This is the worst character in Overwatch

This is the worst character in Overwatch.

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He's being overshadowed by 76 right now but he's no where near as bad as the robitmonk

Zenyatta can snipe McCree without much fear of getting killed before he can kill him.

>mcree has a hitscan weapon
>a headshot does 140 dmg before drop off
>zen has 150 hp

yea no you fucking retard. Land your left clicks

It's just as easy for a Mccree to snipe Zenyatta, simply comes down to who gets the jump and who gets the headshot.

Regardless hero viability isn't dictated by a 1v1 matchup between each hero. Mccree is more useful in more situations than Zen (that is a few limited situations versus literally no situations)

>able to do anything
Yeah, nah.

>Suddenly behind you hear "WHEEE!" behind you

How do you respond?

>How do you respond?

he is pretty bad now, 76 is better overall and reaper does more damage and has better escape options.

literally an annoying fly.

McCree doesn't have any escape options. His combat roll sucks shit as well. They made McCree the worst attacker to choose now. I think he can still kill just as well if you don't suck, but he has no survivability. He needs 50 more hp or something. He loses to every other character in maneuverability, survivability, and damage.

so why do the memers type: "it's high noon" in all caps instead of the way McCree says it: "it's hiiiiigh nooon". It's the DRAW that he says kinda loud.

Only char I like in the roster and he's shit.

I try my best to do good and help the team and maybe get a potg but no, it's always Bastion that gets a potg of him just sitting somewhere in sentry mode mashing LMB.

life is unfair

Is bastion big in competitive or something? I rarely see him these days in quick play and even rarer to see him get a potg.

I see him in quick play all the fucking time. Either picked at the start or switched to. Fucking terrible and I hate the character with a passion.

Tell me guys, is Blizzard the worst developer ever when it comes to balancing?

Mcree roll is made for tight spaces faggit

I don't really use the roll to escape but to harass and chase ppl I haven't killed.

TACTICAL VISOR IS UP or I just stand in my biotic field and laugh her damage away.

It can easily escape people in tight spaces like around the well in Ilois or in the cafe in Numbani

I think zenyatta is, which sucks because I like playing as him but it seems that I never really help out as much as other characters
Plus some people get royally pissed when I pick him, I don't even play competitive and faggots still get salty
How do you guys think he should be buffed? I was thinking maybe more orbs? Or maybe buff the healing orb so it heals faster? Higher health would be nice.

Nerfing Widowmaker into the ground was the best decision they could have done.
Now they just need to nerf Hanzo.

1 shot sniper characters are cancer in every game they appear in.

Not him, but McCree's falloff is really short. I think 30m. In an equally skilled face off from a distance 1v1, Zen would melt McCree.

But the game is not balanced on 1v1 and certainly McCree would be bad if he tried shooting at Zen from far away.

I think McCree would be alright if they extended his dropoff a little. As it sits Soldier commits more DPS to mid/long range fight than McCree, and about the same up close. Just Soldier has endless sprint, a heal, and a cd rocket.

Really only leaves McCree needed for tight spaces and even then its niche. I don't think the stun/headshot combo is any more effective than Soldier's high rate of fire + a rocket lob at a flanker's feet for anti-flanker measures.

Seems like FtH was a mistake. Only fix I could think would help is make the FtH bullets hit multiple targets. So at least he may have some close range aoe damage for team fights that could square him up as a bruiser.

>one shot
Nigga what his arrows do the same amount as widow maker.

On a headshot, silly-billy.

It's like people are forgetting they are made for different situations. Soldier has all that shit because he's suppose in the front line doing his own shit making a path. He excels at mid to long range but fails close range. Mcree is a close quarters fighter who is a million times better then solider if you get up close to them. Mcree shouldn't be out in the open he should be off to the side or behind everyone covering different routes. Every time I still play mcree is competitive I end up with gold/silver kills at 40+. Besides this soldier can't do shit to stop a tracer Genji or lucio from contesting the point or force everyone away from the point with his ult or breaking everyones shields/one shotting them. I fucking hate you faggots who think heros are meant to do everything instead of the roles they were made for.

>Get shot in the head by a sniper
Nigga if they get a head shot they are doing their job right don't fucking make them useless now

How do I play this sexy cowboy?

Doesn't stop them from being the most frustrating part of every game they are in and attracting the worst kind of players.
I've long since lost count on the times I've found a hill full of useless snipers in a team game where you are supposed to capture an objective.

You do know there is this great character called winston. He is literally made to hop behind snipers and support and fuck them,

>soldier can't do shit to a Lucio
Lol no. You have a point with Tracer, but even then if you're good at landing McCree headshots, it's not terribly hard to fuck a Tracer with a well placed M2. From there even lucky spray and pray M1 could finish her off.

>soldier sucks up close
Maybe to Reaper and Hog, but they wreck McCree just as hard. Anything else will get the E, M2 at their feet, and at THE LEAST (assuming follow up M1 shots don't finish them) they're going to fuck off to heal.

And I'm sort of with you, I love McCree and I can do well with him, but any time I play him as such, I know I can be doing loads more credit to team and win with Soldier. McCree just doesn't have a well thought out kit, and if you don't kill anything on the side flanks 100% of the time, you're just dragging down your team by playing him.

>What is Grapple Hook

>flashbang at enemy to stun
>combat roll into point blank range
>fan the hammer (at their head preferably)

Leap is 5 second cooldown grappling hook is 12

Soldier can not stop lucio dead in his tracks. Yes he can shoot him via hit scan but it is a million times easier for mcree to just stun shoot in the head then fan the hammer. Soldier does more damage yes but mcree is still a good pick you can end up with gold medals in objective kills and kills but no medals with damage as mcree. IF you want to play damage don't play him but he isn't useless by any means.

user, my problem with snipers aren't that they are too strong, it's that they are useless in a team game when played by bad players and extremely frustrating to play against when they one shot you either by luck or skill.

A sniper should one shot if you get shot in the head. also
Fuck off faggot

symmetra 60% winrate and 1.6% played time

people really hate shit skins

also, would be nice to filter this data by rank. bastion 48% for example probably is like 60% in lower ranks and 20% in h igher ranks

I've fought some ungodly Zenyattas, I have no idea how they do it. They're in the thick of the fighting, discord orbing everyone and getting kills left and right. Thankfully you don't see that many down in the low 30s competitive ranks...

symmetra is boss u muggle

just wish her shields were a lil better

>Low 30s
How user?

>He thinks a Hanzo spamming arrows around a corner until you happen to walk into his line of fire and get headshot with his huge hitboxes isn't luck

You DO know the widow nerf only affected body shots, and not headshots?

She is as "1 shot sniper" as she was pre-nerf, and is therefore still under your dumb definition of cancerous.

>Walks into hanzo arrow
>Blames hanzo
Hanzo is fucking pathetic if you die too him it's your fault.

>A sniper should one shot if you get shot in the head.

user, any weapon usually kills you when it hits you in the head. Why would a sniper rifle be different only because it has a scope?

>Fuck off faggot

I am well aware, but she is played far less, so I'm happy with the nerf.

Did you not read the words following that?

>Game just started, have no idea who's on the enemy team
>Suddenly die
>Killcam shows the enemy hanzo peeking out behind a corner 100 yards away, firing, and going back behind the corner
>You're seriously implying he's "aiming" these shots and he didn't just get lucky

Just shut up Hanzo main.

>Did you not read the words following that?

is supposed to be after >Fuck off faggot

I'm not saying he's useless, I'm saying he's extremely situational at best.

I wouldn't put money on Soldier not being able to shut down Lucio. In the same distance that McCree has to be for stun + headshot and fan, it's not really much more difficult to rocket/hitscan Lucio to death. And where McCree now has to fuck off to heal/find a new approach to harass respawners, Soldier has dropped a team heal, can sprint to the same place McCree was heading, and/or pump out more mid-long range dps to harass.

>Playing a game that is balanced by Blizzard


Reminder: people who complain about Overwatch usually play it on consoles.

I'm not very good, simple as. I despair whenever I have to go healer or tank, as it's normally pointless. I'm trying to git gud with zarya though and might try mercy more, i just feel ineffective as lucio and can't do all the sick wallriding necessary to avoid getting battered.

because the rest of their team is carrying them, or your team sucks a fat hard dick

>Playing a game that is balanced by Blizzard

in a fps snipers should be instant kill headshots and snipers only. That is their job they are useless when you get up close to them. They are useless when you have a tank with you. Let the snipers have something and I don't even play them and I understand their role better then you. Please kill yourself or stop playing shooters
Expect that never happens on any fucking map son. Even the three maps that have dead gates like that
Kings rows
You still see the fucking sniper before you even get to the fucking kill field.

Soldier team heal doesn't help that much honestly he normally ends up with only 1 or 2k healing pre game

Get a better Mmr he is easy to kill. Only gets trickier when a rein is blocking him and your team doesn't have enough straight damage to take down the shield reliably.

Playing on console is pure suffering

It seems that any defence game now boils down to a bunch of retards flailing about as what might as well be infinite torbjorns mow down everything.

All whilst our team is composed of 3 hanzo's, one genji, a widowmaker and me as lucio

two headshots up close from mccree is instantly gg.

and he was an item that can stop your from moving.

fan the hammer cant do headshots, sad but true

also if you dont headshot them the instant they are stunned they get away because the stun only lasts 1.5s

fth cant headshot

M1 their face off. hes good from very close range. stun them if you need to. roll to relead when you need ammo.

dont. miss.

>one death dictates the entire game

If a Hanzo kills me at the start, I fuck him up the rest of the game so he's either useless or doesn't want to play Hanzo.

first you need to hit a wallriding and jumping lucio with your flash that has like a 5meter range, then if you land a hit he will fall down the duration of a stun so your only chance is to headshot him mid air or he will just jump and wallride away again

i wish the stun lasted 1.5 seconds. it only lasts .75 seconds.

if it lasted 1.5s hed be amazing, easy double headshot and he wouldnt melt tanks.

fth cant headshot, aim centermass and pull mouse down slowly while it fires

That's pretty easy to do when 99% of the time they are on the payload

>in a fps snipers should be instant kill headshots and snipers only. That is their job they are useless when you get up close to them. They are useless when you have a tank with you.

None of that changes anything.
They are still frustrating to play against, usually useless in a team game with objectives, and attracts players that just want to stay far away from the battle and take potshots without doing anything to win the game.

yea nu-blizzard.

>Usally useless
>Is so upset about them he wants them nerfed
If their useless why does what they do matter so much?

>spot snipercuck on enemy team
>switch to diva or le monkey face and go hunting
that was hard

it would if you could shoot through the payload but since you cant they have their very own pillar to hug

I guess it wouldnt be a blizzard pvp game without healers running around pillars

them being useless is the fault of the people playing them

you being frustrated is because theyre better than you. use the map to your advantage.


And a burst at the head and right click up close is automatic gg with Soldier. And not just at close range. And probably more reliable since you can fuck up missing the head and hitting body shots for the same outcome.

The .7 second stun is niche to justify against everything Soldier can do. The only thing he's more reliable against than Soldier is Tracer and that's assuming you can land headshots while presicting when Tracer will do an odd 20 tick server roller skate from the stun.

Collect a free kill and keep walking to the objective.

>be tracer
>roadhog looks in my general direction

>dodge hook
>feed off hog
>repeat till i have a decent amount of ult
>kill hog

the fact that hog stares people in the face for longer than 1 second and people still cant predict what hes gonna go baffles me.

>stun him
>headshot twice

its not that hard user.

up close a mccree that can aim will kill soldier

he's not that bad his left click still does insane dmg
just gotta git gud

>Play hog
>see tracer
>look where shes running
>lead the shot right click
>one shot
You don't even need the hook if you know the sweet zone range on his alt fire.

well first of all you wont get close to a soldier, he will kill you from long and medium range and you cant creep on him either because he is so fast, any chip dmg doesnt matter with his heals and even if you get close enough to go for a kill he can just right click you and one shot you

Wasn't really about McCree vs Soldier scenario. It's a "why pick McCree when you can pick Soldier" scenario.

again. why would someone knowingly stay in front of hog for that long? i get the same kills lile that on hog too but i still dont get why. it's not hard to hear his loud footsteps and know where he is and when.

her teleport is on such a short cd and his rate of fire is so slow the only reason to be dying to hog is if you didnt know he was there

Because if you are playing the game right you won't be solo?