Gimme a hug, Sup Forums!
Gimme a hug, Sup Forums!
>People in Alola are scared of Kiteruguma to the point of having warning signs about it. It is really strong and can break anytthing in two. It likes to hug its trainers but is strong. Raising one puts your life in danger.
g-guys... should i go for it?
That looks like something I'd draw when I was two years old
Pokemongs will defend this
>about 6'10" (2.1m) tall and can break anything in two
That thing is oddly dangerous for something that looks so harmless.
Then there's THIS asshole
it looks like a 4 yo's oc
>Literally lives in old Pikachu merchandise from 20 years ago
I was hoping this would be the first reply
/vp/ will still defend it
Off to your containment board.
>these are real
this... is my last gen
Is that a Dangan Ronpa.
Funny coming from someone posting a OP picture.
This is an awful design
>Dildo tail
I stopped after seeing Diamond and Pearl crash the series into oblivion. Some people are still holding onto a sliver of hope, though.
Why do people hate this design? What's wrong with it? I honestly don't get it.
Literally my grandma's pikachu
Holy fuck that's some creepypasta shit. Guaranteed gonna be on my team.
Why are ghosts so best
Pokemon is dead
See you in 3 years.
It's not a hyper realistic wolf or dragon with a million colors and improper shading from light sources placed all over the place.
Also its not in water color.
It reminds me of Monomi
I'm assuming /vp/ already defends this?
So they wanted to make a Red Panda judging the pattern and came up with this instead
Is that a fucking ghost pokemon that is wearing the CORPSE of a dead Pikachu, dude?
The head looks like it's photoshopped on.
awful color, no body shape, those ears
it looks like a fucking cookie
I really like this design.
>Diamond and Pearl
>crash the series into oblivion
What? I mean sure, the Sinnoh Pokedex was imbalanced type-wise, the battles crawled at a snails pace and there were a few too many evo's of old Pokemon but I don't see how Generation 4 was that bad in the grand scheme of things
>People are still defening this
Thank God pokemon Go is saving us from this trash
This makes up for retard bear's design
back to
>Saving us from anything
Pokemon Go is conceptually pretty cool but in execution it's a pretty dry, dull experience. It needs an actual battle system, just to list one of the dozens of problems it has. Besides that, only doing the original 151 seems like a lazy nostalgia-grab, considering the actual mechanics of the game would benefit from there being WAY more Pokemon available
do you people think spamming this in every pokemon thread on Sup Forums will actually accomplish anything?
You niggas can't seriouly still play pokemon. This is an 18+ site.
>gen 1
>pokemon were designed to look like real animals with a fighting spirit for survival, a handful of cute ones thrown in
>current gen
>pokemon are designed to be cute for homosexual autistic role players to jack off about and maybe sell some amiibos, handful of serious well designed ones
what went wrong?
That's really cool.
I love how you imply that 1999 to 2016 is "current gen"
What animals are Mr.Mime and Jynx?
you literally just named everything that was wrong excluding shit Poke designs, forced and hideous Pokegear, and the start of too many legendaries
HG/SS is pure perfection though so i quit after that
It's wearing old Pikachu merchandise from 20 years ago because it wants to be loved like Pikachu.
>gen 1
>pokemon were designed to sell merchandise
>current gen
>pokemon are designed to sell merchandise
I like them.
Ghost one looks cool.
well that's fucking terrible
granted, every gen has shitmons, and aside from that one fish I don't think anything else we've seen so far has been this outright bad.
You never found a wild Mime in the woods as a kid? You must not had a childhood.
Lewds of that thing giving a handjob when?
>HG/SS is pure perfection
That actually looks really cool. I've seen more good or at least decent gen7 pokemon now than in the whole gen 6.
HG/SS was shit just like gold and silver
Bear looks like shit.
Ghost is spooky as fuck.
>Unobabortion thinks anyone cares what he thinks
Get out Pedobear!
French and black people
>all these people not realizing it's supposed to be a mascot costume, therefore creepy and unnatural looking
Same. I didn't really like many of the 6th gen Pokemon.
I like most of the new ones.
Kill yourself, that bear is awful and Gen 6 had plenty of amazing Pokemon.
>throwing your fishing pole into the water
Muk was an Animal? And Eggexiut?
google and iqdb has failed me. Sauce me that shit please.
So it's Freddy Fazbear as a Pokemon?
In what way was Magnenite an animal?
Stop falling for the most obvious baits, people.
>Didn't like gen 6 mons
Nigga you gay
all of the day, brother
I guess I just remember Sinnoh/DP more fondly due to it coming hot off the heels of Gen 3 which I thought was an absolute shitshow
I agree that HG/SS were the height of the series though, so you're still my nigga
What the hell is that and what the hell is wrong with you?
These new designs get worse with each new reveal.
Only the cover art legendaries and the owl look ok
Yo just search for salandit on e621
e621 was where i got it
It's a new pokeman
first post best post
I love how Sup Forums's very first reaction to this bit of info was "IT TOTALLY RAPES HUMAN GUYS BECAUSE SEX IS ALL WE THINK ABOUT TEEHEETEEHEE!".
>yet ANOTHER bullshit rodent pokemon
they never catch on.
japan is so fucking dumb.
>Sup Forums's
But that was made on tumblr
Came into this thread explicitly for this
Only the strong survive. Get swole and overpower it with love.
My wife Chino is so radical.
>another bear
fucking finally
>Red Pandas
b-but muh themed bear team
>another bear
And it's shit.
It's a ghost inside a hand puppet
Hopefully it's as big as Pangoro or Snorlax, I don't want a manlet bear on my team.
2.1 meters tall
2.1 meters. I'm amazed Beartic was allowed to be as big as it is.
OK, that's a good height for it. Now let's see how good it is in battle, normal/fighting could be interesting.
We've had a bear almost every gen you retards
Blue snot Ursaring
And now this
only needs one more to form a complete bear team
>Mobile game
>Saving anything
>Blue snot Ursaring
I didn't know Beartic kept the runny nose. And I didn't know it was the same as Ursaring.