New Overwatch support hero: Ana

New Overwatch support hero: Ana


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A fine milf

>that voice

post a recording of your voice you fucking virgin


why tho

Street Fighter babes > Overwatch Hoes

At least the tumblr-babies who complained there were no old-looking women in Overwatch can shut their fucking mouths.

She is not a granny, yet. So until her daughter pops out a few she is a milf

>more cc bullshit
glad I dropped this shit game.

>Granny Porn

Sniper Wolf aged well.

>>Granny Futa Incest Porn

pharas must love the arrival of another long range hit scan character

No Sombra?

Im guessing the Sombra face mask will be one of her alt-skins.

Sombra is prob a separate character

..Is that you Tony?

shouldn't they be adding 4? One for each class?

>healing sniper rifle


So, her abilities seem to be a long range snipe heal, a long range snipe, single target buff (movement? Movement + dmg?) And a single target tranq stun

Oh and a single target debuff

So now Zenyatta literally has no reason to exist as he was basically the support sniper before

You were rused, friend

Zenyatta really is becoming one with the iris. So much so he'll probably just cease to exist in the game altogether.

Zen still deals by far the most DPS of the supports.

She is Sombra, just under her actual name rather than her overwatch title.
Full sombra outfit will probably be her legend ult.

No they're definitely the same. The hood is identical.

another fucking sniper that has that same exact line too?
god damn, im so glad i dropped this game after 2 weeks.

>people will now yell at healers for having shitty aim

>Tracer says "Daaath cooomeees" when killing Reaper as a mock
>Thinking it's just lazy writing and not Ana mocking Widow after a countersnipe

Oh no here comes the granny porn.

I dont know why, but it would be funny to me if someone made Rule34 of her and Pharah, but have it be a shot for shot reenactment of that scene where Mia Khalifa and Julianna Vegas suck the dude off while wearing hijabs.

Well since Symmetra is more of a defense hero than a support it kind of evens out

>I'm Zenyatta, but better in every way.


That was concept art. Things change


Zen will be getting more shields and faster ult movement speed.


>Healer has to actually aim to heal.
RIP team.

A few things I noticed:
-At 0:24, she appears to be using some sort of projectile that disables an enemy from healing. It has a ten second recharge time.
-At 0:37, it looks like she jumps a greater height than other heroes can.
-At 0:39, her nano-boost appears to make reinhardt faster, in addition to making him do more damage.
-At 0:48, sniping widowmaker seems to do a bit of damage over time, instead of killing her instantly.
-Both her healing snipe and damage-dealing snipe cost two ammo instead of one. I wonder if there could be other forms of attack she has that use more/less ammo?

So what's her ult?

nano-boost... it was shown in the video...

when she shot Reinhardt and he fucking murdered everything

>Ana and Pharah of opposite Eye of Horus and Ra tattoos


Being able to melt doesn't mean shit when you have the worst practical mobility in the game.

She holds a small pistol when taunting McCree. It also looked like her ult made Rein invincible.


So now a Pharah supported by her mother and Super Best Straight Friend will kill shit even faster?

sleeping until hit again?

My Reinhardt is ready for this.
>Charge the point
>Hammer Down
>Get Nano
Literally take out a whole team by yourself

She's going to have skins and one will probably be the Sombra one.

Which is good because that shit looks super fly.

The thing I'm most looking forward to is her special character dialogue.

Like what will she say to her daughter, or 76, or any of the characters she's not familiar with?

Can't wait to see 2 Meis, 2 Mccrees, 2 Anas. Stuns all day.

feels like another symmetra



only on quick play

What's her special do?

I think is the buff

Super Reinhardts are now a thing.


Which one is it?

so whens the bitch comin out and why is everyone going to play her

nano boost is her ult

What, situationally OP as fuck dependent on cheesing the map layout and useless everywhere else?

>put someone to sleep
>aim for the face

Get ready for Mei 2.0

Probably for something like 3 seconds.

>tell the faggots on your team to stop being shitty snipers and support.
>they switch to Ana and still refuse to aim or practice basic common sense.


I really hope this sleep isn't just a 1 man Rein ult.

Because tranq darting someone mid fight not for the sleep debuff but to just knock them down would be next level bullshit because it takes forever to stand back up and be in control of your character.

very situational

>Sniper Healer

Xenoblade did it first.

>mfw I realize console players will literally be unable to play Ana proficiently as a healer or damage dealer

She's literally a mouse only hero, trying to deal damage then needing to flick to a person who needs healing will impossible on a console.

i'm still confused if people will actually play her as a healer and not just as a symmetra like support

do we know her HP yet?

>All those buffs and adjustments in the patch


>d.vas new matrix


Whooooooooo's ready for the SFM loops to start rolling in


no thanks




Going to make Zenyatta even more useless.

That design wasn't wasted.

Will Sasso pls go

Ster's streaming gameplay on Twitch if you wanna check her out


Post Shrike skin.

>My biggest fetishes are Mother and Daughter play and Brown girls

Defense Matrix
Cooldown decreased from 10 seconds to 1 second

A new resource meter has been added. This meter will deplete while Defense Matrix is active and then recharge when it’s not in use.

Defense Matrix takes 10 seconds to reach full charge from empty
At a full charge, Defense Matrix will last for 4 seconds

Defense Matrix will now remain active as long as its assigned hotkey is held

Defense Matrix has been reclassified as an alternate fire and is now bound to RMB (by default)

An option to “Toggle Defense Matrix” has been added under Options > Controls > D.Va

Ultimate cost decreased by 15%
Explosion delay reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
Explosion no longer damages D.Va (the player who activates it)

my dick

>Base shields increased by 50 (now 50 Health/150 Shield)
>Orb of Discord and Orb of Harmony
>>Projectile speed has been increased from 30 to 120
>>Movement speed is now doubled upon activation
>>Healing amount increased from 200 to 300 health per second


Kinda looks like one of these guys



Ana a cute! CUTE!

From PTR, Ana's snipe on enemies is a short 3-hits DoT.

oh yes

>not a true DOT character

Fugg, she still looks great though

wow these patch notes are pretty damn neat.

too bad I uninstalled lol


WOAH that looks HELLA.FUCKEN.EPIC BROS, like wow she can put people to sleep and it looks like metal gear, amazing, and she can buff people and mark people for death? Wow my hype levels is over 9000 at this point seriously shoop da woop, who's with me Sup Forumsros?

I hope loli Pharah creates more age-gap yuri art

Man, as someone who plays D.Va occasionally they really overnerfed her. A good D.Va is already pretty annoying, but right now she's actually God tier if all those changes go through.

Link them pls