What am I in for?

What am I in for?

Updated journals

Terrible UI and combat

Literally only one worthwhile game on Infinity Engine.

a real shit show if you don't like cRPGs and are used to contemporary playerbabying

if you like cRPGs then just make sure to max out wisdom and int/cha for canon

A """game""" that aged like milk and AIDs

Reading your journal

Changing nature of man

A bad game.

IE games are better than all your perverted menu simulator games, you weeb.

A thread full of poor baits

Why does everyone on Sup Forums and /vr/ shit on this game? Surely it can't be as bad as Fallout 2

Best story ever told in any medium.

Saying it has shit gameplay is being kind to it. Also overrated writting.

>Fallout 2
Pick one

Fallout 2 is a meme game before meme games were a thing.

Fallout 1 >>>> Fallout 2

western visual novel


Updating your journal.

hidden doors that are not doors.
ancient machines that come to life.
talking someone into suicide.

Endure. And in enduring, grow stronger.

Meticulously reading shit because one mistake can end in death, also logic on your end and backtracking and remembering shit and bad combat but for some reason I still find it fun.

It's really a great game if you're not a teenager basically.

INT is kind of broken because reading runes and breaking them > beating a skeletal giant to death with a crowbar

I hate cRPGs and PST is one of my favorites because it's nothing like a crpg

I meant surely it at least as good as FO2. Brainfart

If you are not a teenager you read books.


Recently started playing this myself.

It's interesting for sure, yes the combat is awful real-time-with-pause but none of the fights are difficult, it's clear the devs wanted you to focus on the story.

The only bad things are knowing which items you're supposed to keep to use later on and sometimes the alignment system is goofy.

It's definitely way better than Pillars of Eternity though, I'll give it that.

pseudointellectual wank mostly

but it's good

The cancer of videogames, a pretentious "experience" with absolutely no gameplay (worse than movie games). It also attempts to be deep and philosophical but in reality it's about as mentally challenging as a puzzle for 7 year olds.

If you are an RPGeezer a pleasant stroll down memory lane.

If not buyers remorse.

Fallout 2 >>>> Fallout 1
The only thing 1 has over 2 is a slightly better story.

>meme game
When will people stop using this meme phrase?

giving birth to a fucking wall

I wish more games could be as pseudointellectual as torment is

Greatest of all time.

Doesn't it play like Diablo?

Gonna start playin a crpg tonight

0-1: Underrail
2-3: Age of Decadence
4-5: Pillars of Eternity
6-7: Planescape Torment
8-9: Arcanum

write better

No, plays like Baldur's Gate without everything that makes Baldur's Gate combat decent.

so it's actually properly balanced? neat

I made myself an cRPG list to play this summer.

1. Baldur's gate saga. this one is done
2. Neverwinter Nights
3. Might and magic VII
4. World of Xeen
5. Planet Escape: Torment
6. Shillars of Equality. I have it on steam but unsure if it's worth playing.

You mean a shitload of summoning spells to give your party a meatshield of polar bears and fire spirits? It's just your average semi-real time RPG combat with the familiar RPG division into four combat roles - tank, healer, AoE, ranged DPS. I dunno why people always complain about Torment's combat when it was exactly what you'd expect with no surprises. Maybe it's all the kids that couldn't get enough of time stop and contingency spells in BG.

>and are used to contemporary playerbabying

>Neverwinter Nights
terrible sp experience, nwn was good because of mp
>Might and magic VII
could be unplayable for some, good luck
>World of Xeen
same as above
>Shillars of Equality
a decent 7/10 with both expansions included, worth a shot

Baby's first philosophy

i'm a philosophy grad student, there's almost nothing explicitly philosophical about it, it just tells a good story

Not trolling, genuinely curious. Why that major? Are you aiming for something?

With a few mods I'm enjoying nwn quite much with my level 23 paladin. Solid 7/10 for me. Game gives quite fun for forever DM D&D veterans like me. I'm now in 2nd chapter of Hordes of The Underdark. It's mostly hard hacking and slashing but at least it has a not bitchy drowfu.

Planescape torment has really shitty combat encounters. If they were better people would probably enjoy the combat more.

>xeen and mm6 unplayable
>NWN not good because of the singleplayer modules
Holy shit kill urself

Check out custom modules like Cave of Songs, A Dance With Rogues, and Swordflight. NWN2 has some good modules too.

>xeen and mm6 unplayable
I said i could be uplayable for some newcomers
>NWN not good because of the singleplayer modules
do you really think nwn is a good crpg game? you're either a huge d&d fanboy or never played mp aka the main reason to play nwn

>crpg game
Yeah I play it on my pc computer SP player only.

Don't worry. I think I can handle MM games after finishing VI and VIII year ago.

>you can't criticize food unless you can cook it

cook better

it really isn't overrated. there are almost no games that tell a better story than PS:T or have a protagonist that's a tenth as interesting as TNO. Even if you find a game that tells a better story than PS:T, you'd be hard pressed to find one that tells a story that's presented better through role playing and player choice.

i just like philosophy, I might become a professor after I get my phd or I might go into contracting. i'm not terribly interested in advancing human knowledge or any of that savior complex stuff. i just want to keep learning until I die and philosophy broadly encompasses every subject from religion to personal conduct to linguistic phenomenology to mathematics to neuroscience.

Great game. Fun. good atmosphere. Interesting lore. Probably more interesting if you've played a lot of RPGs, as a lot of it is intentionally written to subvert tropes.
Combat and UI is fine, kids just like to bitch.
One particular thing I love about this game is that if you suck, you only get to find out half of the story.

Fuck going to work today, this thread has made me want to play it again.

You can't make moral choices in a book.

a pregnant wall

Over 1 million words. Best videogame story ever.