation in enemies
This is objectively untrue, there's a good amount of variety in enemies and there attacks that if you want to try for higher ranks you'll definitely need to approach missions prioritizing enemies and how best to spend your meter.
/r/ the video about david-kun
anime wasnt cool back then, it´s not cool now. it never will be
What problem exactly?
It's nothing outside of my budget and it's something I enjoy.
I keep it to myself for the most part but if someone's going to visit I'm not going to hide anything either.
I have no shame in who I am.
I got SV and EV. I heard SK2/Deep Crimson on the 3DS is one of the best titles on the 3DS; is it okay to go straight to that one or will I miss out not having played Burst?
>he doesn't play SK for the story
Normal people get enough sexual satisfaction to not hoard effigies of cartoon boobies.
Alright. I'm not normal.
How exactly is that a problem?
SK2 continues directly after Burst, unlike SV that took place six months after Burst in a different timeline.
Its best to play Burst or watch the anime that loosely follows Burst's story.
Nothing, it's just something people would use a buzzword like "creepy" or "weird" to describe.
Ever gone into a weeb's house that's full of weeb shit? It's an uncomfortable feeling.
This is a Japanese hobo girl.
I live in a weeb's house.
If someone called it creepy I wouldn't burst into tears, I know people have different opinions about things and I'm okay with that.
They do they and I'll do me.
This is a japanese christmas cake
Best cake
Any word if the Ikkitousen girls are coming to the west version of EV? I thought Takaki was trying to bring them over.
>still waiting on IA
Best girl thread?
Just embrace your degeneracy.
My mum saw my copy and I just said "haha don't worry it's 15-rated, no porn". Think I did okay.
If you're this much of a faggot just delete the game and reinstall it when you come back. Too bad you can't delete it from your play history without formatting the entire thing.
It seems you've accidentally posted the wrong girl, silly you. Best girl is pic related.
>shameless whore
I suppose so. There are people that can rock it. And there are people that don't.
Even though I only played 30 mins. of Burst, I already love Asuka. Her attack animation is cute.
I just wish there were more girls with smaller breasts
>I have no shame in who I am.
Fucking liberals like you are why this country is in the shitter
you take that back right now
You're doing it wrong user.
You should be proud of it.
No, best girl is the one who was so best she took the main character's spot.
How is she a whore? She's only interested in Asuka.
>inb4 evil teacher
no shut up that doesn't count!
>girl in a bikini, on the ground, probably sunbathing
>old-style construction worker jacket AND NOTHING ELSE on top of a ladder exposing her wet privates to the whole world
>small breasts
Poor Asuka
Then don't let them find your 3DS, duh. Hide that shit, lock it in a safe.
>old-style construction worker jacket
It's a happi. Traditional festival gear.
Usually worn with nothing else except maybe a fundoshi.
I mean I don't own any anime related posters or figurines or body pillow shit. I just enjoy watching it so I have bought a few of my favorites animes and I have some anime style games. It's not my life, but I do enjoy it. If someone called me a weeb for watching anime, the only thing I'd feel is sad for the person who doesn't know what the word actually means.
I really want them to announce a new SK game.
I really want them to have consistent boob sizes and actual nipples
That ass fang!
>It's all about Yumi and Miyabi and their people now.
>Miyabi's people
As if. Only ones that people care about in new Hebijo are Murakumo, Ryona and Ryobi.
They really have to improve / remove the balloon shape tits in their 3D models. Let them hang a bit.
Not having actually played Estival Versus, but from seering some videos one thing I'd like to see improved is the skirt physics. Hebijo's in particular look really weird and sort of... like there was air current constantly pushing them up? I don't know.
Yeah it still needs a lot improvements. I hope they start using the SK2 models more, those look better than what they used in SV and in EV.
I want better asses so much, slightly saggier tits would be great too.
Takaki really needs to work together with Koei Tecmo. Perhaps an SK game with DOAX3 Soft engine 2?
>Soft engine
Is it possible to go softer?
My dick wouldn't be able to handle seeing my Waifu in soft engine.
This doesn't look that soft to me, m8.
Nice jaggies
As it is, in-game graphics don't do justice to Yaegashi's designs.
Embrace it you beta bitch.
SK2's 3D model comes really close though.
I agree I was hoping pc mods would fix the body types at least but no ones done them yet
First i would hope everyone enjoys reading. Otherwise you opinions are pure shit.
Also boobs who hates boobs and fighting?
I've never played these games but i have seen the gifs on Sup Forums.
Tiddy bump