This is the worst class in tf2.
This is the worst class in tf2
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally badSymmetra
>Not Spy
Engineers on Offense take skill to play. Only defensive engineers are shit.
necessary evil
otherwise it would be scout fortress
T. Scout main
Literally every class that isn't pyro or scout can take down his turrets
Even pyro can take them down if you try hard enough.
>new update for the game comes out for ages old dead game
>suddenly new threads start popping up every day "sure just a coincidence"
jesus you fucking shills get out of this board. haven't you made enough money with tf2 already
The threads have been common again ever since OW came out actually.
that doesn't even make sense nigga
like, why would threads not pop up after a big update comes out for a game
would it be less suspicious f tons of threads pop up without an update?
Engi was always god tier until gun changes it seems...
No, he is fun as fuck.
Spy exists
>not being able to kill scouts as pyro
this my friends, is a true w+m1 pyro
Been a few years since I played but I have fond Engineer memories. Always had a good time trying out Sentry jumps or setting up nests in unusual spots.
>Join team
>Votekick disabled
>they're all easily hacked because their usernames are almost always their email when it's formatted like pyotr.sladoschaev9239
>these are the people that made valve put insane trade restrictions unless you allow the electric jew to know your phone number
>herman.bachavez32194 is the reason you have to wait over two weeks to trade some hats worth 12 cents each
>not pyro
>Provides team with a 128 DPS worth of bullets + 150 damage every 3 seconds worth of rockets to deny massive sphere of area from the enemy.
>Provides team with 20 HP/s to all nearby members simultaneously.
>Provides team with 40% max ammo per second to all nearby members simultaneously.
>Provides one team member at a time with the ability to immediately appear on the front lines every 3 sec.
>The Engineer himself is essentially Scout Lite (15 less max damage on Primary, 0.11 second slower reload on Pistol with 164 extra ammo, 75% of the Scout's speed).
Nowhere near the worst.
Trobjorn gets POTG like crazy tho, how does he suck exactly?
Isn't Heavy/Pyro/Engi still a defensive stronghold? Least that's what I remember in the 6v6 format.
mrw i see a noobafile moaning about a class, a weapon or pub server
oh hey i see you captured the intelligence for the second time
better get my entire team to go engineer and build sentry guns in the intelligence room
He can get shutdown so easily though. An Uber or a lone demo can fuck up all of his shit and not think twice.
He really doesn't, a single game of CTF can take an hour if both teams have good engies. Hell some KOTH servers ban mini-sentries because they're such a pain in the ass. OP is just a new player who probably builds his turrets to lvl 3 at the spawn and then tries to carry it over like a complete jackass. Another point would be that a lvl 3 sentry is like a permanent molten core turret considering it has rockets and 2 Gatling guns and can one hit most players with the rocket. I've killed waaaay more people in tf2 with a sentry in a single round than in overwatch.
Pyro is countered by scout though.
Scout Vs. Pyro is down to where they encounter each other. Scout wins in an open field, but a Pyro has a good chance of winning if the Scout is caught in a tight spot.
Per 30 minutes, Heavy, Pyro, and Engineer will be used for about 30 seconds each in your average 6s game. Often less, sometimes not at all.
To be fair, 6s also bans unlocks that would make Engie/Heavy/Pyro stronger, because they find them un-fun to play against. But they remain comparatively weak classes offensively even with them unbanned.
I'd like to see unlocks and buffs given to Engie/Heavy/Pyro that make them better generalists, and to see the "attack, defense, support" classification abolished completely considering how meaningless it is.
>a Pyro has a good chance of winning if the Scout is caught in a tight spot
Not the guy you're responding to, but Scout will probably still kill him, even if he dies from afterburn (though he can put himself out with Milk).
Two 90 damage Scattergun shots in close quarters accidentally's all of Pyro's 175 health.
>Pyros on defense takes skill to play. Only offensive Pyros are shit.
Literally the same cookie cutter argument for all the shit classes.
>[x] [y] takes skill to play. Only [z] [x] are shit.
x = class
y = alternative playstyle
z = normal playstyle