>tfw Doom 4 Vulkan patch
iD software are fucking wizards
>tfw Doom 4 Vulkan patch
iD software are fucking wizards
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw 60+ fps at 4k ultra on a fury x
this patch is th best
more like fucking jews. I bet they literally put this in their code:
if (OS != W10){
fps = fps.get() - 30}
ID software isn't tech wizards, that's Vulkan doing its job. It's a much better API than DX11/OpenGL.
are you stupid or something? you don't need windows 10 to switch to vulkan
It's for Windows 7 too you deluded memester
Too bad they didn't patch out the boring.
I haven't bought the game yet, what exactly is this Vulkan patch OP?
uh, i think croteam made the vulkan api, not id software.
>graphics card doesn't even meet the minimum requirements
still played through it on nightmare at 20 fps
the game is pretty shitty by design though, anyone with half a brain can see that
getting solid 60 fps at 8k with my 390x
Vulkan works best on AMD GPUs because it's based on the same API as Mantle which was also developed by AMD
HBM2 cards will take full advatange of DX12/Vulkan
id fucking created the first person 3d engine
>worse performance on nvidia gpus
>AMD fags still trying to cover for the 480's shitty performance
get a grip
Mantle worked really well for BF4 so it's no surprise that Vulkan works great too.
Why do people still not have Windows 10? You're already part of the botnet if you use any Windows OS later than XP
Have you actually looked at an example?
Scroll to the button. It takes almost 200 lines of code to render a simple triangle.
Well, it's a low-level API with manual memory management and such like after all
OpenGL 4.3 (or D3D11/9) still has its place
for the price the 480 performs great, what are you talking about? seems like you overhyped the gpu and then it didn't meet your unrealistic expectations
so will this game work on core 2 duo e6600 2gb ram and amd radeon 5450???? i want to play doom 4
Its not that Vulkan is massively better, their baseline OpenGL renderer was just spotty at best. Performance in the alpha was incredible, then it dropped at release inexplicably. They're only getting back to where they were before.
>RX 480
>Polaris 10
>massively outperforms the Tahiti die
>comes near Hawaii/Grenada with only 32 ROPs
>out performs the GTX 970 in a 15 game average
>even TPU has it above the 970 in average performance