*chucks bayonet*
unfortunate it has come to this
*pulls up saggy gas mask*
*collects warfare*
I would have believed it if it was the French army since they fielded the most black people but they aren't even in the game. French army isn't in the game about world war 1.
*steels nco's revolver*
>germans are ""white"" niggers
>niggers are niggers
I don't see any problems desu
Westerncuck devs aren't even hiding their anti-white agenda anymore.
Did they ever give reasons why? I mean, fucking Murrican are in for some reason.
>"Play of the game..."
I can't believe they actually did it.
diversity and multiculturalism are the religion of today
>state fact
A vague excuse of saving it for singleplayer, because we all know people play battlefield for singleplayer. Same thing with no Russian faction in world war 1 game.
Might as well call it alternative history because i bet you they won't feature Indians in the British army either despite them fielding over a million of them in the war and doing a damn fine job. Diversity means only black people which is more racist than anything else.
so american kids want to buy it
>4/5 of the german army is Black
My sides
>libruls are the REEL rayciss!!!!!!!!!
Dude, stop agreeing with their retarded moral premises.
*smacks lips*
Sweden and America is ruining mankind with this retarded revisionist agenda
>the hat is backwards
I don't care about your American politics, there are more than whites and blacks in the world and the rest of the world does not share your artificial white guilt. Stop forcing that shit on us or you will see another 9/11.
>stop hurting my feelings or we're gonna kill you :(
so you do worship at the temple of diversity and multiculturalism. Okay.
The devs are swedish.
Im getting real tired of american white guilt making it seem like the world is made of blacks and whites, claiming that adding niggers is diversity while ignoring indians, latinos, fucking asians in all their games
South Africa.
Almost everyone on the European front heavily fielded niggers except America with only two units, one that was a relative failure and another success.
source: American Military History CH 10
yet we'll probably see 50% black to white ratio on the american side.
>american white guilt
Have you not seen Europe recently? You know, that continent that is committing suicide by Islamic colonization?
*affixes bayonet*
*digs trench*
*contracts trench foot*
Germany will make Europe great again.
Where did they get the niggers?
No, that is just one class
Germany is dead
>its another muh black people in ww1 thread
Its a customization option you inbreds, you can be white if you want to
They're all infested by WWI
Germany is coming back stronger than ever.
>Almost everyone
Apart from the British, the Russians and the Germans.
If germans fielded so many niggers from "german colonies" (as if such thing was ever something more than a town or two in an african hellhole) where the niggers went to after the war?
Did they all die?
I can swear I saw an indian soldier during alpha
>Stop forcing that shit on us or you will see another 9/11
kek, enjoy your place on the watchlist. Reminder that Putin is trying to get BLM put on a terrorism watchlist.
If I get to this to niggers in the game then I'm getting it day one.
Also, 8 copies.
don't listen to these chucklefucks, they said it will be DLC since they wanted it to be a big part of the game
This makes me mad every time I see it. I fucking hate it when companies try to push niggers on us 24/7
Dude, Dice is Swedish cunt
DICE never said that.
Source or gtfo
I don't care about the politics of featuring blacks more often to make it seem like everything is multicultural but what truly annoys me is how disrespectful this will be to the millions of that were actually there. The tens of thousands of indians and irish won't be shown. Changing history to quell americas heated culture today is far from the answer.
>big part of the game
>not the MAIN FUCKING game itself
Wew laddies.
jesus christ this is an official image?
I thought the black germans was just something that could happen with customizable soldiers, but they're actually promoting black germans?
What the fuck sweden?
Can anyone tell me if its true there will be character customization in the game?
Also is it true that the female AI voice is a placeholder?
I keep seeing these two claims being made whenever anyone criticizes the game but I've not seen any confirmation from DICE to either.
>they said it will be DLC since they wanted it to be a big part of the game
It's revisionist history and I guarantee you it will also impact the campaign
Britain certainly did, Walter Tull was the most decorated black soldier
The russians and the germans along with almost everyone else except britian operated on a consription system that included blacks
please cite sources
>CoD games with no Russians
Fine just fine
>CoD with shitty Enemy At The Gates fake history le Russians ran into battle with no guns meme
Fine just fine
>BF:BC2 Vietnam, americans spawned with commie weapons
Fine just fine
>CoD MW, let's just walk around and take in the sights after a nuke goes off down the street
Fine just fine
>black people in WWI in a video game
You should know by now that if its for the american perception of diversity any kind of disrespect for history is okay
>not the cuckold capital of Europe
>mk4 sights
Why are there so many damn blacks? I'm convinced they've increased it during the alpha just to piss people off.
The russians did go into battle without ammunition but that was WWI, they were much more organized in WWII
This. Blacks made up such a small percentage on the European front. Indians, Irish and plenty of other colonials soldiers died in droves.
Yet they're featuring a country that was involved in the last 11 months of the war after germany already in economic collapse and civil unrest. That's not even touching on the exaggerated often challenged claims made about the Harlem Hellfighters, who never lost a single soldier in a war where it was very common to lose 90% of your unit in the first week.
>comparing two different game series
>comparing alternate modern era warfare (they had russians invade the US you mongoloid) to a historical setting of which we know everything about
I don't even care about the black soldiers and still think you're retarded as fuck.
the nigger unit was probably too busy raping white women
I think if we could bring someone who fought in that conflict back to life I think he would focus more on the fact that people are making money off their suffering rather than on the fact that there's a nigger in the game.
>Don't listen to these chucklefucks, it's much worse than you could imagine.
Thank you for that. keked to the moon.
if Dice didn't want to make a world war 1 game why didn't they just call it Battlefield 1920 or whatever and make it a fantasy alt reality
They were probably satisfied since whitey cucks are too busy getting fatter in fatter at home while they complaing about niggers in videogames.
They're customizable
woah bro
im like
a super cool oldfaggot and am not into such stupid shit, do you know where you are? the dark deep web Sup Forums bro, dont be linking your pansy reddit shit here again or ill hack you
That's not a confirmation at all. Every single game has scrapped and unfinished ideas in the files that never make it to live. Especially ones in alpha stage.
This, got lots of nonwhite friends who seen not difference between whites and blacks, if they're not represented it makes no difference if the dev fulfills his diversity quota. Using black characters is hardly diverse anymore. Where's the Indians, Slavs, Northern Africans etc etc?
>CoD games with no Russians
Which ones? Because every entry up to and including WaW had them, except CoD3 which is agreed to be shit anyway
Anyone who bases their knowledge of ww1 off an ea videogame deserves to be shot
>We can change the face of our soldier in Multiplayer, there are 11 faces skins : Akor, Darek, David, Ibrahim, Jensk, Karlt, Lamin, Pa, Prav, Thomas and Viktor.
Sup Forumscuckolds BTFO
>make a game about WW1
>don't even put the French in because of dumb Americans
>have to buy DLC to play as one of the main countries of the war
actually whitey was busy fighting a war my melanin-enriched friend
Dont forget that the most important faction of WW1 will be DLC for the multiplayer
Meanwhile america, that fought jackshit during the war got in with a 50% negro quota
This game is everything that is wrong with the "muh diversity" mindset
Worst thing is that it will still sell good and peoole will praise the diversity to the heavens
I understand why there are niggers in fighting for the British since they had quite a few colonial forces deployed in the war, but as far as I know, the germans never had any black colonies?
Correct me if I'm wrong here because I really don't know.
Yes user, they made face customization in Battlefront a thing, but it won't be in BF1.
Don't worry, you may keep complaining about niggers in peace.
>can't play as the French without DLC
but you can play as a black man user
But kids play this shit and they won't bother looking up that blacks were maybe 5% of the fighting force
Just imagine if the Allies could see the future they fought for.
Throw us a massive fucking solar flare or extinction event or black plague already.
I want off the ride but the brakes ain't working.
no russians. The games weren't focused on the eastern front.
the rest are simply silly incongruities.
The blacks one has an agenda. The french blacks in ww1 were great but this game is a joke if everyone isnt segregated as fuck. And showing the blacks and the irish being fed into the line of fire to waste enemy ammunition.
Kids won't give a single fuck because they don't care about some war that happened 100 years ago, they just want to kill other retards with their friends.
If you wanna compare historical accuracy within the BF genre then guess what? There's no discussion cuz there never was any.
People getting their overalls in a wad over pandering is nothing new. It's just new for entitled whites cuz they're usually the ones being pandered to. Now they're all jelly they have to share the spot light with blacks.
Thing is user people like Walter were an exception not the rule, they made up an extremely small percentage of the population. It's disingenous to portray it as the 'norm'.
If American ground troops are in the game its 1918 and Russia is already out of the war.
No France is disgusting though.
Two seperate series and they needed more character customization because Star Wars has about 1/10th of the cusotmizations available for weapons because there's so few of them.
Until DICE actually comes out and says there's going to be customization for your individual soldier then I'm going to assume there won't be. You've given me no reason to think otherwise.
If you're really having that many problems with niggas why not just move to a place where there aren't any? Or at least to a place where there are civilized niggas.
I'm sure they would be proud of you staying all day in front of the computer complaining about niggers instead of doing something about it.
>that feel when all you want is bolt action rifles without scopes to be standard.
>instead it's "LOL semi-automatics for everyone".
>regardless that dice had bolt-actions as standard kit (for classes like engineer) in BF-1942 (though they had way too many automatics for classes like assault or medic IMO...
>that feel when you just want vehicles to have limited ammo, and need to RTB to resupply, instead it's probably just going to be like BF-4 where things have cooldown because RTB is boring.
>that feel when you just want LMG's to require bracing/deployment in order to shoot accurately at all. (and not just give covering fire).
>instead its "LOL IMMA SHOOT A LEWIS GUN FROM THE HIP LIKE AN ORIGINAL GANGSTER" with no attention paid whatsoever to the sheer weight of Lewis guns in terms of the water-jacket.
>that feel when you just want faction-locked weapons, so there's some sense of asymmetry or immersion. (allies get rocket-rifle, germans get anti-tank rifle)
>instead you see "b-but I want to play the way I want" or "b-but captured weapons" or "b-balance"
>DICE won't release mod tools or mapping tools because "it's too complicated :^)"
>at best we'll get lame "xXxH4RDC0R3-REALISMxXx-no vehicles-bolt action only"-servers, which suck because they lack the necessary subtlety.
Really the reason we're seeing black germans is because they invited a bunch of sports-players/black-celebs to the DICE E3 event, Battlefield 1 has the character customization from Star Wars:Battlefront, so they really just use the customized character-model and change the uniforms. It's a distraction from the bigger issues if anything.
at the very least I applaud EA/DICE for having multi-crew tanks (as in driver is separate from main gunner). I applaud DICE for having player-controllable field artillery despite how silly it might look..
the weather system is good too,
and I do like games centered around combined arms operations.
How do you pander to the majority? Majority of people who play video games are white men, majority of people are white in first world countries where video games are popular.
You're talking out of your ass.
Don't worry user, i'm sure DICE will pull through and fulfill your dream of having a WWI game full of niggers.
they did
conscription is a hell of a drug
but that's all the more reason why the game should be accurate.
I never said they made up a significant portion of the fighting force. I actually agree that they should be a customization option but the campaign should rarely show them like it really was.
I'm just proving that all three of those countries used black soldiers.
British banned the use of non-white colonial troops on the western front during the early war.
>that included blacks
How could it include blacks if there weren't any blacks in these countries?
Russia had no African colonies, while German colonial troops were used exclusively in Africa