Hey user, what did you think of Other M?

I really like the Metroid Prime games and the manga, so I didn't have a problem with Other M. But I hear a lot of people did, so what was yours?

Being on an ugly shitty poorly designedship that somehow makes the BSL look like Disneyland.

Fuck I want to know what that beta version of Prime 2 would have been like because that was supposed to be on a ship too.

I liked it. It's a bit of a meme to hate it.

Storywise it's the dumbest thing I have ever played, but as a game it was okay, nothing spectacular just okay.

It was the kind of bad that gave people an easy way to feel smart, which is the worst kind of bad because people will never shut the fuck up about it and move on.

They fucked up by making Samus a timid and submissive woman. She shouldn't be a bitch, but she shouldn't be so scared of things all the time, either.

>I really like the Metroid Prime games and the manga, so I didn't have a problem with Other M

If you liked both of those things you would obviously have a huge problem with Other M. Fuck off.

Good game that got shit on for story reasons even though Sup Forums (especially Nintendo fans on Sup Forums likes to pretend it doesn't care about story.

You are not me, nor are you an expert at predicting human behaviour.

What made OM so bad for you? It better not be one small thing.

>The shit story
>the awful controls, first person mode was a disaster
>"sense move" bullshit
>recycled bosses
>visual design was terrible for just about everything
>pixel hunting
>exploration being actively discouraged

But judging from your posts, you clearly never played it and are just starting shit.

You're right. I haven't played it, nor have I ever played a single Metroid game. I just like ZSS. But how does that my posts any less relevant?

>People say it's shit because it's "like" Fusion

I hate this. Say what you will but Fusion had shit hit the fan so much the entire room is is triple coated in Feces. Suspense is the one thing that game did well and "oh noes" Metroids followed by the Federation just cleaning up at the end by shooting MB proved half the game's plot was pointless.

>I don't have a fucking clue what I'm talking about but I'm relevant

Surely there is nothing more pathetic than a waifufag like you.

We need a Metroid bait picture

I know quite a lot and enjoy talking about the games, actually. I didn't just stroll in from the blue. I've got some knowledge on the games, and also, how the fans see the games.

Prime is the best of the series. Fusion is weird because of the Fusion thing, althrough the dark Samus thing has been good for fap fics and ecchi. Then you've got the other games that no one really remembers. Then there's Other M. Often seen as the black sheep of the series. Many fans disliked it's portrayal of Samus' character, as well as the reason for Samus being depowered (not autherised to use missiles and so on). Gameplay was seen as so so.

You can blame Japs and their easily bruised self esteem. Look at all the stuff that starts with femdom and turns around at the end. That's Other M.

holy shit fuck off

user you "know" about as much as the first few sentences of a wiki article. The fact that you lied about it proves you don't care even in the slightest. Seriously just fuck off to one of the multiple porn boards if all you want to do is fap to ZSS.

What's the matter with you? Haven't you ever heard the expression, "The zero suit keeps metroid alive"? That's what it's doing here. It's keeping people like me interested in talking about the games. I'm the lifeblood of these threads. They literally wouldn't be here if not for me.

I'll stop posting ZSS if that makes you feel better, but it's not good for the thread.

I hope Metroid goes third party. Nintendo is doing a godawful job with the series. Which company would be the best for a Metroid reboot?

Christ I don't know if you're actually that fucking deluded or just a common shitposter, but seriously, fuck off. Report and hide.

I'm just trying to fucking talk with you about a game we both like.

You just said you'd never even fucking played it. What could you possibly have to say?

I don't think its nearly as bad as people make it out to be but its not great. I'm not a fan of the Prime games either, though I'm not sure which one I'd rather play.

Its like Prime has great everything except gameplay (which is a deal breaker for me) whereas OM has bad everything except for gameplay which is also not very good.

Some of the designs, like young Samus and her casuals and fatigues looked nice though. I thought Melissa Bergman = nu-Mother Brain was a neat concept for a new recurring villain that was wasted on terrible execution and writing.

Prime has great gameplay you tool.

lock-on and move around in a circle excruciatingly slowly is not good gameplay.

I'm probably just biased because I greatly enjoyed all the 2D games minus Prime because of the floatyness. M2 is my jam

*minus Super

I've lurked, genius. I have lots to say. How's "I like Samus" for one?

What do you think of her? Or would you like to discuss something else? I don't have much to say of the gameplay except that I think 2d sidescrollers are outdated and the first person format is better. I'd get the 3d games if I had a the right console. Not really a nintendo fan, so that can't be helped.

>2d sidescrollers are outdated
Shit taste. You will never play another 2D sidescroller after playing through a good 2D Metroid game because everything else feels so inferior

Terrible story, mediocre gameplay, zero replayability. Maybe you can get a couple hours enjoyment from it but it's not worth more than $10 and did a lot of damage to the franchise.

It's just so boring, though. You either go forwards or backwards, and there's not much reason to go backwards.

>Entire point of Metroid is backtracking
>"There's not much reason to go backwards"

My God please never post in a Metroid thread again.

Wouldn't it be boring to go through areas you've already cleared?

And people wonder why 'Super-fags' hate Prime fans.

But whenever you do backtrack you have new abilities. You can get hidden items that you might have noticed but weren't able to get on your first pass. You can approach enemies in a different way and learn just how much you've grown in power since last time you were here. In Metroid Fusion, the level design and enemy types will have changed drastically.

>What made OM so bad for you? It better not be one small thing.
Is every single thing about the game except for the cool kill animations a small thing?

I don't know what you're implying since backtracking is a huge part of both games.

I guess 2D scrollers just don't appeal to me.

The only game I can remember being a bitch to backtrack in was Super and that's probably just because I didn't like it that much anyways.

Fusion and Metroid II are more linear with minimal amounts of backtracking and better combat compared to their immediate predecessors

Its not about the backtracking, its the ignorance of that entire comment, especially the "only going forwards and backwards" part. I also emphasized Super-fags because I was talking about the 2D-exclusive fans, not particularly Super

I don't particularly like 3D FPSs either but its undeniable that the bosses in combat in general in Prime are mechanically subpar.

>super linear level design
>retarded control scheme
>authorization system is justthe antithesis of metroid
>automated, extremely repetitive core gameplay
>utterly bullshit where's waldo and forced walking sections
>sterile, generic low budget jrpg art direction
>terrible narrative shown through unskippable fucking cutscenes
>thoroughly forgettable ost and sound design
it's a game that deserves all the shit it gets, it's not underrated at all

>already turned into another Other M hate thread
Can't discuss anything on Sup Forums

Shit story, fun gameplay.
Reminds me of Chronicles X.

Every video game thread turns into a hate thread on Sup Forums. Metroid just happens to get the short end of the stick because of the current fucktard developers of the series

Other M is complete shit of course everyone hates it.

Good, leave and take your shit taste with you
This place is better off without Other M apologists

I kinda wanna make a Samus Aran character in XBCX but its my brothers game and he'll berate the shit outta me for making a qt female character

Story is terrible and ruined Samus's character. That's about it though. Gameplay is fun.

The whole hating on Other M thing is extremely contradictory since Sup Forums always says Story doesn't matter, except with this game. In this game, Story is the most important part, but any other game, it's the least important aspect, especially in a Metroid game. Sure, it was a mistake to have a larger emphasis on Story in Other M, but the gameplay is still pretty solid and that's all that should matter.

OP asked what people think of Other M and got it

There are reasons to like it.

the problem is the fact that the story is pushed in your face with unskippable cutscenes.

No story > Bad story you can't ignore

Also the gameplay was lacklustre

Could you make another NNID on the console and start a new file with it?

Well that certainly isn't one, so I think you're full of shit.

This is the only game I have ever seen where the story impacted the gameplay in negative, obvious ways.

but the gameplay is shit too, it's a neutered ninja gaiden clone that plays itself and which only variety comes from the hilariously retarded "point wiimote at the tv" missiles mechanic and execution moves for add ridden mongs

meh, I didn't like the ZSS model they used. Her face looked cute through the visor and young Samus was qt and had good design. I think civilian/casual Samus was nice too. There's just something off about this ZSS design though

The gameplay was shit too.

I sighed at your post.

Even the suit sucks
Her dumb face, the heels, the uniboob, the lighter colors

great hentai

I could've ignored the extremely bad story and characterisation but many design choices and the gameplay itself was atrocious, too:
>It's piss easy, you just have to spam the d-pad to dodge enemy attacks.
>The hidden-object segments were obnoxious.
>Not being able to move while aiming.
>Ridley is ugly as sin
>The game is too linear.
>The boss fight felt anticlimatic

I played through it in its entirety. I wanted to like it but I just couldn't.

The only good thing it did was inspire headcanons about Venom Samus

it didn't inspire any hentai at all, and you'd think that would be the ONE bright spot to this whole mess

>samus' powers and clothes now fade away when things start to go bad
>there is not one single doujin about her losing concentration and getting jumped by monsters

you had ONE job japan

There are many one off pictures of Samus being lewd.

those are all generic smash bros shit though

can't really argue with that

if you take the metroid out of metroid porn you may as well just be jerking off to sarah bryant

>nor have I ever played a single Metroid game
get the fuck out

>I think 2d sidescrollers are outdated

Only good part is that holster. It needs to be a regular part.

Other M samus had some weird uncanny valley thing going on. Even brawl Samus and mp3 samus looked better, and she wasn't particularly attractive in that.

because we care about the suit
other M had a fucking terrible suit

Best suit will always be prime 2 varia


throw out the first person parts, 3D combat, and terrible story.

Make the entire game like the 2.5D on rails parts and it would have been perfect.

Show the story don't tell it and bring back the scanning from Prime.

Optional hidden paths with secret bosses upgrades and stuff.