How unexpected

How unexpected.

Without companies providing demos, how are we supposed to know whether a game is good or not if all reviewers are paid off?

You're not forced to either have a demo or blindly buy at d1. Just wait and see other people's feedback.

>how are we supposed to know whether a game is good or not
Like why would you care how many new ip are there per year? 1-2? You get the same games every year anyways.

Piracy is the answer to all your vidya related problems.

But why? The game is great.

use your brain

I always make good purchase decisions

dont preorder
dont buy on day 1

This thread reminded me I've never played this game.

Welp, time to pirate it.

Pirate the game and try it before buying. Stop buying shit on day 1 or preordering altogether.

If the game has denuvo, it's not gonna be worth your time regardless

Not buying d1

Is Infinite the same as Bioshock 2?

BioShock 2 is the worst one but still cool.

Pirate and buy if it's good.

Really though if a company doesn't provide a demo, ir's pretty clear they have something to hide and don't deserve my money to begin with. Some are fine with piracy for that reason though.

Finally some proof

That game was pretty neat, the only problem is that it gets really easy very quickly

yea pretty much just changed the story and setting.

>watching "positive" youtubers
If a review doesn't shit on the game from time to time then it shoudn't be taken seriously.

Why would they need to pay reviewers when it's already a solid Asscreed clone? Fuck, Monolith does the formula better than Ubishit.

this is why you pirate first buy later, dumbass.

WB is probably the most retarded publisher

See, this was what people didn't get at the time of the story breaking. Shadow of Mordor was actually pretty decent and WB still got this PR company to make weird positive coverage only deals with YouTubers.

Exactly what I was thinking. Literally blew away all of my (admittedly low) expectations and I enjoyed it far more than AssCreed. About the one game they probably didn't need to pay people to shill.

By friends recomendation, by Sup Forums recomendation and pirating

The "game" is shit

>warner bros. just deposited 0.45 into you account

Watching a fucking gameplay. If you can't make your mind with it you gotta be retarded.
Also, the first reactions here before the contrarians shit on it are usually right

gamergate was still wrong tho

Someone post the video where that guy fight like 30 enemies and clears some kind of end game area by pressing a single button while his screen is turned off.

>by Sup Forums recomendation

>people can't like things without being shills
I think WB are retarded for marketing the game like they did, but it doesn't stop the game from being a decent game.

i don't understand why people are so shocked ?

I thought that was common knowledge that almost every big company does that, they give early access to youtubers so they can have a headstart on other youtubers but they make them sign something that binds them to not be critical about it

Not even in a "ONLY SAY THE GAME IS AWESOME " way but in a "If you encounter 20 crash in a row edit that part out"

Pewdiepie actually disclosed

>we don't need sites, we have youtubers
>and endless series of corruption scandals and drama.

Say what you will about the sites, can't prove any of them ever actually took bribes for shit.

Some sites definitely took money without disclosure though. See: Amazon referral links that weren't disclosed

yeah, so?

with sites its not donations, its purchasing banner ads and such, often every single one on the site for a while. The effect of a company giving money for good scores is still there, its just through means that are a tad more legal and look less shady when talked about

Piracy, friends or negative Sup Forums reactions might be your best bet in order of safety

Invading forums to shill has been a profession for at least ten years

Finnish department of ethical marketing or bullshit like that had sent a letter for Activision because of marketing on one youtuber's video where he literally goes "I wish all of you buy this game". In the wake of this, the said youtuber does a video where he does "so funny" name play with Destiny and pretty much goes "I WISH YOU ALL BUY THIS GAME" the entire video in retard PDP-like fashion.

But it said that it is was supported by WB in the desc, and Disney is doing the same but there is no complain because you expect Disney to be assholes.

desu chan shadap dis is a hate thread not logic thread

> game companies are now paying youtubbers instead of gaming journalists



Isn't that how this is supposed to go?

don't forget the irrational hatred of liberal opinions and anyone that dares to speak out for the victims of harassment on the internet


gamergate was wrong tho