If seeing the underdog succeed at something for once makes you angry, then you are a bad person

If seeing the underdog succeed at something for once makes you angry, then you are a bad person.

>the underdog

Nintendo was always the king baby, WOOOOOOO

they succeeded at something?

>rooting for a company
>rooting for a company you are not even part of

Bravo, that's some next level retardness.

nintendo is not the underdog, nintendo is the evil shitty corporation with no moral and they are succeding on marketing and brand name alone so go fuck yourself you little nfag


Ninty are the last good guys left.

Man, the butthurt reached levels so high people feel the need to false flag.
How sad can you be? Kek.

Getting them sweet normie stacks that they can use to make actually good games

jk it's gonna be the other way around lmao

>jews over priced McDonalds toys to access in-game content that should be free
>sells handhelds without the charging cable
>you have limited tries on demos
>region locks games, devices and consoles

They were never the good guys

We succeeded in the Euro and the whole of Europe is mad at us. Does this mean Europe is full of bad people?

If you actually think this is how it works you're delusional

Nah, just sore losers fellow tuga.

>jews over priced McDonalds toys to access in-game content that should be free
Amiibos are DLC done right: cheap, usable with many games, double as physical good and collectibles.
>sells handhelds without the charging cable
It's 2016, grandpa. Everyone has four-five chargers; Nintendo is just trying to help the planet by not generating extra trash.

>you have limited tries on demos
Well, you either like a demo or not. You don't need infinite access to it.

>region locks games, devices and consoles
Wages, inflation and taxes vary from country to country. Buying something cheap from another country is immoral because you're stealing taxes from your own country.

Meanwhile Microsony does reprehensible things like charging for online, imposing the primitive optical disks over the technological superior cartridges or using slave chinese labour to make their products.

>being made at most likely the final steep in all games just being mobile games now makes you a bad person

I want to believe this is falseflagging

>anime picture
>hurr durr I've got nothing to post but I will anyways

Like pottery

I'm rooting for TripleBTitles because even though they've only released two games (and only one video game) they're at least making stuff that hasn't been done a million times before.
>tfw the papercraft tabletop-like RPG they're making will allow DeviantArt users to easily turn shitty pictures of their OC into online-usable characters resulting in ERP

Would you rather be under paid, or over rated?

What a retarded fanboy with shitty memory or just a total newfag, nintendo once had the throne and they let everything slip from their hands with their shitty decisions and total lack of vision, eventualy becoming just as bad as the company people used to distinguish from them.

Fuck off Sup Forums nigger

Don't pretend to be retarded.

>Wages, inflation and taxes vary from country to country.

Nintendo charges the same for their games no matter the country.