What went wrong?

Also XCOM thread.

Poorly optimized.

made for consoles, awful DLCs, poor story, shit polite-correct characters, turn limit every fucking mission and stuff like that

>originally released for PC
>made for consoles

What did he mean by this?

>made for consoles
Are you retarded?

it runs poorly because was made with consoles in mind. quote me when you're 18

those things don't cancel each other out at all.

If I make a baby's bib and hand it to you to make sure the clasp works, that doesn't mean it's for your demographic, fuckwit

the overworld, research and base management is IMO inferior to the first game, missions weren't very interesting and I don't think they used the theme as well as they could have

Its better than enemy within but not better than long war.

also forgot most retarded devs meme ever - "mod" support.
just wait for mods bros, long war was sooooo good! just wait for them to make our job and play it!
don't forget to per-order though
>better than enemy within
lol'd thanks

Failure to add enough new content mainly

They did this whole guerrilla warfare thing and didn't use it to its potential at all. It was basically a slightly reskinned Xcom EU.

Not to mention the DLC is fucking atrocious.

why is that a problem? not like it's technically demanding or anything. it looks like something from 2006.

>muh satellites

XCOM: EU/Ws overworld and base management were fucking shite mate.

No but are you actually retarded? Or are you just too new to remember the PC exclusive shitfest?

Long War is shit, and what a surprise, so are all the mods Long War Studios put out for XCOM 2.

Mod support is good for all the smaller mods out there, from people who actually play the game and have some kind of direction with what they're doing.

The only major problem that I had with it is that it ends in exactly the game way as the first game. Board big alien facility with a special psychic character that you can't let die, fighting every enemy type in the game.

it instantly became the worst game in history after it was released to peasant boxes

are you too retarded to realise that was just a ruse to drump up hype for consolebabbies?

games are rarely exclusive anymore except for first party games, almost everything else is a "timed" exclusive

If you survive the second month on impossible in enemy within, you beat the game.

>implying there was anything wrong with the game

obvious shill pretending to be semi-critical Sup Forumsirgin while still giving enough of a fuck to post a thread about the game detected

shill your shit somewhere else

It's alright.

I feel like they lost sight of what made eu/ew good.

My biggest frustrations are hacking which is too blatantly a dice roll. And combat which usually requires you to overwhelm 80% of units first turn or they will kill 1 or more of yours.

Basically the game feels less like a squad of solder fighting and more like a bunch of glass cannons.

the entire ui, the mechanics and the lack of depth you would expect from a game with the name xcom.
Those are all concessions towards the inevitable port to console.

how's the game nowadays btw? is it more stable? would someone who only played xcom eu and ew and loved those games, like this one?

>implying vanilla Xcom is at all good


EU/W had the same alpha strike focus, and extreme dip in difficulty once you get to the mid-game.

I wished XCOM 2 would shake this up, but it was more of the same in those regards unfortunately.

considering that they made an expansion there must have been a considerable portion of buyers who thought just that.

they somehow made the strategic layer even more shallow

it's still shit user. buy dragon's dogma instead

>le epic pcmr meme :^) updoots to the left xD

true, but at least in eu/ew Hunker down had some purpose. Xcom 2 the aliens will kamikaze or just blow everything to shit. I find the aliens have much less will to survive a confrontation in xcom 2.

There is enough valid criticism of the game to be had, you don't need to make shit up.

>was always jealous of no dragons dogma on pc
>see the threads and feel bad
>want the goat waifu
>finally hear it was coming to pc
>get mega hype
>get it
>play it
>obtain the goat waifu
>now its ded on pc
>no reason to play it
>tumbling down desu

is it STILL poorly optimized?
still no good Long War mod?

Where have you been dude? We've all agreed that LW is shit made by autists who don't have a clue when it comes to game design. The Long War meme is dead.

Consolization. At least the memes were fun

Was there any info on possible add-on for xcom2? Something like Enemy Within.


when did you decide on this lmao

Too much focus on alpha strike.

It's literally just fire emblem with aliens.