How do you want your Pikachu, senpai?

How do you want your Pikachu, senpai?

Just mid-2000s MySpace emo my shit up fampai

>The bear is called Kiteruguma and is Normal/Fighting with the abilities Fluffy and Klutz, while the ghost is Mimitsukiyu and is Ghost/Fairy. It has the ability called Disguise.
People in Alola are scared of Kiteruguma to the point of having warning signs about it. It is really strong and can break anytthing in two. It likes to hug its trainers but is strong. Raising one puts your life in danger.

Note that the eyes in Pikachu belly is the actual ghost type Pokémon, his ability is "Disguise", so that's why he looks like Pikachu

Just fuck my sheet up

>ghost/fairy pikaghost with disguise as its main ability

best pokemon design since the fourth gen

Wait. Is this fucking real

The bear looks ugly as he'll. The ghost is okay though.

dat's a black benis :---DDDDD

>since the fourth gen
That's a joke right? Because the forth gen had the worst designed pokemon, gen 5 and 6 redeemed that shit hard

I meant the third gen was the last good gen. Gen 4 - 6 are garbage.

Will we ever get a good bear Pokemon?


Ursaring. That Polar Bear from gen 5 whose name escapes me was also pretty cool.

literally poor man's ditto tho


>Pangoro isn't good
Fuck off

Sup Forums - Pokemon

Bravo Pokefaggots

I don't like the bear at all.
Sheet ghost Pikachu thing is really neat though.

We got three you fuck.


is the bear a red panda?

>Normal/fighting bear
>Ghost/fairy dead pikachu
Not sure what to think 2bh

>Mimitsukiyu hates sunlight, preferring dark places. It is rumoured that the cloth covering its body is a strategy to avoid the sun.
I like this Pokemon

This is the best Pikaclone yet.

English name of the sheet mon is Pikaboo

But pandas aren't technically bears

I hate genwunners and people who claim that all new pokemon suck every gen, but I'll be the first to admit the designs thus far have been disappointing. I like the bus bug a little and Rowlet/Litten but everything else has failed to excite me.

I just hope we'll get a full gen's worth of new pokes instead of half of them being mega evolutions this time. I know that's a vain hope.

Meh. I was hoping for a Pokédoll using ghost/fairy. Being a Pikachu mimic seems less topical.

Yes they are.

There's also the panda from Gen 6.
It's pretty much the poster child for bara gfur

I was raging at the pikachu until I noticed it's actual eyes...
The bear looks fucking stupid, I hope it's evo fixes it.

The Ghost/Fairy mimic is pretty cute if it's real eyes are on the body.

>only weakness is x2 to Ghost and Steel

bretty gud typing

I guarantee you it'll have shit defensive stats.

Alternatively, it'll have above-average defensive stats but like sub-60 base HP.

This looks so fake but that peekatyou is pretty nice and I'd definitely have it in my team

>Togedamaru is already the Pikaclone of Gen 7
>Spookychu is free to break out of Pikachu's shadow and be a half-decent Pokémon while Togedamaru stays useless

Post your team up to now, I'm already digging this

>already with fanarts


It's actually hidden underneath. The PIkachu thing is just a cloth it wears over its body. I think it's one of those "nobody knows what it really looks like" things

>Ghost Chu

New bulky grass when? I need my powders and my seeds!

>Gen 4 - 6 are garbage
But 5 and 6 are top tier.

I dont know why but my spidey sense says this is a shill.

So it's a double ripoff? Pikachu and Diglett. I don't think anyone would mind these "new" Pokemon so much if they were original instead of considerably worse versions of what we've had for two decades.

no es fake

>Drones and shills that suck all over the cock of the new designs no matter the quality
>Normalfags and nostalgiafags who shit all over every new design

Why cant there be a middleground to not have every thread filled with these faggots

le JUST xD

That ghost type literally skinned a Pikachu and is wearing its skin, holy shit thats terrifying.

The two newest ones would be red.

I'm sorry Gen 6 was a stillborn, shouldn't you be happy that Zygarde and his forms are wasting space in Gen 7?

>Red Panda is like Lennie from Of Mice and Men who keeps breaking things with it's retard strength even if he just wants to be loved and is labelled as a dangerous monster because of it.

>hating Salandit

Not really feeling the bear, mostly because of the weird black body, but I do like Ghostchu, ti's cute in a pre-school scribbling kind of way.

That actually looks pretty cool.

LEL have you seen the in-game model? It looks like a filthy fucking rat.

Guys I made a new Pokemon

No it looks like a smug nigger crocodile

Just show the fucking starters' evolutions already


How is it a ripoff of Diglett? It's a sheet ghost not a whackamole.

explain how it's a ripoff of diglett.

Why? They've never not been a disappointment.

Nobody knows what it actually looks like underneath. Google it, it's true.


They've always done that the month before release, at least the last 2 gens.

This, I want to know who the Blastoise/Meganium/Sceptile/Empoleon/Samurott/Delphox of this generation is so I can avoid it.

That refers to Digletts feet that's like saying that Coffin Pokemon is a ripoff too because no one knows what it looks like inside it

>that musculature
Away with ye, beast-consort.

>people thinking that Pokemon is a dead Pikachu or a pikaclone
>tfw sheet ghost's crude drawing is actually fooling people


>they did something that shares one design element 20 years ago
>'Well, guess we can never revisit that inspiration, quick someone see what a tapir and a grouse would look like combined, and then paint it orange'

>Fucking Blastoise
kill yourself


That's a fan thing and anime joke about Diglett's feet. Not at actual part of its Dex description.

This is literally just a ghost under a sheet.

I think Sup Forums has reached the point of actually being too autistic even for Pokemon.

>They've never not been a disappointment.
>Fennekin line

You first, Hoennbabby.

I really thought both of these were fake on first look at this image. They look more like Kirby enemies than they do Pokemon. Just when I think the new pokemon designs can't get any worse they pull shit like this.

>hating the glorious weasel

>Sceptile and Empoleon
Fuck you, guy.

That Spookachu looks really cool to me actually.

>I want to know who are the best starters so I can avoid it

Except Delphox and Sceptile. You have shit taste

>Lots-o'-stranglin' bear
>Ghost/Fairy Pika-mimic

That thing better evolve into a more developed bear like the other three (four? does Munchlax/Snorlax count too?), since those limbs are U-G-L-Y.

>black tendril
This reminds me of that twisted kid from FMA, I love it

Bear is shit

Imposter Pika is 10/10

Is Pokemon the most reddit of video games?

>ghost under a sheet = cartoon mole

What? If you want designs clearly inspired by Gen I then you are talking about Gen V since it's a soft "reboot" of the series.



>Redeeming anything

Take this shit to the Pokemon board you autistic faggot


the bear would be Xanadu's main pokemon. It's just like him. strong as hell with a child-like moveset.

Guys is that a "tail" on the Pikaguise or is it a club/weapon?

Alright, I'm finally calm enough to accept Spookichu. It's kinda cute. Fuck that bear though, I'll never warm up to it.

Unova is full of great pokémon but faggots like you only look at lel ice cream,lel garbage and lel gears while calling the others overdesigned or some other excuse.

too bad they fucked up his 3d model in the last games.

Yes they are, dumbfuck

The things name is ミミッキュ (Mimikyu)

Bear is shit, Ghost is alright.

The middleground is playing another video game entirely.

It's a wooden club.

Yes, just like how Sup Forums is the Reddit of Something Awful.

You can mash words together all you want but if you want a serious response then speak English.

It will probablt have Sableye tier stats. Which can only work with a good ability and moveset

It looks like a witch from Madoka.

still none 2bh