How's that game coming along, user?

How's that game coming along, user?

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making an early outline for a really difficult level. Trying out a new direction in level design.

making games is too hard and doesn't seem rewarding unless you get super lucky and make a meme flavor of the month game.

It's doing ok, I've got a bug in the tutorial though.

rain effects!

It's not coming along and it never will be.

What language should I learn if I want to make a little 2D game under gamemaker ?

GML, the language game maker uses.




Anons please

foggy stuff

I'm not joking, if you want to direct code in gamemaker, you use GML, that's the only option.

One ship sank and the other is about to run aground.

I use ROBLOX as a platform to make my games

I make survival horror games

Is it fun making games?
I've taken some classes, and they're always so boring.
There's no game I really feel like making, but I feel like making games is a pretty logical conclusion to what I want to do.
I like drawing, making music, and I've just graduated with a CS bachelors.

I wouldn't mind picking it up as a hobby I guess, but every time I come up with an idea, it just sounds
like a forgettable indie title.

working on a giant patriot robot

trying to think of cool, over the top weapons and moves to kill giant foes

Pretty good desu

Doing some bullshit class where you sit around and make pong or some shit is awful.

Its way more interesting when you are making whatever the fuck you wanna make.

But can you really make whatever the fuck you want without learning the basics before that?

No, you can't.

Its not that hard to learn though. Just takes time.

Does anyone have interesting ideas for a Tower Defense game?
I also wondered how to not make certain towers superior to all others so only one strategy is worth it. So far any tower defense I played had this problem.

High resolution lightmaps are cool.

Make enemies that take more/less damage from certain towers.

Would at least force variety.

Just working on assets, today has been a lazy day

Pong gives you
>Simple graphics lesson
>User input
>Ai (even if it's simple as fuck)
>Projectiles/movement/trajectory calculations
It's a pretty good crash course really.
Rock Paper Scissor attributes?
>Type A is weak to fire but strong to strength attacks
>Type B is weak to strength attacks but strong to electrical attacks
>Type C is weak to electrical attacks but strong against fire attacks
user beat me while i was typing

I'm I have trouble getting motivated to learn, because I have trouble thinking
of what kind of game I'd like to make.

Expanding on what this guy said, make enemy formations contain various types with strengths and weaknesses.
For instance imagine two types of enemies in a box formation. Red 's on the outside, blue's on the inside.
During the attack phase, the player can switch between the towers that attack to destroy the outer layer then the one inside that, then the one inside that.

your sprites look fukken NEAT

It's dead.

>It's a pretty good crash course really.

I suppose, but depends how its done.

If the course is using scratch and shit off of a packet that you copy/paste off of the entire way through like my courses did, nobody learns anything and everyone's bored out of their skulls.

Hmm sounds pretty good, thanks.
I myself thought of a way to let the player permanenly upgrade certain towers so he can customize whichever towers he likes the most.

>I have trouble getting motivated to learn, because I have trouble thinking of what kind of game I'd like to make.
it took me 6 months of thinking to get something together in my head that I want to make

I say if you have trouble thinking of anything you really want to make just make whatever for now - as practice - and meditate on what you really want to make

pretty fine, working on integrating new character graphics into my game to improve performance

it's still coming along okay i guess

Adding more detail to the haunted house as well.

>I have trouble thinking of what kind of game I'd like to make.

Lewd Kobold Quest is going well for a day of development.
LoZ silly shitty gameplay. All of the Overworld's sprites, props and physics are done so now you can make content in Markup files. ( So I don't need to make the content. :^) )
Next is content importing so you can define a billion trees easily, and then I suppose it's Interacting with NPCs, dialogue, quests and etc.

I don't play too many tower defense games, but maybe have a build phase, then a setup phase where you assign "fuel" to certain defenses.

I guess I should start doing the sample tutorials again just to go through the process to make it feel more like something I could do in my free time.

Its no fun if the idea is completely random and you have no stake in it.

it's alright, I finally fixed this bug, didn't really get to work on it much lately


Im not sure if i wanna make my 2D adventure game in Unity, Gamemaker or Clickteam Fusion.
I know some basic of C++ and i sorta know how to work within Gamemaker.

Just use the tool you're most comfortable with and DO NOT PREMATURELY OPTIMIZE.
Make a game first, then make it run well.
You could write a 2D adventure in fucking PHP and it would still run well.

it's fun at some points when you're getting results quickly and not having difficulty, but if you don't have a game you really want to make it's going to be impossible to push through the difficult shit that makes up 70% of development time

no point in using Unity

It's because you haven't put any thought into it.
Think Thief but with fulton mechanics where you try to create the best jazz band ever.

Pretty alright. wasting time with art assets i won't need for weeks, like waifubait radio.

Reminds me of Iris

bretty gud/5

I'm making a stealth gamemail, but I'm having trouble nailing down how I want it to look. So it's kind of stalled at the moment.

Working on fixing some things up based on demo-day feedback. I also got hitting multiple targets at once working. Took a bit of figuring because instance_place only returns one ID at a time.

I like that spritesheet Placeholder idea, user. Will steal.

I'm working on the attack part of the AI at the moment.

It's kinda up to you to dissect the code and tinker and see what happens. Pong teach you some very basic principles and not much else, but it'll get you in the right mindset of how to build proper shit. Look up the SFML Game Development book (think it's on KAT still); has libraries for most languages but the book is C++ since SFML is C++. It's pretty good and will help you alot more the GameMaker imo if you wanna get serious.

Which Iris? I can't think of an iris that looks much of anything like that. Also thanks, user.

My rectangles are of the highest quality, user. You can't just steal them. Actually I stole the idea from someone else; it's fine.

From a flash game called Material Sniper

which will never be finished ;_;


Ah, i'm sorry for your loss.

It's going very well. The best part is that it's a gift for a group of people, and they have no idea what's coming.

Ooooh, I love this style!

I am changing most things / everything about my game, to be more about crafting and planning like Atelier than puzzle solving like a point&click. Which basically means starting over

What engine are you using?


MonoGame. I can't easily make things as nice as I'd be able to in a program like GameMaker and the dev process is slower in general but I have more fun doing it this way.


what is the best platform to develop on?

real cool kids make games on their 3DS in smilebasic

fucking around in unreal4. not sure what i want to make

Where'd you learn to make drawings like these?


fucking around sounds like a good game idea

Thanks lads, it means a lot. I don't have any fresh content to put with this post but I'll keep you updated as things move along

I never really learned how to draw at all, I went to uni to study programming mostly. What little artistic abilities I have mostly come from being a Sonic and Pokemon autist when I was younger, so I did a lot of fangame art from the ages of 8 to 15ish. I only do graphics out of necessity since nobody else on my team can into art

Fun fact though, none of the assets are technically sprites, it's all vectors - I can scale them up as much as I want, if I ever got bored of the pixelshit meme and decided I wanted the game to be high-res instead

> it's all vectors
Even the hamster? What tool are you using?


It looks really amazing though

Hey guys, I've a problem with unity, I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but I also don't know where it is.

So I'm trying to make an AR thing following this guide

And when I build the scene, Unity fails to build and gives me this error.

Error building Player: CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources. See the Console for details.
C:\Users\Windows8\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\build-tools\24.0.0\aapt.exe package --auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J gen -M AndroidManifest.xml -S "res" -I "C:/Users/Windows8/AppData/Local/Android/sdk\platforms\android-23\android.jar" -F bin/resources.ap_





Why? Looks good. Characters should have a bit more weight to them though

The sprite animation is a little fucked in my Unity project and I don't know why.

Only speaking from my own experience, when I had an issue like this it was easily fixed by doing a complete delete and re-install of the Android SDK. No guarantees but give it a go

So for melee combat, using some calls for velocity based on different factors (player angle, strength, mass of enemy) is how you get an enemy to be flung away by blows, right? It seems alright, but are there any other ways I can do this?

By that you mean the Android Studio whole? Or can I uninstall the SDK alone?

Are you also posting this elsewhere user? I'd like to follow your progress!

What's the problem with that way? Vector addition would be the most obvious solution.

define "flung away"

>they fell for the game developer meme

I'm going to be using Kingdom Hearts as an example here. When Sora uses the last hit of his combo against a common heartless, the force of this attack knocks/flings the enemy away. Based on its size and mass, the knockback is different. The bigger, tankier enemies are moved a little bit, as if lightly staggered. Smaller enemies, when hit by the same attack, would go reeling halfway across an arena, spending more time in the air spiraling around.

Well, there could be minor problems that would be ironed out through testing different variables. My main concern is that it would be near impossible to get right based on the engine physics (I'm using Unreal Engine by the way). The current "arc" of the character jumping feels a little bit off to me personally at the moment, so something as crucial as the feedback of combat is necessary to get feeling right.

reminds me of Monkey Island 4 for some reason.

It's on Steam greenlight right now if youre interested in keeping up with it.

if you want to make a little 2d game, use something like fusion 2.5, which requires no coding language at all.

depends on what you're after. if it's money, then mobile.

How the FUCK do you get friction working in GML? I'm trying not to use the built in variables because I heard it was a bad idea.

friction for what exactly?

Just decrease the speed in the step event. Remember to use absolute values so that there's no distinguishing between left and right.

Has anyone tried Duality?
Unity is a pain for 2D and I'd like to stay with C# instead of learning some pointless shit like Godotscript.

Or should I just bite the bullet and go with Monogame? Graphics are scary shit.

Multiply the velocity by some number smaller than 1 (but higher than 0)

what do you think of when you hear this tune?

Seedy club or nighttime city.

that's not friction