Why was Jill Valentine dressed as a prostitute?
Why was Jill Valentine dressed as a prostitute?
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she's expressing herself, cis male. Check your privilege
she goes by the pronouns they and them you fucking shitlord
Delete this
Because when the game was made there was nothing wrong with dressing like that.
Nowadays feminists have made showing skin to be evil.
to distract zombies
to attract zombies
Why aren't you dress as a prositute?
Fuck you op, Jill wears what she wants and looks damn good doing it.
This is a male for comparison.
Not dressed as a prostitute.
You're right, he's dressed like a stripper.
That's different, he's a mercenary ready 2 operate. Still showing some chest there, though. What happened to Carlos anyway? He lived, right?
But his accent drives all the ladies wild!
it's her casual outfit. Hot summer, etc
No they haven't, stop inserting your political agenda in videogame discussions
he's on mercenary-duty though and Jill was wearing the clothes she has when she is off-duty
fuck jew, shes is mein waifen
Gross, he's showing too much cleavage. How is this allowed?
fuck off hans Jill is my jewish waifu
In a zombie apocalypse, you have no time to get better clothing. Though it is recommended that you wear pants for better mobility.
Because the. 90s were a simpler time. When you could enjoy the content without some cunt screaming about sexism.
because horny japs made her
Posting the superior outfit.
She was going home from work to her other job when the outbreak happened.
Is there any expolanation as to why they changed the color ?
Look at those lewd pits, slut!
>casual clothes
So she's a casual prostitute?
Now this is proper attire.
>19 hours
I always find these kind of cosplayers like some kind of paradox.
Like, they're hot enough to not give a shit about anything outside of mainstream vidya; yet they also dress like a character that you have to have some kind of vidya knowledge to know it's existence even.
What kind of bf do they even have?
That's Julia Voth, the face of Jill Valentine.
Best outfit is the revelations nude mod with the stockings. Made that game worth playing.
That's pretty long but the clock still runs during pause menu on the latest release.
is she played it for the first time?
Oh. Well, i'm kind of ashamed for my ignorance, but my point remains.
what point
How do hot grills even find out about the vidya characters they cosplay as.
Maybe they like the games. Liking vidcons doesn't automatically make you ugly.
Games are much more accessible now a days with how widespread console use has become. Compared to say, the 90s
Their fuckers tell them.
I thought Carlos was boning Jill since she was so worried about him.
And suddenly poof, he dissapeared leaving that pussy to Chris.
Maybe its because he was a latino, and japs hate latinos so capcom removed it.
The same way they find out about bands - their boyfriends.
>japs hate latinos
Not at all. There's an entire Japanese subculture about emulating latinos and Japs emigrate to Brazil more than any other country.
90's fashion
Why is Jill Valentine, a prostitute, killing zombies instead of fucking them?
what's with the shoulderpads
Japs doesnt know shit outside of their country that day.
Why the fuck did they add those straps in the HD remaster? She looks less sexy with them. Those hideous Liefeld straps are hiding her clavicules.
>but muh praticool
Fuck off
Not sure what you mean because those straps were in the original GC version and she ends up wearing them in RE3 so I guess that's her final version of the costume.