Tales of Bestseria

This will be the game that will bring back the series to the top people.


It will be a solid 8/10. The negative will only be because of Sakuraba doing the tracks. I'm calling the shit out of this now.

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I will not be betrayed again.

What the fuck is this weeb trash?

This is now a Pokemon GO thread.

Baba is gone. Betrayal is over. Time to come back.

You need to chill OP. Yeah the game MAY end up being solid, but don't jump the gun yet.

I hated the lead. Now that she is/was a loving Onee-chan I can approve.

Fuck off Mikleo. You had your shit game.

My hype died with the PC announcement.

An Onee-chan that lost her shota is a good reason to go full edge.

zestiria was the worst tales ive ever fucking played goddamn. Everything about it was cheap amateur trash. Will berseria be better? vesperia was the last one i enjoyed

She really is female Ragna the Bloodedge.

The producer who fucked up Zestiria is demoted from the series. So yes, Berseria will be better.

What about all the technical failings in Zestiria or Bamco having their heads up their asses after launch?

>This will be the game that will bring back the series to the top people.

They said the same about Zestiria, user.

That one person was the reason of all those failings you mentioned. Why do you think people are always angry at him?

they said that when Baba was still there. who the fucks believes that shit? as long as he is gone, the series is automatically better

It's hard to know who was responsible for stuff like the shitty camera and limited combat, but I wouldn't pin it on Baba. Still hype for this one though.

It's Baba. He said that the camera is that way for added challenge to the players.

>as long as he is gone, the series is automatically better

You might be right. This is his list of achievements - everything Tales related are on the mediocre side of the series(not counting Vesperia, he was just the brand manager).

It looks like Berserk

Reminder that Baba was the director of your beloved Vesperia.

Him not having anything to do with Berseria won't mean that the game will be good.

>Japs finally 60fps

Took them long enough.

That was clearly just damage control. With the state it was in, there's no way that camera was a design choice.

>weebified Berserk

Shut the fuck up idiot.

Why does no one talk about how ugly these games are?

Probably because they aren't THAT ugly.

Everyone's always bitching about how they dropped Vesperia's cel shading.

>Both come from Japan

Get a load of this guy.

What's the estimated western release timeframe?

Q1 2017 so likely February or March at the latest.

It's a valid point though. They've used the same visual style since Xillia 1. That's four games in a row now and I think it's high time they do something different. Going back to cel shaded graphics would be an option. Personally I just want something different.

Q1 2017 I think.

It looks like garbage.

>bring back the series to the top
>back to the top

What did he mean by this?

These Japan to western release date differences really kill my hype

Guilty Gear-style cel-shading/controlled lighting/keyframe animation when?


Please stop badmouthing my husbando.

>Destiny DC

This will be my first Tales game since Graces. If this fails the series is kill for me.

>1 good game

Why don't they get Go Shiina to do more tracks?

No one knows. But I really wish it wasn't the case.

I'm highly skeptical Zest was fuckin terrible in every aspect.

Where were you when zestiria was so bad that it saved tales of by removing baba?

What if Berseria sucks for reasons other than Baba being a total faggot?

What's with notorious japanese game composers and prog rock? Uematsu also had the whole Black Mages thing.

Not that I'm complaining, their stuff is great

Graces was great tho,

I'm vaguely hopeful it'll be good.
as long as the plot isn't too retarded and the fighting is good, I'll be happy
dunno why they're still trying to do that behind-the back camera though

graphics look decent by Tales standards (so they aren't great, but they aren't actively unappealing)

really, the only thing I'm expecting to be disappointed about is the fact that just like with Ion in Tales of the Abyss, we have a cute shota that isn't going to fucking get anything drawn of him

Why would you tell lies on the internet?

Tales should stop with this edgy anime bullshit and go back to when they were good.

Tales should stop with this edgy anime bullshit and go back to when they were good.