it's fucking nothing
It's fucking nothing
Except that it's literally setting the world on fire
Im enjoying it.
>Another PG thread made by a butthurt person that can't accept its success
We are setting a new world record.
If it's nothing, then why's everyone tweeting like mad about it?
it's literally nothing, unless you go outside :^)
This game is caner
Flooding the world with autists
If I see any of these nerds on my property they're getting a bullet
>Literally pokemon with even less content than it ever had
Not even the fights resemble pokemon at all, anyone playing this in Sup Forums is a fucking retard because there's 0 gameplay besides furiously tapping.
>there's 0 gameplay besides furiously tapping
Yep, sounds like pokemon.
I'm not sure about you OP but i'm having a grand time, I havent been able to meet people for ages because i'm an autist, now I have something in common to talk with strangers about.
It's as much a video game as Farmville is. Can we please stop with 12 threads at a time?
>the quality of a game is now measured by its popularity on Sup Forums of all places
I'm playing this shit just because everyone else is but I'd much rather be playing a better game with the same people. I hope it will pass.
I get it now, all this butthurt is from fags that can't play it.
This is like the main crop of grapes right here.
Well, I hope you play the next ultra casual "game" that's in once GO dies out. Otherwise you're going back to your autismo life
>People are having more fun than me so I'll kill them
>Flooding the world with autists
maybe you're the autist
>fags that can't play it.
Yeeeup, My guess is non-americans are pissed about how they can't play yet, or is that still a thing?
If it bombed v would be filled with BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY and contrarian positive threads.
And then you leave and never see them again.
The biggest surveillance coup to date and everyone of you asshole and everybody else eats it up.
gj sheeps
That's a pretty good point actually, but being that I live in a town with about 50-60k actual residents, I'm sure I'll see them playing GO occasionally
lol faggot you're always being watched, get mad
Every other app does the same thing though, what's your point?
people trespassing on my fucking property because its a fucking pokemon gym is enough reason to kill them
i don't care about shitty smartphone games for autists
don't get so fucking butthurt you turbo sperg
Why didn't you guys support the shit out of dungeon keeper then?
t. butthurt redditor
Why don't you put up a sign you cock? i'd come play at your gym every day just so you'd go to prison for shooting my ass.
I've actually had fun with it desu, I've met some chill people at the park at 2:00am
>Drive downtown
>Not a city
>Park in a chirch parkinglot
>Some guy is tackling the Gym in his car
>Hit about 15 pokestops on way to park area
>Get to bridge
>Catch onyx
>3 dudes and 2 chicks see me coming
>"There's a lickitung by that bench over there snag that shit before it's gone"
>We set up 3 lures and chill in the middle of the triangle
>Talk about life and shit
>Show off mons
>Catch some more dudes
>Take on a gym for blue team
>Get my Oddish in there
Was pretty comfy, am going to do again
Went during the day today but it's shit, too many normans and redditors try to talk to you
I just wanted a fucking Pokemon app that made me battle shit.
>bbbut user you kinda do that at gyms
What's the fucking point if I have to catch 100 thousand of the same fucking Pokemon just so it's stronger.
This is some cashshop bullshit. I'd rather dick around with that pikachu step counter or those fuckin digivices or even a fucking scannerz
It's trivially easy to sideload it if that's the case. From reading around, it seems more like fags that have piece of shit tracfones and are too stupid to just buy a secondhand 3 year old flagship phone or something.
>n-not what I wanted i'm upset
Then develop it yourself or write in asking for it man, or just get a 3DS you cheap nob head
This game seems entirely pay to win to me.
Is it true?
The funny thing is it's not even cash shop, there's nothing in the cash shop that will directly let you power up a pokemon. You can buy items to encounter more pokemon sure, but if they're not the same type then you're not powering up shit. It's balanced that way to not be pay2win, at the expense of mandating grinding.
>Walking around town doing shopping
>Huge crowd of people with their phones out
>All playing pokemon go
>"What's going on?"
>"There's a charizard here!"
Great and all but I wondered how the crowd started, I can imagine some sperg running in circles shouting A CHARIZARD IT'S A CHARIZARD EVERYONE and everyone whipping their phones out.
has anyone gotten raped or mugged playing this yet?
More grindy and time consuming I'd say
>fw unconsciously exercising everyday while catching
No, most of their player base didn't spend a cent. It's totally fair and easy to pick up
You're absolutely right about the battling part. there's no effort involved. However I would argue that GO accessibility would be in jeopardy if a more in depth playstyle was taken.
As for the "0" gameplay you're wrong. Catching pokemon has never been more fun, meeting people by pure chance is fun and exciting, the teams incentivize working together
Do you think they will reset it in Europe? Or ban people?
Quite a few
People have been robbed, beaten up, found dead bodies, run over.
Can you buy pokemon? no?
Can you skip opening eggs with currency? no?
Can you catch the best pokemon without going places? no?
I hate to burst your bubble but it's not P2W in the slightest.
>walking slowly
lel enjoy your foot injuries and sprains fatass
Read the post directly below you.
You can't use money to get a strong pokemon. You can buy items to encounter more pokemon but that doesn't mean they'll be good pokemon.
The people who have it the easiest are simply people that live in a populated area near pokestops. Pokemon encounters are more frequent in populated areas and pokestops have a short cooldown time and basically give unlimited items.
>Do you think they will reset it in Europe? Or ban people?
I'm hazarding to guess they might just say fuck it and decide to go with a global setup, outrage would be through the roof with Euro players who played early.
Whats the point in even trying to take gyms when 12 year old Timmy can just grab his mothers credit card and get ahead of me, and place pokemon at gyms that I have to grind to beat, only for them to pay more money to boost their pokemon way quicker than I can
Not that guy, but someone might argue your third point with being able to buy Insence.
>implying I don't own every fucking mainline Pokemon game
Lick my butthole.
Instead of completely gps eat your battery based make it randomized via a step counter which most phones have, make it run in the background so you can queue up x amount of encounters incase you are at work or some shit. use that bump shit gps that detects nearby people only so you can trainer battle. but noooo they had to get the ingris guys on it because Nintendo can't into 21st century technology. were moving into gen 9 and Nintendo is still learning what WiFi fucking is
There doesn't need to be major depth to it, but it could be a nice entry to the series.
As it stands you tap furiously and then hold once you meter is full.
Why wouldn't the 4 attack system work? learn attacks as their cp increases pres the attack you want, turn based. doesn't have to emulate the game to a T with TMs and shit
and thats why its shit, no normal human will actually nto want to cheat eventually.
Ok fatass.
>>Since Nintendo released Pokémon Go late last week, the augmented reality video game is already on track to be one of the fastest growing phenomenons in the gaming world. More people used the app in a day than Tinder.
>About to surpass twitter's active users
>With a 7% install base among Android's 1.4 billion active devices and a 10% install base among 400 million Apple devices, there are currently 138 million players making it the most popular game of all time. It hasn't even been released in Europe, South America, Canada, and many other nations
>Europe, South America, Middle East, Africa, and Asia all downloaded the game with American accounts and are playing it
>literally Pokemon go in their news every single fucking day
>their own celebs in each of the countries continents are talking about it
>there's already memes and jokes being made globally about it
Have you even played the game you fucking retard? No, you haven't. You came here to shitpost about something you know nothing about. You can't use money to boost pokemon, period.
damn, atleast pretend you are not a sheep and say you like the game
>Pokemon Go is the biggest video game phenomenon since… Wii Sports? All Pokemon Go is Ingress with pokemon instead of portals. I know game developers who have been addicted to Ingress. Goes to show the power of the IP.
>“I am playing Pokemon Go because I need to walk outside.” This was said to me by a 30 year old woman who NEVER plays video games.
Pokemon Go, as that woman’s reason for playing it, is ironic in video games because we always associate video games with STAYING INSIDE. But is this true? Is this fair?
>VIDEO GAMES ARE ABOUT BEING ALONE. No they aren’t. Even from the beginning, this wasn’t true.
>VIDEO GAMES ARE ABOUT NOT BEING SOCIAL. But PONG and Donkey Kong started out at bars. You had to go outside to go to the arcade. And consoles have always been about multiplayer gaming.
>So why have we assumed video games are about being inside? Even with the mobile cell phone games, we assumed that they were mobile games, not OUTSIDE GAMES. The paradigm shift matters.
>Motion games were great because it forced us to re-realize that a video game wasn’t sitting around. Pokemon Go is making everyone realize that a game doesn’t have to be inside.
>It is expanding our definition of gaming. This is why there is so much excitement for it. It is attracting all sorts of players.
I used the 2 incense you get when you start to try and evolve some fodder and level up faster.
Sat my ass at the computer and caught 6 pokemon with both.
I can guarantee in an hour I could've caught more walking around
was it worth it you cumslut?
>I'm hazarding to guess they might just say fuck it and decide to go with a global setup, outrage would be through the roof with Euro players who played early.
They're the reason along with other regions that weren't allowed to play why the servers got burned to a crisp
They deserve to get their progress wiped tbqfh
nope. You can go slightly faster if you pay, however you can earn the currency in game
>i have no idea what i'm talking about
since when walking doesn't count as exercise and is dangerous for your health?
go outside from your basement you might find more xD
I am a sheep. I like being with my friends but as of now that is impossible without playing this game.
>We could even enter a generational divide where ‘old school’ video games meant playing games inside while ‘new school’ games meant playing video games outside. Sounds shocking to you? Welcome to future. Your grandparents were probably shocked at internet, computers, and lasers. Time marches on.
Ah. I didn't think they were that minor. The only time I used that stuff was when I was sitting in between two lure modules. Now THAT'S some intense pokemon generating.
literally the second coming of R/B/Y
shit is everywhere
From what I can tell it's a matter of being in certain areas, if you lived closer to a pokestop you might have had better luck, but someone will crack into the game sometime and find out all the algorithms one day, so for now, get some fresh air and take a walk.
It's good for you.
No fuck off you normie cancer.
Holy fuck. If you need any more proof that Sup Forums is Nintendo defense force central, just look at threads like these.
>but someone will crack into the game sometime and find out all the algorithms one day
Unlikely, everything is server sided. Even the fucking 3D models are stored on the server and downloaded when needed according to a data miner.
You know if you don't raise your heart rate passed a certain rate it's like you may as well be sitting down right?
You did take elementary school PE didn't you?
You know when the teacher said even if you aren't jogging to at least not walk because you aren't really exercising?
You are drinking diet pepsi instead of regular pepsi walking around, don't fool yourself into thinking you are getting in shape, lardass.
no reason really. I don;t want to believe that more causal players can't learn 4 moves and weaknesses, but god sometimes I wonder
>it's fucking nothing
It's another "neet with no car or money for public transit cries because he can't catch shit" thread
It's pretty fucking bad as a "game".
I also don't need a phone app to actually take a walk or have friends.
What? I'm not saying the game is perfect but it's fun, what do you expect out of a half idle/GPS game? It's fun to chill out at a park or take a hike and catch my shitty little virtual pokemins.
While I like it, it is kind of lackluster on the content front, but hey, as long as it's enjoyable who cares? it gets people outside, that's a lot more than most video games do now adays.
How can a game develop such an obnoxious playerbase and hate base in less than a week? It puts Undertake to shame.
>go to park at 2 am
>catch tons of mons and use all the pokestops
>take the gym
>walk back to my car
>its being ticketed because parks close at 10pm
>police asks what I was doing
>end up comparing pokedex with police officer
>mfw still have to pay ticket
I really wish I was American so I could do the same.
No I don't love Nintendo more than sony or microsoft however I do think Go is a game that's changing dynamics and should be talked. I think the majority of reasons are positive
So does the PC GPS spoof actually work? I just want to move my home location literally 20 feet to the north to use the single pokestop in my rural area. It's so close I can turn GPS off and on to grab it inconsistently.
Good for you.
>start convincing my friends to 'disconnect' when we hang out
>get friends out of the house more
>this fucking shit comes out
>back to the usual glued to their phones selves
Thanks nintendo
>implying people are ever going to set foot near your piece of shit property.
They could literally be two houses over and still get full advantage of your house, user.
Besides, unless your house is a church or a park, it's probably not a gym anyways.
you are a faggot, I've been playing this shit for 3 days and its as p2w as it gets
>Can you buy pokemon? no?
No you can't but you can buy incense and lure which is the same fucking thing
>Can you skip opening eggs with currency? no?
No but you can have multiple incubators and hatch multiple eggs at the same time
>Can you catch the best pokemon without going places? no?
I will give you this one because I'm not that far into the game but I reckon the rarity of pokemon correlates with your level and you can simply grind yourself with incense all day without moving your ass
I like the PoGo but it is undeniably p2w
>rural area
How desolate are we talking? I have to walk like a good 5 miles to get to a store and I still catch pokemon around here.
as long as you don't move too far too quickly then you should be good
but even if you fuck up I think the worst that'll happen is an hour long soft-ban
>take adderall
>literally everything raises my heart rate
>getting out off my chair raises heart rate by 5-10bpm
So I'm good right
you can get jailed for that
>No you can't but you can buy incense and lure which is the same fucking thing
no it's not you still have to walk to find rare shit good luck finding that just sitting your fatass around
>No but you can have multiple incubators and hatch multiple eggs at the same time
which you can get for free at random at pokestops
>Implying he'd going to let you go without adding to his quota
>Giving you hyperthrophy
Jesus I fear for my brehs at /fit/ they must be fighting the urge to bash in the head of manchildren all day long.
Walking is what doctors tell grannies to do to improve circulation in the lower limbs, its not exercise.
The amount of Amerifats who have never been to a park or taken a walk until Pokemon Go is lol.
ayy lmao thanks, I was too lazy to respond to his dumbass
I want to play it, I just went outside for a walk (first time in months) to try it. I feel like everyone is watching from their houses and wondering what this greasy turbosperg is doing checking his phone every 30 seconds. It's like shame coming from every direction so I casually walked back to my house and cried in the entrance. Why, nintendo? Why would you do this?
>lol you just hate Pokemon go because you don't have a good phone/can't drive
>people here are unironically defending this
I lived long enough to see Sup Forums defend mobilefaggotry
I guess in the end I was just an entry to his pokedex
The amount of Europeans not playing Pokemon Go is lol
>tap a Pokemon 2 blocks away
>it works
>see kids and adults sprinting around to catch Pokemon literally outside their doors
>get off your fatass
>implying 9/10s of the pokemongoloid fanbase isn't driving around to catch these fucking things
You should get that checked out. Sounds like anxiety my friend.
I tried to warn you dude