What difficulty do you play your games on, Sup Forums? Does the hardest difficulty make it more fun or more of a grind

What difficulty do you play your games on, Sup Forums? Does the hardest difficulty make it more fun or more of a grind.


Medium difficulty for nearly everything except JRPGs, for which I choose the easiest difficulty available.

Depends on the game

Normal most of the time

Hard for subsequent playthroughs or if Normal is too easy. Too bad most of the time a higher difficulty just means increased numbers rather than the dev team making any conscious effort into things like new movesets or something.

Medium always.

I play on normal.

There are many games that are funner on harder difficulties but there are a lot more of them that aren't.

Is that from the monolith map?

Easy because I'm not a tryhard who wants to impress someone with mad vidya skillz.

medium or hard depending on the game

and obviously special cases like STALKER where harder = purely better i play on Hardest

medium tends to be quite easy most of the time, so I tend to stick with that

Hard, unless the game features enemies with hitscan weapons.

as a young teen I would only pick easy or the easiest one since I was a bitch

Normal/medium is usually the best bet, otherwise it becomes stupidly grindy for losers who need to get their sense of life accomplishment from video games or a cakewalk.

Normal because that's how developers intended them to be played.

If it's too easy I'll just go and bitch about it on Sup Forums.

Never easy. Almost always medium my first time, unless I get captivated by the title of the difficulties. For example, my first time playing human revolution, I played on "give me dues ex" difficulty because it seems like hard is the best and most fun option. Once I beat a game and get comfortable with it, I'll bump up the difficulty

Normal, then if I really like the game I replay it on Hard.

stalker should be played on the hardest or second hardest difficulty. Increases the atmosphere and immersion

The second highest is always a good bet. The highest is normally grinding, or for people who already finished the game.

hard when hard actually means "harder" not just "longer because every enemy is a HP sponge" etc

Usually hard

I usually read up what the difficulties do. If hard mode just adds grinding then i wont bother, othervise ill play on hard.

I play most games once so I usually go for the hardest difficulty. There's no interest for me to beat something I already did, but slightly harder. Plus hardest difficulty gives you stuff usually, is more fun when you do beat it and makes the game last longer and veery rarely do I have to purchase new controllers.

Depends on the game but usually hard. Being able to do everything on the first try is boring.

In some games where hard is freaking impossible I go normal

As much as Sup Forums usually shits on last of us being a decent game at best, it seemed to really do grounded well. Instead of just adding HP to all the enemies it took away Joels hearing thing, less ammo, etc.

This game got it correct, normal difficulty was fairly tough, any higher difficulty was a real bitch.

Normal first time unless it's something like Vanquish where hard is pretty much recommend for better experience.

Hard after that if I really liked the game.

I only go for Easy if I hate the game and just want to get done with as soon as possible. Usually there needs to be some really big flaw to force me on easy and just to say fuck it.

if it's skill based like dmc, mgr, bayo then hardest that is available.

if it's shit difficulty settings like the witcher where it's just move in-one or 2 hits-move out-repeat to beat the game, then i play on normal.

Only the hardest for me

Why would you play a game if you hate it?

Hard if it's a meaningful addition to difficulty like different enemies, more complex mechanics, Normal in any other case.

>friend gifts me God Hand
>"yeah bro this game is pretty hard"
>choose easy difficulty
>Gene taunts me for being a pussy
>immediately reset the console and choose Normal


Not gonna play it on Hard that's just crazy

Shouldn't those difficulties be reversed?

Normal except if it's a tactical rpg where hardest is the most fun

Spite, money, impressing women, saving planet from intergalactic annihilation.

4 off the top of my head. Grow an imagination.

Medium for anything you're forced to grind stats in, like JRPGs.

Hard for Shooters, Action and Stealth games. Anything that requires reflex, technical skill and/or gitting gud.
Is there even an excuse for playing easy?

>life as a woman

divinity OS is so good.

Or because it's easier on the hardest difficulty


When I was still a student I went for hard. Now that I need to work I am glad if I can play some vidya and advance in the story so I pick easy.

yes but men can't get raped. none of those things matter

Normal/medium usually on a first playthrough unless it's more immersive/fun experience to play on the harder for example Witcher 3.
If I enjoyed a game enough to play a second playthrough then hard

This is the only correct answer.

Easy babbies and nightmare try hards need not apply.

In Civ V I like to play on king, emperor is not so bad, immortal can be pretty tough with the extra cheats the AI gets, deity isn't fun.
Prince is too much of a cakewalk.


Sometimes it has some parts that I still enjoy and want to see, but the developers went full retard and fucked other things up.

That said I don't finish everything that I find disgusting, but usually only if I find there is no redeeming factors at all.

>Admitting to being a normalfag

>Anime poster

The hardest difficulty that is possible for the first playthrough. I want a good challenge when i play the game for the first time. The second playthrough is already easier because you know the moveset and weakness of enemies

shut up weebposter your opinion is not welcome

I'd never play an RTS game on hard or higher difficulties, but FPS, TPS, RPG games are meant to be played on hardest difficulty

>yes but men can't get raped.
Yes they can.

Hard just locks it to Die difficulty.

Enemy patterns don't really change or anything, they just turn into damage sponges.

Not a great difficulty system.

Hard difficulty is also pretty fun in TLOU, as long as you choose to not abuse the hearing thing

like fallout 4? :^)

>Get office job
>Don't kill yourself
>Don't marry skank

They can in fact, which is more dangerous if the chick is crazy enough to keep drugging you so your boner is always up.

And let's not even mention men raping other men.

>it's a genuine video game thread derails into Men's Rights Slacktivists vs baiting 'socially aware citizens' thread

Gamergate was a mistake.

Normal, unless the game has a reputation of being too easy, then I'd play it on hard.

When the goal of the game is to reproduce, no

>be pretty
>find rich man

Women do have it easier, as long as you don't want to walk the streets of a black neighborhood at night

I normally start with Normal, since I expect the game to be balanced for that to be the intended experience.

It isn't always the case though. Metroid Prime 3 hides Easy mode as Normal and Normal mode as veteran, which resulted in a boring game if played on normal.

Usually hard, except for RTS/turn based strategy games, because all it does it makes AI cheat.

Always the hardest. I turn it down if it turns out to just be hp bloat.
Strategy games are the exception, I always start on normal since you need a really good grasp of the mechanics of all the stages of the game - know the tech trees etc.

Always on hardest if the hardest isn't some bullshit perma death 1 hp mode

>before GG there were no posts calling out feminism on their bullshit

Tumblr influx was a mistake.

Where do you think you are, faggot

Before GG not every single thread turned into incel babies turning a subject into an excuse to complain how men are some oppressed underclass, yes.

Hardest possible. If it's boring (like only numbers get higher), I switch back to normal.

I'm kind of an achievement whore, so if there's an achievement for the hardest difficulty, I dive straight in the deep end, but when there isn't I usually start on Normal (or Hard if there's a Very Hard) then move up from there about half way through a playthrough.

not every thread needs to have weeb shit you dumb faggot

>be pretty
Not all woman are good looking. Hell, go take a walk and count the number of all the woman you see and the number of how many of them are actually good looking.
You'll probably get around 30% decent looking girls at best.

Easy if its a type of game Im really terrible at.

Normal if Im new to the series

Hard if im not or want some replay value.

I find modern TES games and FO games are best on the hardest difficulty because even though they only up the numbers its still easy as fuck.

Because the ugly ones are most likely to reproduce

men enjoy that so it's not rape
but it's traumatizing for women. you don't know how hard our life is

>anime trash
le ex de

Newfag detected

The feminism pot was boiling since at least 2012. Even sooner if you count when it was contained to just Bioware threads.

All that proves is that life is easier when you're good looking.

Hard. If there are more then 3 options I pick the one harder then normal.

I really liked it with lvls 0-3, DIE is just fucking bonkers

People have always been bitter about women on here but not every thread degenerated into talking about how men are oppressed and the cards are stacked against them, it was just about being a loser if anything. The political garbage only entered into it after the abortion of a cause that was Gamergate.

now count the number of women an above average intelligence male such as myself would fuck and give a free ride through life while working my non-dead end job/career.

Or because genetics and epigenetics are such a crapshoot it's a miracle any attractive people are born at all.

normal first, then i can tell if the hard mode was a fair challenge with new or more complex mechanics or just enemies but with bigger stats and/or omniscience

older retro games tend to be hard even when theres an easy setting. so on old games i'll pick easy unless the game forces me to play on normal to get the true ending. games these days though normal is the new easy.

>being shit at games


Again, your new is showing.

Look in the archive for any threads about Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3, or any other thread about EAware games or their media coverage from around their release. A good chunk of all of them were devoted to the exact same things the anti-feminist backlash from the past two years has been about.

And not every single thread gets that today either, the ratio is still the same as before, as in, only when some SJW/feminist bullshit gets posted

The difference now is that there's a lot of whiny SJWs around to complain at them being called out on their bullshit. You'd think they'd stay away from fucking Sup Forums of all websites, but no. They really think that their retarded political correctness will get a free pass here, where everyone can be anonymous and call them out. And now that some time has passed, we also have relevant statistics ready to refute the regardless. And we all know, nothing triggers a SJW more than cold facts.

Yeah, most likely. But average women get average men, ugly women get ugly men (most cases at least), and certainly those men won't give them the life of a Disney princess (well, the life of a Disney princess at the end of the movie).

Before this thread dissolves into a bunch of shitposting, I would like to share that I prefer normal difficulty.

I'm not responsible for validating your arguments, link me a single thread pre-Gamergate showing a heavily political focus that overrides the discussion of video games as a medium or the specific video game the way that you manchildren do now.

Yeah, pretty much.
It's not like they have countless boards where they can bitch about women.

You're giving me the impression that you're female. Men rate 50%+ women as pretty or better, while females rate less than 30% as pretty or better. Men aren't as demanding as you think, lady. Also, make up.

Hard for the first play through, because playing Hard from the start means you get used to the difficulty and it's not so difficult.

Hard at the very least. Higher if possible, but that depends on the game. Games tend to be easier nowadays and I've always liked being challenged. It also usually extends the life of game too.
Why would harder modes make things more grindy? If there's grind in the game, it'll be there in normal modes too.

Also, if there's a permadeath option I'll likely take it if I'm familiar with the game's mechanics (sequel, second playthrough). Makes shit way more fun and puts a lot of weight to the game.

Cunts like pic related piss me off beyond belief.

You've just provided factual proof that you're a newfag. Go back to whatever hugbox you crawled out of, this is not your safe space

hard is how you learn the game, theres no point in playing on easier difficulties because you are just learning how to be shit at the game, its actually easier to just start playing on hard from the start

So you can't link a single piece of pertinent information, then? I don't know user, sounds like that whole 'feelings are more important than facts' nonsense that you no doubt espouse as a core tenant of the evil manhating, video game disabling Voldemorts.