This is literally the most fun I've ever had with GTA Online, why wasn't this include with the release?

This is literally the most fun I've ever had with GTA Online, why wasn't this include with the release?

When are we getting a SP campaign?

Never, they're probably working on the sequel already, and I think it's for the best, Los Santos is getting old.

fuck off faggot. of course it's getting old because you probably spent countless hours playing this garbage online

i fucking knew this would happen when they announced gta online. i fucking knew it. that would be the focus while the sp game was totally shit. fuck you, kid

R* needs to stop making GTA games

or at least shitty modern day ones that are boring


>$20,000 to enter a race
What if I want to test shit out before I throw money at it?

>install GTA little over 2 months ago
>start playing
>finally finish that last damn heist
>hear about a new update coming
>find a russian to drop me money
>set for life
>buy the most expensive office tower
>play for a while with friends
>we do jobs and shit from my office, since only rich one
>we stop playing
>only go online to buy the new car that comes out each week after the update
>decide to uninstall because nobody playing anymore
>cunning stuns comes out 1 week later


is it worth the fucking 80gb install

calm down autismo

It pains me to say this, but GTAV's MP updates make a good case for microtransations.
Probably wasn't in the plans?

i'd rather you just kill yourself you noodle armed faggot

I'll kill myself when the single player dlc comes out. :^)

I just ran through some of the new races. Theres a lot of interesting props to use.
>speed bumps
>speed boosts
>windmill obstacles
Too bad they're unavailable in the creator thing until August.

it's only a single race at the time with a winner-takes-all format.
It's not an exclusive track either, you can ride on in normally


>le brave, fearless woman xD

Go to Rockstar and tell them why they should stop making games for one of their most profitable series then.


Is this GTA VI? They've gone from open-world to generic car game it looks like. That's sad.

What Rockstar needs to do is to put another arena like level where you do stunts and races just like in GTA Vice City and San Andreas

Is it just me or is the grass and shadow pop in on PC absolutely unbearable.

wait, its out already?

>not racing like a true slav

Yeah, it has been out for like 4 hours, on PC at least.

and heres the retard of the day

>hey Rockstar please stop making GTA games
>because it hurts my feelings