
who plays it?
i love the artstyle , and especially the promised procedual generated dungeons.
but how is it gameplay wise?

should i get this game? i wouldnt mind paying the 28€ now istead of waiting for a better price, got too much steam cards anyway

Other urls found in this thread:

>buy it
>play it
>get a refund if you dont like it

>only refunds if i played it less than 2 hours

not a valid method , i need either opinions from people who played this , or more time to test it out

tons of videos on youtube, the gameplay is probably going to get repetitive pretty quick due to lack of weapon variety. The combat doesn't look like it's dynamic enough, it may look like dark souls' but it's less challenging (at least during the first 4 levels out of like 8)

the problem is that a lot of people in the videos are retarded and didn't even take a second to learn about the controls, so they just run in the opposite direction instead of dodging and parrying. Still the enemies don't really look like they try to outsmart you, trick you with their timing or anything.

I also love the artstyle, I just think i'll wait until more content comes out before I buy it.

based on a youtube video, the combat looks awful

I'm not sure if the person just doesn't know what he's doing, but the pace of the combat just seems really sluggish and unresponsive. And I really can't fucking stand it when third person action games like this don't have lock-on targeting.

Denuvo ?
I don't see any torrent anywhere

it does have lock on

alot seemed to have changed from trailers to release

It's not out yet


steam says it comes/came out today, at least in krautland

I'm glad to hear this.

>looks like shit
>combat looks like shit
I hope it bombs hard.

>looks like shit
many people love the artstyle
>combat looks like shit
better than diablo , TES, but not as good as soulsborne. i can live with it

does anyone know when exactly its coming out in the us?

When i played it last year the combat felt a little stiff desu. Game is only difficult if there is more than 1 enemy on you. But they have an interesting Ecosystem- system where monsters will fight one another if its in their design (predator/prey system).

Running past things doesn't really work as most mobs will chase you (unless they get aggro'd by other mobs) But skeleton/zombies usually stay on you.

Weapon variety was low in the demo but they said they were going to add more. It works on a system of "that guy is using a weapon, i want it," so you kill him and he takes it. World generation was also limited but they said it would include more at release. There were also "platform" segments. By this i mean there are chests of loot you can find. In the demo I had to exploit/bug myself up some ladder models (there wasn't climbing but i could jump rapidly against it and jimmy my way up), then platform across ledges to the treasure (which spawns in random locations).

The labyrinth had a sense of verticallity to it which was nice.

Not sure how the main game will work in terms of story/adventure. The demo had us being timed, after which we are taken to an arena, fight 5 waves and you win if you survive. In order to extend the time before the guardian TPs you to the arena, you gotta keep killing mobs and getting loot. It was fun but definitely only made for demo purposes.

My worry is the combat will feel too jank. They are definitely going for darksouls, but it hasn't translated as well, and evasion is different. There was also a "special move" you could use with weapons, which was an awkwardly long animation that took control away from the player.

Dunno what else to say. The people overlooking the demo play were pretty trash, giving shitty advice and such, leading to people dying and losing (once you died you were kicked off the kiosk and you got back in line).

I'll probably buy it for Coop. I'm at word limit here. May make a second post. Not much else to say tho.

>better than diablo , TES
why are we comparing these games to this again?

thx m8

>There was also a "special move" you could use with weapons, which was an awkwardly long animation that took control away from the player.

This has been bugging me from watching footage of the game. It's like they looked at all those shitty weapon arts in Dark Souls 3 and said "These need to be MORE impractical."

They have been advertising this game as one that will take a very long time to complete, after many playthroughs. Yet the game has been out 0 minutes in the US and 10% of players have already beaten the game?

its not looking good

just got my hands on the game

I've got two hours to test it so I will give you guys some of my impressions

Godspeed you memer

KBM controls

had to decrease mouse sensitivity. there is one seperate for X and Y axis

head guy is a jokester looks like

also you can invite friends and they can jump in at any point during the game. 4 available slots so 4 player coop

Theres also a crafting system.
You start the game with the choice of 4(at the time, maybe there will be more or even unlockable ones?) characters. Each a different color, slightly different outfit, different weapons and starting items.

Armor was basic chest + helmet. I think theyre putting more emphasis on weapons?

Crafting is neat. you find ingredients in the world, killing monsters, looting chests. You eat them or combine them willy-nilly and discover the recipes. Same with potions, you drink them and learn what they do, then it auto-names the potion and provides an explanation. I think you can drink OR throw potions to find out what they do. Pretty fun.

Talking to the devs they were talking about keeping persistence through death in the form of character knowledge. So ingredients and recipe combos. However that implies the game will be played like a "hardcore" setting where you make a new character/adventurer after each death. This could work out, if you can then find your old body and reacquire the loot you had (I may be mixing this feature up with Below by Capy Games).

Makes me wonder how the story will work then.

I was really interested in obtaining code for their game given my time spent on the souls series (the game they're clearly taking as inspiration). But their only offer was to sign up for a chance to fly down to their US offices for testing sessions. Its a damn shame because I would have grinded the game immensely and provided a ton of feedback and suggestions, all for free. They aren't a big studio either, but i guess I'm just a rando who they saw repeatedly as I showed up to their kiosk and tested their game 4 days in a row.

It's releasing on gog too, should be fine to pirate and play without too much difficulty


i think it doesnt allow multiplayer if it is pirated

if its a gog release then there wouldnt be any drm to stop you from playing multi



it said somewhere that you cant play with steam players , tho

yikes. Glad I held off on buying it.

It's a bummer, since I've been following the development of this game for almost a year. I love the art style, and some of the combat animations look really great, but there was always some doubt in my mind that the gameplay would hold up its end of the bargain.

I'll probably pick it up when the price hits $10.

Slayed it pretty hard, gonna wait for some anons impressions before i decide.

Or a torrent release

You can play with gog players

>shill thread
>two posts actually link to polygon
i think i got aids now

>you cant play with steam players
that's a bad thing?

>it's a day 1 pirate game thread

looks like there are little messages randomly scattered all over

also my first taste of combat was kinda meh. it's hard to focus on enemies

>somebody asks for input on a game they haven't played
>another person gives that input
Sick memes bro

for some , it is

found the shill

stopped right there

>Camera lock
How to ruin your "arpg" in one simple step!

There's a bunch of stuff I don't like about it from what I've seen, but because of the gog release it should be a good time if you and 3 friends pirate it

on my wishlist
I'll get it when it gets a decent sale

gonna try playing with a 360 controller

>tfw it's been at least a few years since I've played on a console

using anything other than kbm feels strange

Torrent when

much better with the controller

moving the camera is so much easier

Doing god's work

Your information isn't up to date, as far I know there aren't 4 characters but just one now.

right now, im not spoon feeding you.


Is it as bad as Dark Souls?

decent height
Yarrrr mateys

>see some nice loot on the ground

>go to pick it up


well shit

>unironically linking to anti-gaming site where 'reviewers' have zero competence and play like cripples

dem hips tho

Seems like it suffers from a lack of content which is a death sentence to a game like that.



secret passages confirmed

Its fucking awful, stop shilling this shit.

>no textures on anything
>game looks and plays like it was made in 3DBasic
>designers couldn't even play their own game when they played it on stream, proving they had no way of knowing even if their game was playable

played 45 minutes, almost got to the third floor in a 25 minute run, thinking of refunding.

it has shit combat don't even bother
no weight behind your blows
slow as fuck iffy animation

How many floors are there.

supposedly 8.

Guys, I like this game. Seriously, it does draw me, I don't really mind the sloppy graphics and all that much

But there's no fucking way I'm paying 30 burgeroos for this shit in this state with DLC coming

How was the difficulty ramp between each floor? Does it seem like it could get harder?, perhaps every X floors you're taken to a new tier of difficulty?

anyone got a mega link?

second floor didnt seem much harder, same enemies, just more of them. on my second run i was introduced to new enemies on the first floor however, but they didn't seem noticeably more difficult than the guys i encountered prior.
It seems like as you progress through the floors, the number of enemies, and the number of traps increase.


not a fucking chance

Skidrow just delivered, familia

reminds me of that one jew image

>go to their site

Is it worth 3 hours stacking shelfs



>failing this hard at basic shit

I make my money stacking shelves for a reason user.

Huh. Wasn't up on the front page and there was older stuff so I figured it wasn't there.

Everywhere I look info about this game I read this "we will add more content if the game sells well"

You're selling a half assed game for about twice as much as other indie devs sell their shit in a better state than fucking Necropolis, of course it's not gonna sell well

>what do you need 30 for
things you shameless kikes

Seed, you fuckers

Most areas feel empty; I like minimalism as an idea but this still seems barebones
Every single description and game text is a joke
So far it's too easy
If the difficulty doesn't ramp up I'm returning it

>30 minutes of a run, going very well
>Made it level 2
>Fighting a group
>Get pushed into a corner
>Can't move
>Camera is fucked
>Get raped


return it, they have dlc and updates planned, don't pay them now for the work they should've done already, especially at 30 dollars.

Holy kek

Post yfw skidrow installer groove

just played for about 30 minutes.

the core combat does indeed feel incredibly shit. almost too snappy (i.e. you press something and your character instantly hops to the side) but with extremely weird cooldowns between actions that feel stupid. for example, not being able to jump for about half a second after you've landed. not being able to dodge for about half a second after youve dodged, etc.

overall after the first 30 min i'm extremely uninterested. probably gonna keep playing for an hour or more or so and if nothing fundamental happens just going to refund.

btw I started the game pressed a couple of buttons and immediately thought wtf this is 0 effort animation, even for an indie game.

spot on

That's what I was thinking on doing
I backed this early because the style looked good and the concept sounded cool, but I'm simply not enjoying it that much

also game is full of retarded humor from the get go. little bits like "scroll of identification: [explains how the item works and then:]. You will also remember your 3rd grade teacher].

there's a weird commentator guy who also constantly makes quips like that.

really bad impression from the first 30 min. game has a definite feel of being made by novices.

Just got off a half hour or so with the gog torrent. Its really really not that good. I would say co-op would probably make it playable but you could say that about most games.

Huge pass on this 30 dollars of average

Where did you find a GOG version of it?

This review is a fucking joke, it literally shits on the game for taking roguelike aspects(such as potions being left blank until you actually drink it which has always been a staple roguelike feature) or even the combat which through videos I percieved it to be flawed but easily managable and the faggot makes it seem like you're playing armored core and how difficult it was to get used to it (which meant he sucked) Plus roguelikes always make enemies a pain in the ass see FTL where you would literally get spawned into areas where you could have a tough ship coming at you almost ten times stronger than you are and you won't even expect it( which I would say is similar to enemies "spawning from behind is a bad thing") but I haven't played it yet and I do look forward to it for the co-op since it seems more and more of these games that use co-op people fail to realize play better WITH co-op and I'm not talking just multiplayer I'm talking true blue couch co-op.
Anyways hope things get better for the game it looked neat and unlike this faggot reviewer I've been playing roguelikes for years so it really shouldn't be as bad as they say, definitely not a 5.5.

kickass torrents

give it a try and let us know then

>shield bashing single enemies
>lightning shortsword specials for groups
People seriously having trouble with this game's combat?

too busy playing pokemon go to understand the concept of soulslike combat or controller buttons

eh, played for another 30 min and the game doesn't get any better. it's not even hard (I reached floor 4). uninstalled and requested refund.

>I'll probably pick it up when the price hits $10.
Seems about right. 28€ for what seems to be not even half of what they promised a year ago and even after it was pushed back seems way too much. I would've considered it at 15€ but I think as it is I'll get it in sale once it drops down to 10 and hope they've had enough time to update and add content.

Codex rip already out though I'm waiting for a GOG torrent.

Shit I'm almost glad it wasn't 15. Then It would be like enter the gungeon and I'd be stuck in the hype of an impulse buy of mediocrity.