Nintendo is fucking retarded if they don't go balls to the wall with this. Pokémon GO has the potential to earn more than the complete mainline series combined.

Look at Clash of Clans, that game made 5 billion in 2015 and started out as a small unknown app. Pokemon GO is already more often installed than Tinder, despite not even being released world-wide. The potential is INSANE.

If they manage to drop the ball on this one it will be their biggest wasted opportunity since they told Sony to fuck off with their disk drive.

Nice Go thread we really needed another one

Battling and Trading are confirmed. We are just in public beta not. But yeah, the people who say Nintendo wont allow those features are the same people patiently waiting for the new Gameboy since Nintendo officially said that the DS would not replace GB.


They are going to milk this shit for all its worth, they just gotta figure out a way to thwart pedophiles first.

I have absolutely no doubt that they will fuck it up.


/vp/ is for general Pokémon talk, this a recent release. This is allowed on Sup Forums, you fucking idiots.


>Battling and Trading are confirmed.

Source? I know trading is coming, but I think they have explicitly said there won't be battling.

>there will never be a next gen open world 3d pokemon game
i wanted one for 20 years and its never going to fucking happen. not when they can milk mobile and rehash for billions. thanks a lot normies and autists


Seven fucking threads on the 1st about this fucking game. Holy shit use the catalog. Go to /vp/



Just hide the fucking threads if you don't care. This is literally not affecting you in ANY way.

I wonder how many people got raped so far in germany,france and london because of this.

Well if there's one thing we can count on from Nintendo it's their amazing business decisions!

OH wait, no the opposite of that.

They're going to fumble, and fuck it up and it will be hilarious.

You can't do real time battles on mobile, user, especially when everything has to be relayed to a server and then back, in real time taps. The lag would be horrible. Just trying to battle gyms is already resulting in server lags. Who knows what random battles with strangers will do.

probably none since it's only been released in US, Australia, and New Zealand

I don't get you. The classic turn based option would be a lot easier on the servers that the current one.

Me on the left

its not about money.

nobody have time for turn based combat in mobile game.

main thing about game is catching pokemon in real world.

only feature i can see is trading


Cause no one wants turn based combat outside of hardcore crow.

Thats reality.

Battling wouldn't have to be mandatory. Just the option to trian your Pokémon vs wild ones or fight other people would be enough.

That takes skill out of the player and relegates everything to stats.

did it? I thought it was at least released worldwide for causing this much fuss.

What's the point? Pokemons in the game doesn't have traditional levels. What good would battling do?

why does Sup Forums suddenly hate Go

>not even worldwide released
>not even out a week yet
>already more popular than porn

People are playing the game en masse anyway, by sideloading or changing region or whatever.

Only reason so many people downloaded Go is because it's free. Poorfag niggers can't even afford a fucking 3DS

just go back to your containment board at

fat kids dont want to go outside

cause you fuckers don't get the idea of having one thread and have like 6 on page 1, seriously, fuck off to /vp/.

I don't hate it but we don't need 40 threads about this game also >>/vp/

just stop making these threads.


There are at the very least 5 pokémon go threads up at any time of the day. Just post in one of them rather than creating a new one you fucking mongoloid piece of shit.

Hell, this """"game"""" shouldn't even be discussed here since they made a containment board just for you autist fucks.

Go back to /vp/ where you belong.


Go is not made for Pokemon fans. Its made for dudebrahs, college girls, and le 90s kids hipsters who don't actually like Pokemon. I've seen a good number of the people playing the game in my city saying they'll stop playing if the game starts adding the "fake Pokemon."
Gofags didn't buy XY and they won't buy SM or even a 3DS. Nintendo will realize that the only people download the app is because its free.

>retards won't go back to >no general on is this hell have I finally arrived

>things that never happened


>All the autism ITT

Hilarious. This is "I hate barneyfag reee" tier.

No you retard, they won't add proper battles because it's already laggy as fuck and unreliable with just the tapping bullshit.

>Newly released game
>People are talking about it

You know /vp/ is more for general pokemon threads, right?

Eventually Pokemon GO threads should be relegated to /vp/, but now is not that time

I don't know much about PMGO, but if there's no battle system then what do you even do with your pokemon?

Kanto and Johto were best regions, kill yourself subhuman, you are what is wrong with gaming, you support the milking of a franchise, rehashed shit.

Go is a normie mobile game. It does not belong here

Catch them, evolve them, use them in gym battles

>Sup Forums - Video Games
>All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, and video game culture. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. >Don't post off-topic garbage.
>Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
>Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Instigating or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.
>Please refrain from reposting. If possible, try to skim the board for threads pertaining to your topics/info that may have already been posted.
>Purposeful spoiling of a game's plot or other details may result in post deletion and temporary ban. Use spoiler tags where appropriate.
>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Sup Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.






Nope you're wrong retard, fuck off. I can smell your fedora from here you fucking hipster.
Did XY's 15 million sales trigger you?

You do know theres a board where you can make all the pokemon threads you want right? it's at


they are probably going ot remove pokemon go from cellphones and you will only able to play it on nintendo nx (aka nintendo smartphone)

My third time seeing this picture and I just realized they're all guys.

>use them in gym battles

So that means there are battles against an AI, but you can't fight other players?

There is a battle system, it's just a very simple one only usable for gym battles, that has nothing to do with the one present in the original games.

>There isn't battling already.

Wait, what's the point of this game if you can't use your pokemon to fight and run around attacking strangers?

>stop talking about video games on Sup Forums!
We put up with all the Overwatch nonsense; now it's our turn.

Better than Overwatch threads.

hahaha nigger, I haven't played pokemon since 8 years. Pokemon had so much potential, could get new combat system, could become an MMORPG pokemon, it could become so much, but because of virgin fat niggers like you it became a dogshit franchise, milking, the same shit over and over again, how many generations are there? 8? when will you stop being a virgin and stop playing it? at generation 20? will you then realize you are playing the same game being ripped off and fucked in your asshole?

You disgust me, I've beaten "gamers" like yo in real life and send them to hospital and I will keep doing it, you subhumans ruined this industry and hobby, stop being rehashed shit.

>people getting this triggered

welp, time to start another Pokemon Go thread

it's a cute girls card collecting game for people who make fun of cute girls card collecting games

>since they told Sony to fuck off with their disk drive.


How much are they paying these pajeets?

Sure thing Mr. Psuedo-Alpha male.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Accelt the fact that if you want a Pokemon game you will need to buy a fucking Nintendo handheld or settle for this THEY WILL NEVER HURT THERE OWN GAMES TO SELL ANOTHER

Fighting real people won't work. Muggers are already using the app to camp on poke-stops.

Imagine what they could do if the app let you see other people using the app in the vicinity.

Maybe trading would work with a sort of "grand exchange" system that shows you all the trades in the area, without giving peoples' locations. I guess you could say they could do the same thing with battling, but it wouldn't have the same allure.

I doubt you even know enough people to ask them how long they're going to play GO for. Asking a stranger? As if a beta fuck like you can talk to people on the street without pissing yourself. Just quit hating the success and let it be, dipshit.

>i can spam all the pokemon threads i want

Back to

auto terminate you homosexual

Make us

But you can actually fight other user who have pokemon. What are you complaining about?

I've bullied manchilds like you in real life, laughed in their faces and made them leave the shop, I will keep shitting on you subhuman manchildren niggers still playing pokermanz, fuck off, pokemon should have stopped after kanto and johto and just used the same pokemons and evolved the game, becoming mmo or new combat system/graphics etc.

>things that never happened

All of your reasoning is based on your own dumb conclusions and insults. You're not even worth talking to.
I've gone around my town with my sister who's playing Go. Most people playing it my age are saying they'll drop it if the new Pokemon get added. These are definitely not the kind of people who would buy a 3DS. They're nostalgia faggots who only like 1/6 of the mainline games and hate literally everything else about the franchise but still call themselves fans.

All me lol

I don't even go on /vp/ - I haven't played a mainline Pokemon game since LeafGreen.

I like gen 1 most (/vp/ would accost me for this), and find Pokemon go to be both fresh and nostalgic. I like the concept, and I think it makes for more interesting/fun discussion than a lot of other games that get talked to oblivion here.

So no, I'll stay here, thank you.

>that guy's look on his face


>19 year old who's a 6'4" high skeleton pretending he can take even the most lethargic neckbeard.

This was me

>Nintendo is fucking retarded if they don't go balls to the wall with this.
theyre not even the ones making the game

The first part of your post is nonsense, but I actually agree with
>pokemon should have stopped after kanto and johto and just used the same pokemons and evolved the game, becoming mmo or new combat system/graphics etc.

Hey guys look what I did


>He's still here and is probably going to change ip's to make more pokemon go threads

>They should cater to people who don't like Pokemon to begin with
That would be really fucking stupid, glad you weren't charge of Pokemon.

Did it cut deep? I know I hit a nerf, you pokermanz autistic manchildren get bullied by people like me all the time, grow the fuck up virgins.

Of course they don't play the new games. 12 year olds don't have money. That's your age group, right?


>hit a nerf
Leave retard

It was me


Well, I'm glad I wasn't the one who was in charge of allowing a fucking car-key pokemon design to be in the game.

Make me

Why do you care if a company you don't work for makes money?


Yeah because upside down pokeball with eyes and a magnet Pokemon is such great design.
You faggots are blinded by nostalgia, every gen has good and bad designs. Quit fucking cherrypicking

Another pogo thread eh?
Lets get this going


How does nintendo actually make money on this game? I thought it was a free app?

Also, there's no trading, battling or any of the shit that pokemon is known for?

What the fuck is this shit?

I care because my dad works there.