Is that even legal?

Is that even legal?

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liberty & capitalism

On other people's IP.

>paying someone to play the game for you
i don't get it

They're not modding the game or using 3rd party apps and this isn't against the terms of use.
I can't see how this could harm Nintendo intellectual property.

To walk for you.

Why would this even remotely be illegal?

Not really. Neither Nintendo nor Gamefreak own a trademark or copyright on the word 'poke' or 'pocket'.

>$4 million in funding

Gotta catch them all.

>professional walkers

>Heh, give us your phone. We'll take care of it for you hehe...

must be satire

sounds like a scam for someone to come pick up your phone and never return it

ITT, ppl that don't get satire

>just give us your Steam account, and we'll play the games for you

>just give us your food, we'll eat it for you

>just give us your girlfriend, and we'll make babies for you

im pretty sure that entire image is satire

>in this thread spoiling tthe fun
The one thread we had about this that had potential and you have to state the obvious.

>Is that even legal?
Pokemon Go experience in a nutshell.

Personally I've reached a point where I am ready to believe shit like this would take off considering the market for these bespoke personal services these days.

It's not in the US. There's a federal law against letting other people walk your phone to catch pokeyman. If you give me a link to their service I'd be happy to alert the authorities. here you go

now own them xD

This world is so insane i'm ready to believe it.

Haha, missed the link right in OP's post. Alright I'm calling the Feds right now. Thanks for bringing this to my attention OP.

>A real Impact on the lives of millions
>Do shit "without the pressure of walking"
Yeah, big impact alright. Helping obesity and low motor activity really is of great impact. In a bad way. Motherfuckers.
f you want a Pokemon game that doesn'ylt require you to move your fat ass, go grab the newest fucking Pokemon game off the shelves.

>put our heads together to create something that could have a real impact on the lives of millions. With $4 million dollars in funding from top Silicon Valley venture firms
I think this is a ruse

I fucking hate mobile shit. Nothing triggers me more than shit like this.

If they're making money off this, nintendo lawyers will get to them sooner or later.

I mean, fuck, look at this and tell me pokewalk can't be real.


Pretty good.

I don't give a fuck, Living in Houston sucks balls for Pokemon go, literally have to drive everywhere so I just ended up using a gps spoofer.

>giving your unlocked phone to a bunch of strangers

theoretically, what could go wrong?

I don't see why it should be illegal, shitty yes, illegal not. It doesn't really work like Chinese gold farming.

>If your requested distance isn't reached we'll run around the block as fast as we can AND refund your money.


Even if this is a ruse, I bet there's tons of people out there who would willingly pay money to get ahead in a mobile game like fucking Pokemon Go.

I should probably create a trainer program and sell it behind Patreon.


Welcome to the bernstein universe.
We're talking about the universe where obongo uses the same amount from tax money to promote gay marriage laws in africa and U.S plans to arm Al-Qaeda to fight ISIS.

Now I want a marine copypasta edit of this.

I don't even know the line between satire and reality anymore, whatwith a ton of bullshit getting funded and people just being lazy.

>yo user, I'm here to pick up your phone to catch some pokemon you contacted us about

what do?

We live in an age where China imports fresh air from Canada, anything can be true.

Thanks man, finally I can get that Pikachu inside the ghetto without dying.

yo pass the blunt cuz

>hey bro give this contracted shmuck your phone
>no we're not liable if they steal it because they're a contractor not an employee
>no we can't give you their contact information

Even if your phone isn't stolen all of your data is being duplicated and if you have any CC#'s saved you just bought someone a new TV.

Wait, really?

Nigga you can buy "digital real estate" in Second Life, and people pay for that shit. Shit like that is completely feasible.
Now I want any nigger here to tell me with a straight face this should be taken as satire without a second thought.

So this is just people stealing other people's phones and charging them for it? Genius.

It is like that girl in elementary school with 50 tamagatchi's from the rest of the class feeding them all and taking care of them all over again.

>top silicon valley developers hire armed mercenaries to accompany the walkers around to not lose trade secrets.
>walkers have a silver brief case handcuffed to their hand

>not using custom firmware with beacon faking tools

How I feel about the world currently.

Poes law

this is a good read if you haven't yet

All these exist btw

There actually was that? was she charging? how much?

>imagine a world where you can capture pokemon without needing to travel around

Y...ya mean like 20 years before GO?

How would this possibly be illegal?

My vacations were on Machu Picchu and they had these professional walkers, they were people that lived in the area and you paid them to carry you a few km


like paying someone to play mmo's for you and have a high level character or directly buying one...